Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1217

He and his little lover didn't sleep. They pasted the manuscript for her and threatened her with leaving school. She thought that the divorce agreement had come into effect.

Let him go and let himself go.

She doesn't remember any more.

"When it comes."

White tea calls him.



When it comes to the occasion, I have to look back, and my patience is worn out.

What's the matter with this man? He'll be annoyed for a while, and then stick to it like brown candy.

"I forgive you!"

Girl standing in the wind, loud tunnel, voice crisp, with a kind of determination.

Seeing that it wasn't a strange problem, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "well, I'll find out the culprit."

Smell speech, white tea does not care to smile.

She even put down the last life, what is the matter of a manuscript.

When the scene turned to leave, white tea called him again, "can you stand there first?"

"For what?"

When the scene is really can't see through him, stop in place, don't know what she will do.


I want to have a good look at you again.

She slowly restrained her smile and looked at him attentively and seriously.

Let her take a good look at him with her own identity.

After tomorrow, she will forget everything.

When the occasion came, I unilaterally announced that the divorce agreement came into effect. Did you hear that?

After that, please go on like this all the time and be with the girl you like.

The campus at night is so quiet that there is no sound. The fragrance of leaves comes from the breeze.

Two people about two meters away, just standing.


When the scene, standing there, slightly frowning, some inexplicable.

She stood there looking at him, eyes like nostalgia, as if in farewell.

Clearly said is the manuscript matter, but her eyes sad let him feel two people are talking about breaking up lover.

This kind of look... Doesn't make him very comfortable.


All the way back to the dormitory, this uncomfortable feeling still followed him.

When the scene opened the door of the dormitory, sitting at the desk, white tea stood in the wind to see his last eye has been lingering in front of us.

"Brother Shi! Come back

After taking a bath, Ling Yu ran to him with his bare upper body. When he saw the scene, his eyes drifted away. Suddenly, he cried out like he saw the new world, "Damn it, brother Shi, do you have a time of wandering? What do you think? "

"Go away, don't drop water on me."

Give him a kick when you need it.

Ling Yu jumped out, wiped his hair with a towel and asked with a smile, "what did you say to Bai cha? If you do it yourself, you should be able to untie the little girl's heart knot, right

Untie the knot?

He didn't know whether to untie it or not. Anyway, he was hated by the little girl.

And in the end, it was like being separated from one side. It was... Suffocating.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ling Yu stepped back bitterly and said with emotion, "white tea is also very poor. It didn't take a few days to transfer to another school, and it became a laughing stock of the whole school."

Wen Yan.

When the scene is cold, open the computer in front of you and open the new surveillance video from the mailbox. The picture is taken in the corridor in front of the experimental class.

He started reading half an hour before the radio station received the manuscript.

Ling Yu played a mobile game for a while, ready to go to bed, looked back, surprised, "brother, you still don't sleep?"


When the scene threw a word, hand in front of the steaming coffee to drink, black eyes do not leave the monitoring screen.

But looking at always distracted, white tea that sad eyes have been in front of him, he had to press the back button again and again.


When Bai Cha returned to the dormitory, Zhou Chunxi was already lying in bed.

As soon as she sat down, she saw two neatly glued manuscripts. She picked them up and turned them over. She was shocked.These idiots are really glued.

All of them are annoyingly good.

There is a bookmark in it, with Zhou Chunxi's handwriting on it——

[white tea, come on! You will be the best-selling novelist in the future!]

Holding the bookmark, she turned to look at the sleeping person on the bed. Her eyes warmed and her lips began to smile.

I really hate such a little lover.

Forget it, since you have decided to put it down, I wish you and Yingshi a hundred years together. They both graduate well, and don't have any more problems.

Bai Cha put the bookmark back in the notebook, opened the computer, opened the document strangely, and looked at the blank space on the screen. Her fingers were stiff, but she couldn't get off the keyboard.

"When flowers bloom again, there is no youth."

"The end is not in your own ability, not in the ridicule of others, but when the enthusiasm in your own heart goes out."

"When you give up, it's the end."

Every word of the scene hovered in her mind.

Sitting in front of the computer for an hour, Bai Cha finally knocked down the first word of her long conceived novel.

Live again, about novels, she will try again.

She tried to change the ending again.

Really began to write, she found that the original passion has been, never left.

She suddenly believed that she could start over.

Whether it's a novel or a situation, she can stick to it and put it down.

She spent the whole night coding and fell asleep in bed at 4 a.m. in her dream, the plot of the novel was all in her dreams. When she got to the wonderful part, she suddenly woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Zhou Chunxi sitting beside her bed, looking at herself with red eyes.

"Cabbage, where are you playing Liaozhai?"

White tea behind a cool, quickly sat up from the bed.

The sun is shining out of the window.

"Wu..." Chou Chun HSI choked and rushed up to hold her, "it's great for you to come back. I waited for you last night. I wanted to wait for you to come back and cook instant noodles for you, but I fell asleep waiting for you... I didn't mean to fall asleep. Are you hungry, or I'll cook it for you now

What do you eat? "

White tea was tightly clenched by her, and she opened her hand with a smile, "OK, OK, I'm ok. I'm really OK."

"But you..."

Zhou Chunxi let her go and looked at her anxiously.

"Don't worry. I should figure out what stupid things I've done to you fools." She reached out and pinched Zhou Chunxi's small face. "I saw you in the red eye eight times a decade. Why are your tears so low?"


Zhou Chunxi touched his face and carefully observed her. It seemed that something was reviving in her eyes.

It's not a bad thing. Zhou Chunxi let go.

"Come on, wash your face and brush your teeth, and eat."

As soon as Bai Cha lifted the quilt and came down from the bed, as soon as she entered the bathroom, she saw that Zhou Chunxi had squeezed all her toothpaste. She couldn't help laughing, "you're such a good wife for IKEA. You've made a lot of money when it comes to the occasion."

"You come again." Zhou Chunxi blushed when she said that. He stood next to her and squeezed the toothpaste. "Speaking of it, I lost my temper when I saw Yingjing for the first time yesterday."