Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1233

This way from the milk tea bar, white tea just finished cleaning the table, yesterday saw the personnel manager came again with a smile.

"White tea, don't work hard. It rained in the morning. Be careful of catching a cold." The manager looked at her with concern, holding a cup of hot soup.

"Manager, I'm fine."

White tea ceremony.

"How can it be all right? Gonorrhea is a work-related injury." The manager said solemnly, and handed her the hot soup in his hand, "come on, I've made you a cup of ginger soup. You can go up and have a rest after drinking. You don't have to worry about the following things."

The manager's enthusiastic eyes remind Bai Cha of Pan Jinlian's eyes on Wu Dalang

Yesterday, I also said that the shop was so busy at the weekend that I couldn't get enough people. I don't need her to do it.

The white tea in the heart is fluffy, on the face extrudes a smile, "thank manager."

"Mm-hmm, drink it quickly, and then go up to have a rest. Don't be tired."

The personnel manager gave her a deep wink and turned away.


White tea stood there, holding the soup and biting her lips, a little uneasy.

"You are white tea?"

A curious voice suddenly came.

White tea is thinking about things, suddenly heard startled, almost the hands of the soup to pour out, she turned her head to see a chest with a general manager brand man standing there.

The man stood there, looking up and down at her with an indescribable smile.

"Good general manager."

White tea just pulled out a smile.

"Hello, hello." The man laughed more deeply. "Is it hard to work here? Is the working hours too long? Do you want to lighten it? What's more, is it comfortable to live in? Would you like something more? "


White tea's back brain is cooling, "no, everything is very good."

"Just fine." The man nodded, "we are a personalized team. If you have any opinions and suggestions, you can say that we will change."


Dissatisfaction is that you are too enthusiastic about a part-time employee.

White tea barely smiles and shakes her head, "no, I like it here very much."

"OK, that's good. Then you'll be busy first, and go to have a rest after drinking the ginger soup." The man waved at her and left.


White tea stood in place, looking down at the hands of ginger soup.


There must be something wrong with this shop.

No, she'd better find a chance to go, but the contracts are all signed.

She took advantage of people unprepared, silently put the ginger soup in her hand into the garbage can.


In the conference room.

When a person is sitting at a desk, there are two computers in front of him, one is the monitor, the other is the revenue report in the store, and there is a mobile phone next to it, which is showing hands-free.

He had no intention of sweeping it. On the monitor screen, white tea was standing in a corner, pacing restlessly back and forth, frowning tightly, with a look of bitterness and hatred. Her expression was colorful.

He was just wondering when she suddenly threw a bowl of ginger soup into the garbage can like making up her mind.


Finally understand what she was worried about when the scene did not hold back, all of a sudden a low laugh voice, clench his fist to cover his lips.

"What are you laughing at all of a sudden?"

Mother Lin Yi's voice rang out in the mobile phone.

When the scene, lips smile deeper, "see something interesting."

"Is it?" Lin Yi answered with a smile, "by the way, how is upup operating? Are you tired? "

"Business is booming, but there is a problem with manpower. I will solve it in a short time." He said, "so I don't need help."

Lin Yi choked for a while over there and said helplessly, "OK, you have to learn from your father and start from scratch."


"I know. You've worshipped your father since you were a child. Yiwei restaurant and Yingshi group let you choose a place to play. You must go to the group and follow your father like a small tail. I can't take it away." Lin Yi felt sad when he said that.

Wen Yan looked at his mobile phone when he was in the scene, raised his eyebrow slightly, and said with a smile, "I'm not trying to learn from him, I just want to prove that with my mother's mixed genes, I will definitely be better than him in the future."His clear voice made Lin Yi quite happy.

"Well, I'm comfortable with that. I'll let you go." Lin Yi didn't say anything more and asked, "by the way, you asked me last night if I had any other reborn people. Do you want to go and confirm it?"

When she heard this, she looked at the person in the monitor and started to work again.

"I don't know how to prove it."

He said.

"Rebirth is a big secret, except that people who are very close to you may tell you one or two, maybe only when you are weak in will." Lin Yi is over there.

Hang up and Lin Yi call, when the scene is still thinking about "weak will" to achieve.

The fat man in charge came in from the outside and handed him the documents. When the situation came, he asked subconsciously, "what's the way to make people's will suddenly weak?"

"Weak will? Mr. Ying, what do you want to do? " The fat supervisor looked at him humbly, "tut Tut, senior three students don't learn well?"

When the scene, he opened the form on the computer with a smile, "your bonus this quarter..."

"Ai Ai"

Fat man quickly put out his hand to stop him, seriously replied, "without medicine, there are only two ways to make people weak, alcohol and sleepiness."


Focus on the situation.

"When a person is forced to drink, his will will will definitely not work, or when he is sleepy to death, he can't bear it at all."


There's a point.

Put your hand to your chin and think deeply.


At 4:00 p.m., white tea was thinking about how to quit this incredible job while working. Her mobile phone vibrated and kept shaking.

Thinking that there was any important information, she hid in the toilet and looked at her mobile phone. She saw that it was from a small group.

[scene: positioning. I'll pay for the taxi. Speed up. All [email protected] [all members]

Zhou Chunxi: what is this for

Wan Cheng: when GE asked me out for the first time, he was shivering

Ling Yu: the first time my brother asked me out, he was shivering

Zhou Chunxi

When it comes to the occasion: I have something important to tell you. Everyone must arrive

Looking at these chat records, Bai Cha was puzzled. She thought it had nothing to do with herself, so she turned off the chat and was about to leave when she heard the new news,

When it comes to the occasion: @ white tea

Young master, you are a small team. What can I do for her? What can I do for her?

After thinking about it, she couldn't pretend she didn't see it, so she replied——

Bai Cha: I can't come here for something

After sending the message, Bai Cha put her mobile phone back in her pocket, pushed the door and went out. Then she heard a burst of cheers outside. As soon as she went out, she heard that the store was closed ahead of time, that is to say, she could get off work now.