Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1215

There was no sound in the classroom except the sound of paper turning.

Bai Cha recognized that it was the manuscript she had torn off.

These people don't sleep at night and come here to spell the manuscript she has torn off. Is there a hole in their brain?

She thought derisively, but the position of her heart seemed to be smashed into a hole with her fist, which made her hysterical.

She stood by the door, quietly watching them repair the manuscript.

The night light quietly burned her eyes, her lips pursed very hard, but the harder, the more trembling.

Suddenly, as if feeling something, he turned his head when the scene, black eyes swept to her, stood up straight, stretched out his hand to put the finished manuscript in front of the three people, turned and walked towards her, there was no sound.

Out of the door, the scene when a grasp of her wrist will pull her out, voice down, "come with me."


White tea frowned, trying to break away, but his fingers were more tightly held, and there was no room for resistance.

He took such a big step that she almost trotted to catch up.

I don't know why. All of a sudden, I'm a bully.

White tea chasing his steps, looking at his shoulders, looking at the white shirt floating with the wind.

She can't watch the scene for a long time. After watching it for a long time, she will always think of the man sitting in front of her house, wearing a hat to hide himself

The man in front of her should be her husband.

But she knew that he didn't belong to her at all.

But she also knew that he was helping her now.


Bring white tea to the lake in the future when you meet the needs of the scene. This is a relatively remote place in the campus. The moonlight shines on the calm lake.

Bai Cha squatted by the lake, picked up stones and threw them into the lake one by one, saying, "come on, what can I do for you?"

She can't be alone with him for a long time. It's hard for her.

"It's because of me. I want to say sorry to you."

When the scene, standing on her side, eyes fall on her smooth movement.

"You are quite free. Why do you pick up the rubbish I threw away?" Bai Cha sneered and continued to throw stones into the lake.

"The manuscript fell in front of Xiru building, so I picked it up."

He put his hand in his trouser pocket and watched the stones floating on the lake.

Good play, good operation.


Hearing this strange answer, Bai Cha turns her head and looks at him in a puzzled way. She knows that xirulou is funded by his family. What does it have to do with picking up garbage.

When I looked at her at the scene, the color of her eyes deepened. "The word" Xi ru "has a special meaning for me, and I don't think what I picked up is rubbish."

That's warm.

It's better than those four years.

But what's the use of his warm heart coming now? She just wanted to stay away from him and Zhou Chunxi.

With a low smile, Bai Cha stood up from the ground, clapped her hands and said, "that's garbage. If I throw it away, it's garbage. The words I write are also garbage. Garbage should stay in the garbage can."

Wen Yan, when the scene, low eyes fixed to look at her low brim, "no dream is rubbish."

"But what I write is rubbish. Everyone laughs right. Don't you think it's funny? What the hell are they all about? I'm going to throw up when I read them myself. " White tea is directly connected.

"So you want to give up?"

"Shouldn't such a ridiculous thing be given up?" She followed him without thinking, speaking very fast.


Standing there in the scene, staring at her half face under the brim of her hat, she was silent.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but she's weak, but she's hostile to him.

Where did he offend her?

Because he lost her manuscript? No, before that, she seemed to be unhappy with him.

White tea raises Mou to see to him, smile deeper, "can't say?"? Is there a time when the light of the motherland can't argue with others? "

She was extremely aggressive and had a terrible attitude.

"My father did business when he was several years old, selling fake cigarettes and selling fake perfume." When he stood in the scene, the breeze swept his hair, and he suddenly opened his mouth, with a low and solemn voice.

“……”Hearing this, Bai Cha was stunned.

His father, Ying Hannian, the decision maker of Ying group, is the top figure in the business pyramid. How old is he doing business? Fake,

"It's really absurd and ridiculous, but if he doesn't stick to it, he won't have my present home, won't have my existence, and will stay in the absurd stage forever."

He said word by word.

White tea listen to turn his head, kicking the grass on the ground whispered, "are you kidding, take me and your father than, he who I who."

Is this comparable?

"What did you say?"

Look at her when you need to.

"Nothing." White tea turned around and asked seriously, "is your father successful in business?"

"Of course."

When it comes to the situation, he answers without thinking.

"That means that he has a talent for business. I'm not the same. How bad I write, you see..."

"Yes, you're a bad writer. I've never seen a worse novel!" When the scene cut off her words, black eyes straight at her, without a trace of irony, but very calm and objective statement of a fact.

what the hell.

He said that he could. He said that it would hurt people, liver, lung and internal organs.

"All right, goodbye."

Bai Cha touches her nose and walks away.

"One book is bad, ten books are bad, thirty books are bad, and one hundred books? Will it always be that bad? "

The voice of the scene sounded behind her.

The words went straight to her heart.

In fact, some of the reasons are not unknown, not unexpected, but can not cross that step.

Now, this man, who had not enlightened her for four years, has only known her for a few days and has come to say this to her.

Should she feel happy or sad?

Bai Cha's feet seemed to be nailed to the ground. If she couldn't move a step further, her nose was very sour.

The more astringent her eyes were, the more exaggerated her smile was. Without looking back, she said, "I'm crazy. I'll write a hundred? Or do you know how to do fortune telling? When I write a hundred books, I will be able to write a masterpiece? "

"I don't know why you think everything is so pessimistic, but what happens now will not be an end. If you insist on it, you will have a future to write about."

"You and Zhou Chunxi are a perfect couple. What they say is so similar."

There is not so much future.

Why is she pessimistic?

Because she insisted, fought, and then lost.

"I'm talking about you. If you don't like to talk about it, you'll think I'm busy."

When the scene, wring eyebrows, some unhappy to pursed lower lip, finish will turn away. Smell speech, white tea also don't know how to think, take a deep breath, take off the hat, suddenly turn back, stand on tiptoe close to his face, ask him, "that know the ending unbearable, still want to insist on?"