Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1230

How busy it is... Bai Cha goes into a room inside. The personnel manager is a woman in her thirties. She is sweating all over sorting out materials. When she meets her, it's like seeing a savior. "Great, we come and go part-time too often, and we see a lot of customers every week

Chang, I'm crazy looking for a part-time job. Can you go to work now? It's the daily wage. "

What kind of work has not been mentioned yet, the HR manager first gave her a very good price.

White tea smile, some embarrassed to ask, "that, part-time can provide accommodation?"

"Ah?" Personnel manager Leng in there, "little sister, the first time you come out to look for a job, where there is a part-time also requires dormitory ah."

Nowadays, houses are more expensive than gold.


So it is.

Bai Cha purses her lips. Her novels are also newly uploaded. It will take a while for her to make money. She has a good salary. Forget it, she can live in a hotel for a day. Bai Gan has a tile to cover her head.

It's better than her wandering around aimlessly.

So thinking, white tea is about to promise down, the manager's mobile phone rang, white tea back a few steps, waiting for her to answer the phone.

"Yes, yes, yes, OK, I see."

The manager then called and looked at her from time to time. When he hung up, he came up and asked, "what's your name?"

"White tea, go to school in Jinhua high school nearby." White tea ceremony“ That's a gifted student. " The manager looked at her unexpectedly and said, "well, our boss has a rest place upstairs. He basically can't live. If you sincerely come to work and can work part-time for a long time, I'll apply with my boss

Please, how about making that place a place for you to rest? "

Any way.

"Really?" White tea doubts.

"I can't help it. It's really short of people." The manager looks like he's broken down because he's short of people.

Looking for a part-time job is not long-term, but anyway, it's most important to find a place to live now. This manager can be regarded as a timely help, and she should always be one or two of the newspapers.

Once you come and go, you can save a lot.

"OK, if I can live, I promise you, at least this semester I will do it."

White tea guarantees.


The manager immediately made a phone call in front of her and sighed on the phone, saying that the lack of staff in the store was as serious as it was, just like a playwright. Finally, he gave her an OK gesture.


White tea smile, the heart suddenly settled down.

Hang up the phone, the manager took her hand, "go, I'll take you to sign the contract first."

Bai Cha was asked to sign a contract by her. After the case of a small culture company, Bai Cha was very sensitive to the contract. However, the contract was very formal, protecting the rights and interests of employees almost everywhere, and did not emphasize the rights of the store owners.

No wonder upup can become a commercial street bully, not without reason.

White tea read several times, confirmed after signing their own name.

The manager said with a smile, "well, today you have a rest. You don't need to start work. Just do your homework. The next two days are so tired that you just want to sleep."

so nice.

If it wasn't for Ling Yu's repeated emphasis on upup's special norms, she would have doubted whether there was a conspiracy here. Bai Cha thanks again and again. The manager takes her to the top floor and opens the door with the room card. "You can look around first. You can tell me what's there. Don't worry, we don't dare to get any cameras where the boss lives. Besides, our boss usually doesn't know

I don't like people stepping in here, so try not to change the original layout when you live here. "

"Well, I see."

The manager showed her around the house and left.

This is a very simple style suite with two bedrooms, two halls, one bathroom, one bedroom and one study. The furniture and electrical appliances are all remote-controlled, which is very scientific and technological.

She closed the doors of her bedroom and study, and she did not intend to use them.

In line with the heart of caution, white tea or the living room, bathroom all mirrors check again is not a single mirror, and some of the video on the electrical eye with white paper sealed.

Finally, start checking for pinhole cameras and things like that.

The flowerpot was checked, the wall was knocked to see if there was a hollow sound, and finally it was checked on the bookshelf in the living room. There were lots of financial books on the bookshelf, with traces of turning over.The reason why the boss becomes the boss is that he has done a lot of hard work that no one else has done. The bookshelves in the study are full, and the bookshelves in the living room are still full.

One book fell down, white tea picked up ready to erect, fingers inadvertently turned a page.

See the title page on a line of very Chinese two words——

To be a person over the age of the cold

It was written eight years ago.

This boss... Is actually aiming at Ying Hannian. I don't know if he knows that Ying Hannian's son often comes to him?

White tea smile, put the book back, suddenly listen to a tender voice, "who are you?"


White tea almost jumped up in fright. When she looked around, the whole living room was quiet and empty, and her face turned white.

Sure enough, there is no pie in the world. It's so weird.

"Where to look? Look down."

The voice was impatient.


White tea with a white face, looking down, you can see a small white robot with a round head, also 30 cm high, with wheels at the bottom, sliding freely.

It turns out that the boss still likes high technology, which makes her jump.

She patted her heart, "Hello, I'm the employee who came to borrow at the weekend. Your master is not here, would you like to go back to his room?"

She doesn't need any high technology.

"No, little stars ignore me. I'm so bored. I want to chat with you."


The boss's name is really cute.

Bai Chamo, the little robot turns around her and raises its round head. Its voice is childish like a child, but its tone is old-fashioned. "My name is mieba. What's your name?"


White tea almost spurts rice, this boss what evil interest meaning, give robot to take such a name.

She said, "my name is white tea."

"OK, Xiaocha, we'll be friends after that."


White tea speechless, suddenly thought of a thing, seriously asked, "you can see me, you have a camera?"

"Of course, I'm so handsome that I can't see anything."

The little robot is very proud.

Words fall, white tea picked up a piece of white paper sealed to its eyes.

Today's high-tech can't be prevented. Girls must be careful when they are out alone.


The little robot is depressed.


It's late. Baicha went out to buy some simple daily necessities. Then she came back to the bathroom and took a bath. She cleaned up all the lost hair on the floor and dried it before she came out. Then they combined the background of Zhang's dormitory with the software, and then they had a video chat with their parents. They didn't know that there was such a software now. They thought that she was really living on campus, so they didn't say anything and asked her to have an early rest.