Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1194

Ying Hannian stares at her with thin lips and low voice.

Lin Yizheng was on the spot.

Jiang Rao and mu Xianxu look at each other. They go to pour tea, and then they hold it.

Ying Hannian held a teacup in both hands and said to Zhao Ru, "Mom, drink tea."

He spoke seriously with respect.

His voice, word by word, seems to be engraved on her heart, like a precipice, like the most gentle wind in the world.


Lin Yi looked at Ying Hannian's side face and her eyes were more sour. She followed the teacup to the portrait and said, "Mom, I got married today."

Lin Guanting stood in front of the guests and watched. Hearing this, he couldn't help but cover his tears and turned to walk in.

A relative reminded him, "don't go, Guan ting. You'll have to pour water on the car later."

It is also a traditional custom for daughters to get married.

"What are you throwing? My daughter is not throwing water!"

Lin Guanting drank excitedly, then went inside, went straight into a room, closed the door and hid.

In the hall, Ying Hannian ordered three sticks of incense, bowed three times carefully, inserted the incense into the censer, looked at the portrait after the smoke curled, and said in a deep voice, "Mom, I'll marry Tuan Tuan. You give her to me, and let me have a hundred hearts."

Words fall, should cold year turn round to see to Lin Yi, can't help but say ground to embrace her.

He gave a high drink——

"Wife! I'll marry you home! Let's go

“Wow! Wow! Wow!”

Mu Xianguang and others cheered in unison, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

Fireworks are blooming in front of us.

Lin Yi embraces Ying Hannian and is carried out by him. She looks at the red carpet in front of her. She bends her eyes and leans her head toward Ying Hannian unconsciously.

Being held by him like this, she seemed to see how many happiness were written on the red carpet of their lives.

Countless fireworks fall down.

The sound of firecrackers followed.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and kept looking at the road ahead.

"What do you think?"

Ying Hannian holds her and asks.

"It's like this when you want to get married." She smiles and asks, "what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, it's good to have you."

He took her step by step, his feet firmly on the red carpet.


Lin Yi Leng next, don't understand his meaning.

"Without you, I would have never known what my wedding would be like in my whole life." He chuckled.


Lin Yi pondered this and tasted it. She couldn't help laughing. Her head swayed with gold steps, which made her more charming.

Ying Hannian didn't hold back and lowered his head to kiss her face.

The red carpet is still far away.


At night, Lin Yi changed into a red silk Pajama and fell on the wedding bed, too tired to lift any strength.

The floor of the room was covered with lilies.

She lay there, smelling the fragrance of lilies in the room, and her fatigue was slowly disappearing.

For a long time, she picked up her mobile phone, opened it, and looked at the photos sent by the sisters. There were photos of her when she was on the mountain as a scene for the bride and the little boy.

The children were so happy that they even took a few pictures.

There are also pictures of tea, pictures of people playing around

This whole day, walking is the traditional ceremony, looking at the photos, she recalled the tiredness of the day.

Put the cell phone aside and she soon fell asleep.

There was a faint sound of locking the door.

She wanted to open her eyes, but she was too tired to open them. Ying Hannian, who was wearing dark pajamas, came in from the outside and saw the beautiful scenery. Lin Yi was lying on the wedding bed, his black hair half wet, not dry. His face was clean and clean after makeup, and his sleeping face was quiet. His red silk pajamas slid to the root of his thighs

He showed his snow-white legs. He was so provocative in the light that it was almost like a soul.

Ying Hannian's eyes are straight, and the Adam's apple is rolling up and down.

But for the fatigue on her brow, he suspected that she had done it on purpose.Ying Hannian barefoot stepped on the lily, step by step toward her, holding a steaming Sixi tangyuan.

My calf suddenly covered with a touch of heat. The heat was like a burning fire. I swam wantonly and went up slowly

Lin Yi was so hot that her toes curled up and she had to open her eyes. Then she turned to Ying Hannian's dark eyes. Before she could react, Ying Hannian's kiss came.

Lin Yi's lips were slightly opened. Ying Hannian took advantage of the cold and came in. The tip of his tongue came in, kissing him.

After a while, he let her go and said, "I'm going to sleep after a spring night."

Lin Yi doesn't remember how many times he was hot today. When he heard this, he felt hot again. "Aren't you tired?"

"No matter how tired you are, you'll have to eat Sixi Yuanzi. Your grandmother said that you can even have Tuanzi after eating it." Ying Hannian kisses her eyes and gently pulls her up from the bed.

"Even born a son?" Lin Yi sleeps a little muddleheaded, "it's Lian Sheng's noble son."

"I'm the same as you, but I'm not a Tuan Zi?"

He wants a son, a daughter! I want the ball!


Lin Yi understands, mo.

She sat on the bed, a long black vent on the side of the shoulder, should be cold years over the bowl, picked up a spoon scoop up a feed her, look at her eyes can not be more affectionate.

Lin Yi opened her lips to bite, only to bite a little, should be cold years forced to come over, kiss her lips, half of the dumplings.

The lips and teeth are intertwined.

Lin Yi thinks the sweet dumplings filled with sesame are too greasy.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside, whistling.

Lin Yi raised his head, got up from the bed, walked barefoot to the French window and opened the curtain.

Outside the window, the wind blows and leaves shake.

The night envelops the whole world.

Lin Yi looked at her with a pair of arms on her waist. Ying Hannian stood behind her, kissing her hair. Her voice was low. "What are you looking at?"

"The first time I saw such weather in your room, my world was desperate."

She whispered, her eyes in a trance.


Ying Hannian hugged her and folded her arms more tightly.

"I didn't expect that one day, I would stand in this room and watch the weather like this." She said.

Ying Hannian lowers her head, breathes heavily, kisses her ears vaguely with her thin lips, and swims up. Her voice becomes more and more dumb and sexy. "What's the feeling now?"

Lin Yi was shocked by his sexy voice. After a moment, he looked at the leaves falling outside and said, "I feel... Everything is full of color."

"Then don't remember the first time. Take today as the real first time."

Ying Hannian kisses her face from behind.

Lin Yi's heart was filled with his words. She gave a gentle "hum" as if she were chanting. She turned her face and catered to his kiss.

No matter the wind or rain outside, as long as he is around, it is sunny for her.

They kiss each other deeply. Ying Hannian holds her step by step and moves to the bed. They both fall on the wedding bed.

Ying Hannian kisses her snow-white gooseneck, and pulls her pajamas with her slender fingers. Before she pulls them off, she hears a bang bang bang bang bang on the door.

It was earth shaking.

Then he heard mu Xianguang's roar, "open the door! Here comes the bridal chamber troublemaker


Lin Yi looks at Ying Hannian's face, and suddenly it turns black. She smiles and falls into his arms—— It's over——