Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1195

It was not until Yingjing died in a car accident that Bai Cha realized that his parents were Ying Hannian and Lin Yi, who were such great people.

It was only then that she realized that he had never loved her.

The cold corridor of the hospital is full of solemn bodyguards. At the end of the corridor, the operation bed stops alone. The white cloth can't stop the bloody smell of the people underneath. The smell is so pungent.

She tried to rush over and was stopped by the bodyguard.

"That's my husband..."

She said excitedly.

After this sentence, Ying Hannian and Lin Yi walked past her.

Before she could be shocked, another girl in fashionable and gorgeous clothes ran past her crying and hit her.

The girl, with her skirt in her hands, ran so fast that she even left her high-heeled shoes. Her long tail swept over her legs.

White tea feel a piercing cold, has been cool to the heart. The young girl rushed to the operation bed, opened the white cloth and cried, "why is this so? How can you die, how can you... How can you get up? I promise you everything. I won't think about it any more

I just want you. I just want you. Do you hear me? "

The girl said over and over again, and finally knelt down in pain and regret, "you don't die, I beg you, don't die..."

Her sadness infected everyone present.

It was as if she was the wife of the occasion.

Bai Cha recognized her. When she received the call from the hospital, she was still watching the live broadcast of the national dance competition at home. When she rushed out of the door, the 22-year-old Miss Zhou Chunxi won the championship.

Then, many people rushed in nervously from the outside, and the white tea was squeezed out by the crowd.

They went in one by one.

All of a sudden, these unknown people are surrounded by her husband's body, but she is isolated from the outside.

Like an outsider.

From beginning to end, she didn't even have the qualification to look at the scene.

As she listened to their shouts, she gradually fell into a trance.

She thought, maybe what they call is not her husband, but the same name and surname. Her husband is not the childe of Ying group, but an ordinary person.

She left like a walking corpse, no one cared about her.

She thought that when she got home, she might be waiting for her at home, but when she got to the gate of the hospital, her legs were like lead, and she couldn't walk any more. She sat down heavily on the steps, looking at the front with dull eyes.

She hasn't even had time to shed tears since she received the call.

The sky outside the hospital is very grey.

It's like rain, but it's oppressive and suffocating.

"Miss White tea white?"

A gentle voice sounded behind her.

When Bai Cha looked back, he saw a young man standing behind her. His suit was straight, gentle and elegant. He was noble but not threatening. His eyes were red and covered with blood. He looked sad and haggard.

She seems to have seen him in the financial news she read when she was in the scene, but she doesn't remember his name.

"Hello, I'm Mu Jingluo, the eldest brother of Jingshi."

The man nodded to her, then took out a business card and handed it to her.


Bai Cha took it over and took a look. Her little hopes and illusions were shattered with the appearance of this man. She heard her speechless words, "he and big brother..."

She didn't know.

She had known him for three years, and had been married for one year. It turned out that she knew nothing about him.

"Not a mother, but a cousin." Mu Jingluo stood there looking at her, "I know you are Jingshi's wife, and his parents also know that, just because of some reasons, we haven't met each other. There's some chaos inside. I'll take you to Jingshi."


White tea sat there in silence and did not move.

She didn't know whether she should leave when she was sad or hate his concealment for four years.

All the news piled up and she didn't have time to digest it.

Seeing her like this, Mu Jingluo seemed to understand her mood and said, "Miss Bai, if you don't mind, let's sit in another place."

Bai Cha followed Mu Jingluo to Yiwei restaurant nearby. She ordered nothing but wine.She sat there, still dressed in a snow-white home clothes, eyebrows clean.

Her white fingertips picked up a small wine glass. She raised her head and drank it.

Three in a row.

Her face did not change.

"I want to know what Jingshi did before the accident?" Mu Jingluo sat opposite her, did not drink, just help her pour, "he left home too long, still don't let us inquire about his news."

White tea holding the cup, low eyes to see wine sloshing, "he is in a good mood today, said to go out a trip, come back to accompany me to watch the live dance competition."

This door comes out of

Once out, no one came back.

"Live game?" Hearing this, Mu Jingluo's eyes sank, and then he sighed as if he had understood something

"Mr. mu, what can I do for you?"

She looked at him, drunk smoked eyes, especially cold.

Mujingluo is silent.

"My husband is Ying Hannian's son. I've accepted everything. There's nothing I can't listen to." Bai Cha laughs sarcastically, her voice is very dumb, "or, up to now, when my husband is dead, I still don't deserve to know anything?"

"Miss Bai, I didn't mean that."

Mu Jing Luo Hong sat there with her eyes. After a pause, she said, "at the scene of the car accident, Jing Shi was holding a ring in his hand, and..."

"What else?"

White tea asked after him.

"There is also a document, which has been stained with blood and can't see the specific content clearly. I can only barely see it..."

Mu Jingluo looked at the girl who was staring at him straight in front of him. Her eyes were lonely and cold, not sad and fragile, but still unbearable. He opened his mouth very hard, "see the word" divorce. "

Divorce, documents.

"Divorce papers?"

She guessed, and then she laughed, with tears in her eyes. She looked down at her bare hands.

When she married Yingjing, she was very impulsive. After that, she went to get the certificate. There was no wedding, no ring, no proposal, no oath, nothing.

But she always felt that there was no problem in their marriage. They got along very well. Unexpectedly, he secretly planned a divorce. The ring

"That ring, is he to give Zhou Chunxi?"

She thought of the man in the hospital who was crying too much“ I didn't understand why Jingshi had a divorce agreement and a new ring. I understand when you tell me that he watched the dance competition. " Mu Jing Luo shook his head. "I didn't expect that after so many years, he still couldn't forget Zhou Chunxi."