Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1216

The girl's face was suddenly completely exposed in front of his eyes, with gauze on her forehead. Her skin was white and delicate, and even her pores could not be seen. Her eyes were black and white, and her bitterness was clearly engraved inside.

At this moment, you can see a lot from her eyes.

She knew everything, but she lacked the courage to start again.

She seems to have repressed a lot, not just the shadow brought to her by today's incident

When the wind came, he could almost smell the wine on her.

It doesn't smell bad.

In such a trance of time, the girl's lips almost touched his chin, his eyes suddenly relaxed, and he stepped back reflexively, as if her breath still lingered on the tip of his nose.

He raised his hand, grasped the empty fist, covered his nose, gave a clear cough, and said in a cold voice, "the end is not in your own ability, not in the ridicule of others, but when the enthusiasm in your own heart will go out."


"When you give up, it's the end."


Bai Cha holds her hat and looks down at her hand. The wind blows, but it hits her heart.


Is that the time when I lie in front of the computer all day without eating or drinking?

Can she start again with this hand? Can you code again?

I hate it.

She is going to give up. What are she going to do one by one

"I'm going."

When the scene, he said what he should say, glanced at her indifferently, and then turned away.


White tea is still looking down, has been staring at his hand, distracted to stare for a long time, then put on the hat, choose a back direction when the scene.

Behind him came the sound of low footsteps.

She looked back and followed her when she saw the scene.

When she saw her, she said coldly, "after you drink, I'll take you back to the dormitory. If you think I'm nosy, I can go now."


White tea looked at him speechless, wry smile.

Four years ago, he was a little cute.

She didn't pick him up any more. She walked forward and followed her slowly when she met the scene. She put her hands in her pants pocket and walked lazily.

Through the campus at night, there is no rule for white tea to walk. It is inclined to the left and then to the right.


He followed in silence when the scene came.

Suddenly, Bai Cha slowed down, paralleled him and asked, "are you always so helpful? We've only known each other for a few days. How about giving me a lesson in ideological education? Or is it for Zhou Chunxi? "


"I have nothing to do with Zhou Chunxi."

When she met the scene, she looked at her coldly with a sign of anger. "I just appreciate people who have dreams and work hard for them. Do I have to add this kind of puzzling conjecture because of different genders?"


White tea looked at him in a daze, and thought to herself for a long time.

Cut, pretend to be really like, she is a person who can live a lifetime, know that his confession is rejected, but also play those decadent things.

She curled her lips and went on. Without saying anything from her heart, she just said, "you are a small group with positive energy."

He never talks a lot of nonsense when he meets the scene, but I don't know if the night is too quiet. He says more unconsciously, "there's no positive energy, but it's more comfortable with some people who live thoroughly."


White tea, look at him.

"When flowers bloom again, no one is young. I appreciate people who understand that. "

When the scene looked at her, word by word said.

"Then I can't quite appreciate it." Bai Cha laughs at herself. She is hopeless.

"It's not enough." When it comes to the situation, the recognition is merciless.


White tea want to smoke their own mouth, in a hurry to beg what abuse.

When she looked at the scene, she was so upset that her facial features were twisted up, and her lips were involuntarily hooked up. Her voice was clear and provocative, "but it's not late yet, you can save it."“……”


It's warm.

White tea's eyelashes trembled. She stopped and looked at his slender back.

Young people walking in the dark, is still light, so eye-catching.

It turned out that he had lived so well.

In front of her, she suddenly saw the picture of him lying under the white cloth with blood stains. In retrospect, it made her tremble. If Zhou Chunxi didn't refuse him, he could take the most dazzling road as he is now.

"Miss Bai, if you've seen him fly and high spirited when he was young, you'll just want to protect him, and you won't be willing to scold him..."

White tea heard her heart being pulled, and a high wall she had built was collapsing.

Mujingluo, you're a goddamn prophet.

Only she knows the direction of the story. If she can do something

She bit her lips for a long time, determined, white tea ran up to catch up, "when the scene, I have questions to ask you, you have to seriously answer me."


Stop and look at her inexplicably.

"Under what circumstances would you hide a woman in your heart and marry another woman?" She asked, too eager to know the answer.

"Must the brain hole for writing a novel be so big?"

When the scene, frown, like to see a neuropathy look at her.

"Just give me a hard answer."

"..." he stopped and said in a cold voice, "it can't happen."

"What if it happened?"

Why are you still chasing me.

When the scene of the brow tightening, "that must be my nerve problem, not a normal person, will do such a thing, the answer satisfied?"

There's something wrong with his nerves. Yes, Mu Jingluo also said that his family has changed many psychiatrists for him.

Thinking about this, Bai Cha laughs at herself. She will be with her only when she is abnormal. She will marry her only when she is insane.

"Would you deliberately pit the man you married?" She asked, with serious eyes.

How can a false proposition get to the bottom?

When the situation is very speechless, "I have nerves, but also understand the difference between intentional harm and unintentional harm?"

With that, worried that she would continue to ask, he stepped up a lot and went to the girls' dormitory building, just like escaping.

So it is.

He was so decadent that he didn't want to deliberately pit her.

In fact, when I think about it, I can't say how bad it was to her in those four years. What's more, I stayed at home all day and didn't have the chance to cheat physically.

He just regarded her as a temporary dock, and in the past four years, because he was not so lonely, she made profits from each other just like doing business.

He is not a big scum man, but the one he loves is not her.

It's enough for her to resent. forget it.