Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1218

"Good people."

Bai Cha bit her toothbrush and laughed.

People who haven't had much enthusiasm for her for four years, now that they have known her for only a few days, come out for her and solve her doubts.

Apart from being nice, she can't think of any other reason. Of course, it could be Zhou Chunxi

Who let her be Zhou Chunxi's friend?

"Well, I said, you'll find the charm when you get along longer." Zhou Chunxi was as happy as he was praised.

Good morning, two people are talking, mobile phone outside shake up.

White tea gargle in a hurry, go out, pick up the mobile phone, found himself pulled into a group by Ling Yu.

[Ling Yu: Shige stayed up all night, and finally found the culprit of stealing manuscripts from the surveillance video. He can do a lot of work!]

Ling Yu: video

All night?

White tea opened the video and saw two sneaky figures in the video. They secretly touched the door of the experimental class in the dark and looked inside. The night was very dark and they couldn't see clearly, but the glittering ornaments on them were very discerning.

She knows who it is.

The answer is not surprising at all.

"Why the two of them?" Zhou Chunxi leaned over, frowning, very depressed, "it's you I've implicated again."

"In your last life, you were the king of the millennium. You threw every pot and shell on your back."


Zhou Chunxi's face was ruined.

White tea patted her on the shoulder, only to see the group when the scene made a speech, a very simple sentence——

How to solve this problem is up to you

Looking at the words, Bai Cha began to type words on the screen,

Bai Cha: I'm so kind-hearted and cute. Of course, I'm just letting people off

Ling Yu


[when it comes to the occasion:...]

It's a neat line.


The school morning exercise bell rings, the passionate music spread in every corner of the campus.

In the stream of people, Xu an and Tao Pian look at each other, and they quickly slip to the toilet at the end when people don't notice.

"Sister an..." Tao Pian looked at her anxiously, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"Don't talk yet."

Xu an an coldly looks at her, goes forward to push open a toilet lattice, to make sure that no one comes to Tao Pian later, and takes out a piece of paper from his pocket.

Tao Pian also took it out.

Two pieces of paper put together, the above content is the same paragraph【 I know the story of the manuscript was made by you two. Did you notice that everything fell to the ground when the crime was committed? Warning you, at the flag raising ceremony, you'd better take the initiative to step on the stage to review yourself, and I'll tolerate you, otherwise, when the ceremony is over, I'll give you my hand

Hand the chain to the teacher and let the teacher deal with it with persuasion

In addition to the paper, there is also a photo attached. The photo shows two strings of star bracelets, which are popular sister strings nowadays. The names of the two people are engraved on the stars.

Tao Pian felt his empty wrist. He was so anxious that he stamped his feet, "what can I do, what can I do? She knows that we did it, sister an. I came across it only when I accompanied you to the love letter, and it was all your mastermind. "

That night, she accompanied Xu An'an to send a love letter to Yingjing.

Because they always don't give a good face when they meet the scene, they go secretly. When they put the love letter into the bag, Xu an an sees that there is a big bag of broken manuscripts in the bag when they meet the scene.

As soon as they took it out, they saw the name of white tea. The contents were so rotten that they couldn't bear to look directly at it.

So at that time, Xu An'an decided to send this manuscript to the radio station.

"Do you want a face? When I said a whole handful of white tea, didn't you clap your hands?" Xu an an gave her a cold look.

"Then... I can't stand the way she helps Zhou Chunxi."

Tao Pian flattened his mouth and said, "what should we do now? She has all our evidence. Do you really want to review it? "

"What evidence? You are so scared. I clearly remember that the bracelet was still in our dormitory last night, but it couldn't be found in the morning."

Xu an an rolled a white eye, this intelligence quotient how to become his follower. Hearing the speech, Tao Pian suddenly realized, "yes, I remember. This morning, Zhou Chunxi suddenly asked us to go out and said a lot about school rules and regulations. It's puzzling. Did white tea go in and steal our bracelet at that time?”

"Sure! White tea, you bitch

Xu an was so angry that he tore two pieces of paper into pieces.

Tao Pian is not angry and grabs her hand anxiously. "What's stolen isn't good either. The dormitory doesn't have monitoring. On the contrary, there's monitoring outside the door of the experimental class. At that time, there's a bracelet and monitoring as evidence. We can't wash it when we jump into the Yellow River."

"I've thought about this for a long time. That day we went at night. It was so dark. We were walking with our back to the monitor. We couldn't really see it."

Xu An'an road.

The music of morning exercises outside is ringing all the time, which is a headache.

"We can't be so lucky. We make things so big when we meet the situation. We threaten the broadcasting station with dropping out. How can the school let him go? It's just what he says?"

Tao Pian jumped up in a hurry. "How can he not protect her friend when he protects Zhou Chunxi

"Stop arguing and let me see."

Xu an anxiously pushed her, bit her finger and began to pace, "just a monitoring doesn't mean anything, as long as we don't recognize it, but the bracelet is a bit troublesome."

"What to do?"

Tao Pian was so anxious that he wanted to cry out, "I played white tea last time. I managed to exchange a demerit recording for a chance to stay in school. If I do it again, I will definitely be dissuaded."

Xu An'an bit his fingers out of the deep impression, and suddenly his eyes brightened. "Now she is wearing a shirt and skirt, no coat, no pocket. She can't wear both bracelets, can she?"

"Yes, then... In her classroom?"

Tao Pian's eyes lit up.

White tea said to report after the exercise, it must put the evidence on the side, it must be in the classroom.

"Why don't you go? As long as you get the bracelet back, I see what else white tea can do to say that we can get her manuscript. "

Xu an an pulls Tao Pian out of the women's toilet.

It's the time for the exercise. There is no one in the classroom. They put on masks and make a mess of their hair. They carry the monitor on their back and enter the experimental class. They touch the white tea desk and take back the bracelet easily.


Tao Pian was relieved.

They left the experimental class in a hurry and ran to the crowded playground where the flag raising ceremony was being held. They quietly returned to the team. When passing by white tea, Xu an bumps white tea hard, and complacently raises the shining bracelet on her hand and says in a low voice, "fool, fight with me?"