Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1219


White tea was hit back down, see her hand on the chain shocked eyes, a look of horror and incredible.

Seeing this, Xu an was even more proud.

At the end of the flag raising ceremony, the school leaders came on stage to solemnly tell us about yesterday's radio station incident. Two teachers from the radio station took the students to the stage together and reviewed them one by one with their manuscripts.

The students who couldn't laugh yesterday would look at a group of people on the stage, but none of them could laugh.

White tea listen to that word, can't help looking back at the end of the team.

Standing there when the scene, one hand in the pants pocket, look a little lazy, a pair of eyes do not know what direction to look at, ears clearly plugged headphones.

He let the whole station down, listening to music there,

I have to admit that there is a kind of person who is excellent to the peak. Even schools like Jinhua are run by him. What's more, he still has a word of reason, so no one can refuse.

White tea looked in the direction he was facing. If he was facing a fan, Zhou Chunxi, who was separated from himself by two rows, was right in the middle of the fan.

Tut, I'm peeping at my little lover.

Bai Cha takes back her sight. When she meets the scene, she takes back her unfocused gaze and glances at the stage.

He has practiced two experiments in his mind, and the review of these people is not over.

Finally, the lengthy review ended. Watching the school leaders take the stage, white tea lifted the hat on her head, took out a small piece of onion from inside and hid it in the palm of her hand. It was taken from the school restaurant.

She covered the onion with her hand and smoked it under her nose. The pungent smell immediately came up, and her eyes were instantly moist.

"White tea students, come up to talk about it."

School leaders said a long string, and finally invited white tea.

Bai Cha threw the onion and went to the stage. The onion had too much stamina. As soon as she took off her hat, she burst into tears. Her upper body was cut into the two big screens on the left and right of the playground, so the girl with gauze was a delicate figure, with tears streaming wrongly. Her eyes and nose were very red, and she followed the injured rabbit like, crying

I can't bear to see it.

Many of the students who had laughed at me were silent one after another.

Seeing her like this, old ban Jiangtang stood there with red eyes. He patted her on the shoulder and handed her the microphone.

"Thank you. I'm really happy to join Jinhua. I..."

White tea's eyes are very astringent. Subconsciously, she reaches out to rub her eyes, but forgets that she has just taken the onion in her hand, so her tears fall even more fiercely. It seems that she can't be more pitiful.


When the scene, standing below, quietly pulled off the headset, canthus twitch.

It's really good.

Xu An'an stood below and gave a cold hum. Let's cry. The more pitiful we are, the better it is. Stupid white tea.

"In a word, I believe the students in the radio station are careless, and the teacher is just too busy with work. As for the person who took my manuscript... I believe she is just a prank, really."

White tea while crying and looking down, in a large crowd, Wan Cheng raised his hand to her, far more than an OK posture.

So she continued with tears, "so, I don't care, I really don't care..."

Before she had finished her words, a sharp female voice suddenly came out from the stereo of the playground, "this stupid white tea thinks that if you take my bracelet, you can report me for stealing her manuscript. Oh, won't you take it back for me?"

All of a sudden, there was an uproar.

All the teachers and students look at the screen and see that the camera in the picture is aimed at the desk of white tea, with deep angle and clear picture quality.

Xu An'an and Tao pianpianpian are standing in the camera, holding a bracelet and elated. When they leave, they kick Bai Cha and Zhou Chunxi's desk respectively. They scold, "two bitches, go to die!"


There was another uproar.

Xu An'an and Tao Pian's faces were completely white, staring at the screen, receiving the sight from all directions, and their legs were a little soft.

The screen was stopped. Today, it's Ling Yu's turn to operate the playground screen. His voice came from the stereo. "Sorry, everyone, just now I accidentally played with my own self timer equipment. When I found that there was a little more in stock, I took a look at it. I didn't expect that it would be broadcast directly. It's very interesting

It's a mistake in my work. I apologize to all the teachers and students. "That's not the point anymore.

Jiang Tang looked at Bai Cha excitedly. "Bai Cha, you have a bracelet in your hand. Why don't you take out the evidence?" Bai Cha was fighting with the bloody onion eyes. Hearing the words, she looked up at Jiang Tang. Her eyes were so red that she felt distressed. Her voice was more delicate than that of Zhou Chunxi. "I... I don't think they did it on purpose. They would definitely record demerits when they took it out, so I


"You are too kind."

Jiang Tang looked at her admiringly and painfully.

"You're bullshit

Xu An'an watched white tea play little white flower on it, and immediately scolded excitedly, "it's clear that you stole our Bracelet!"

"I just picked it up under my desk. I guess it was left by the person who stole the manuscript. I didn't tell anyone."

"You're bullshit! You count me! White tea, you shameless thing

Xu an an screamed hysterically and was about to rush up.


The microphone in Bai Cha's hand was snatched away by the head teacher of Xu An'an's class. The old class roared out angrily, "Xu An'an, Tao Pian, you two come into the office for me!"


Tao Pian was called all over a tremor, face more white.


Originally, stealing a manuscript to submit a manuscript can barely be regarded as a prank, but now

When Tao Pian was dark, he fainted on the playground.

The playground is a mess.


UPUP A few drinks collided in the board game room of the hotel.

"White tea, I'm convinced today. If you don't get the Oscar for your acting, it's definitely the loss of the Oscar!"

Wan Cheng poured a large glass of lemonade, and admired the white tea so much that he wanted to worship it on the spot.


Bai Cha ignored him and looked at her red eyes in the mirror. She was annoyed. The two little children really didn't deserve her bad eyes.

The onion is too powerful“ Bai Cha, your acting skills today are really excellent. Who dares to laugh at you in the whole school now? " Ling Yu took a sip of his drink and said, "but I've heard the news on the grapevine. Xu An'an and Tao Pian, one of them, never admit their mistakes, the other, never change after repeated education

Ji, the school has done some persuading. "

"Is it too serious?" Zhou Chunxi sat there, some uneasy tunnel, "in fact, it is also our calculation of them."

"Little Chunxi, it's called treating him in his own way!" Wancheng completely stood on the side of Baicha, "I don't like Xu an's bad deeds. In the school, there are groups of Party members. They are just like the big sisters in the river and lake. They wantonly crowd out other students. If she wasn't a girl, I would have beaten her."