Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1193

The three women looked at each other and understood it all at once.

Ying hannianming knows that Lin Yi will invite them to be sisters and several men restrained by them to be brothers. It's not for the sake of getting a bride, but for the sake of making them have some fun.

Marry a bride, pass card, in fact, should be cold year, a person is enough.

One man is worth a thousand.

But they can see it now.

Now think about it. When I played games before, I didn't take part in any part of the game. I guess I was also mentally retarded

These 70 brotherhoods were sent for their entertainment.


Lin Yi is carried downstairs by Ying Hannian and arrives in a loud noise.

Jiang Rao or from upstairs rushed to shoes down, to her put on.

In the hall, Lin Guanting, his grandparents and grandmothers were already sitting on the sofa, each dressed in traditional clothes, beaming with joy and looking at them lovingly.

"Come on, the new people offer tea to the elders."

There was a loud drink.

Lin Yi was put down by Ying Hannian, and Xi mat was put in front of them. Lin Yi looked at Ying Hannian and knelt down on Xi mat hand in hand.

Jiang Rao and mu Xianxu stood on both sides and served tea cups.

Lin Yi took the tea cup, the first is to respect the grandparents.

"Grandfather, grandmother, drink tea."

It's faster than Lin Yi in cold years.

"Good, good."

Grandma reddened her eyes and nodded repeatedly. She reached for the cup and took a sip. Looking at the elegant Ying Hannian, she was more and more gratified, but her throat choked, and suddenly she couldn't say what she wanted to say. Seeing this, grandfather shook his head with a smile, put down the teacup, took out the red envelope with the change fee and handed it to Ying Hannian, "Hannian, Xiaoyi, married, you are husband and wife. In the future, you should support each other, no matter what the storm or adversity is,

You know what? "

"I see, grandfather."

Lin Yi is obedient.

"Thank you, grandparents."

Ying Hannian took the red envelope.

Compared with the sister troublemakers, the elder level is really better.

Then there's to grandma.

Grandma's health is not very good, but today with joy or hold up the spirit of seven or eight points, her hands trembling to take the cup, eyes are red.

She took a sip, looked down at Lin Yi, and put her hand on Lin Yi's face.


And live to see her granddaughter get married.


Lin Yi was moved by her eyes and a little sad.

"My granddaughter is so beautiful today." Grandma smiles and fondles her face reluctantly. She turns to yinghannian and says, "Hannian, I know you are young and promising. You have done a lot of great things. In the future, you will be busy day by day. Xiaoyi in our family is sensible and clever. She will be able to deal with it

Understand you. But as an old man's selfishness, I still hope that no matter how busy and tired you are, you must accompany Xiaoyi when she needs you. "

It's really simple.

Lin Yi looks at her old grandmother. Her grandfather died early. Although she has children and grandchildren over the years, her grandmother is always short of a share.

"Granny, don't worry. No matter whether she needs it or not, I'll be by her side." Ying Hannian's mouth was like wiping honey. He put Lin Yi in his arms and said, "I'll accompany her!"


Grandma heard the sound of laughter, tears also fell, she quickly put up her hand to erase, and then picked up the red envelope to Ying Hannian, "I wish you a hundred years, smooth."

"Thank you, grandma."

Ying Hannian took the red envelope so fast that Lin Yi didn't even touch the edge of the red envelope.

She took a silent look at Ying Hannian.

The last one is Lin Guanting.

"Tea, Dad."

Ying Hannian kneels on the ground, takes the cup and hands it to Lin Guanting.

Lin Guanting sat down and did not pick him up. He just stared at Ying Hannian.

Should be cold years since there is no sense of fear, black eyes straight back.

Four eyes are opposite, the atmosphere of air flow is not quite right, with the smell of smoke.

All the guests around were quiet, watching them quietly, and some even took a breath.Ying Hannian held the teacup in both hands for a long time. Rao Shi's arms became stiff and tired, so he could only support it.

Lin Yi looked at him anxiously, but he didn't dare to help.

For a long time, Lin Guanting just said, "Ying Hannian, do you remember what you said when you asked me to agree with you and Xiaoyi?"

Ying Hannian knelt there and turned his eyes to Lin Yi. Then he straightened his face. He looked directly at Lin Guanting with black eyes and said in a deep voice, "if I let her drop a tear, I'll raise my head to see her."

There was a breath back around.

Speaking of this, Lin Guanting naturally had nothing to say. He raised his hand, took the cup and took a sip. The taste of the tea was light at first, then mellow.

He handed out the heavy red envelope and solemnly said, "stay together."

"Thank you, Dad."

Ying Hannian takes the red envelope and hands it to Mu Xianxu, who has already helped to get a pile of red envelopes.

Lin Guanting looked at Ying Hannian and Lin Yi. They were dressed in Tang costumes. One was handsome, the other was bright, and they matched each other perfectly.

It is said that he has found a good son-in-law, who can understand the father's reluctance to marry his daughter.

Looking at the two men kneeling in front of him, Lin Guanting gradually became a little nervous. But the people next to him were still calling for photos. Ying Hannian and Lin Yi got up and sat down among the elders to take photos

Lin Guanting tried his best to control his mood. After a round of shooting, he said, "time is almost up. Let them go out. I'd rather be slow on the road, Don't step on the gas in order to catch up with the auspicious time. Safety is the most important thing. "

"Yes, yes, you go."

Grandma followed.

Everyone stood up, the space of the gate was cleared, and the red carpet was spread all the way to the road.

Looking at the long red carpet and the elders around her, she suddenly gave up. She held her grandmother tightly and her eyes turned red.

"Little fool, what are you crying about? It's a good thing to get married."

Grandma said with a smile, but tears fell down, and comforted her while wiping.

In the eyes of the public, Lin Yi said goodbye to his elders, saying goodbye again and again.

Lin Guanting put her hand on Ying Hannian's hand and said nothing, but let them go quickly.

Lin Yi was in a bad mood and went out step by step with Ying Hannian.

Looking at the red carpet at the door, Lin Yizheng is about to raise his foot. Ying Hannian suddenly stops and turns his eyes to look at her deeply. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

The next second, Ying Hannian led her back to the wall and lifted the red cloth covering the portrait.


There was a cry of surprise around.

Lin Guanting was also stunned.

In S City, on the wedding day, the dead objects such as the remains must be covered with red cloth. They are afraid of bad luck and collide with a couple.

Can be cold year so opened, risking the great injustice, full of don't care and presumptuous.


Lin Yi stares at Ying Hannian“ I haven't had a cup of tea for mom yet. "