Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1185


Still a little bit.

Strangely enough, dad wasn't angry. He just said, "look at the scenery."

Xiaojing's eyes fell on his walking stick. His father threw it into the air, caught it and waved it at will.

There are small stars walking upstream of the walking stick, from this end to that end, from that end to this end, in front of xiaojingshi.

Xiaojing looks at it in surprise.

The next second, just listen to "pa", the walking stick disappeared, Dad's palm out of a triangular cream cake, white cream with two big strawberries.


There was no other sound in Xiaojing.

"Do you want this reward?" Dad asked him.


Xiaojing answered very loudly, holding out two small hands and looking at the cake eagerly.

Dad put the cake in his hand, he bowed his head and bit a strawberry to eat happily.


it's so delicious.

He likes strawberry best“ Jingshi, in fact, all the things you met before were fairy tales. The elves in the forest set up the game to test whether you are a little warrior. It's not so terrible. You see, it turns into a cake, right? " Mother sat on one side, looking down gently



Xiaojing ate strawberries and looked at her with a sweet smile.

He likes strawberries. He likes cake. He likes strawberry cake best!

But Dad did not let him continue to sweet down, the voice fell in his ear, "you are not afraid of a sound, like this."

"Bang bang."

Gunfire came from afar.

When Xiaojing's hand trembled, the cake almost fell. He shrank into his mother's arms and said, "villain!"

And the bad guys, and the bad guys!

He closed his eyes tightly, but his mind was full of pictures from the big ship.


His little hands put in the cream and almost crumpled the little cake.

Mother's soft voice came down, "king, when you heard this voice, you also closed your eyes?"

He nodded sharply.

It's so loud.

So terrible.



And Dad

"Do you want to see what those sounds are?" Asked his mother.


He was very resistant.

"Open your eyes and have a look, will you?" Mother continued.


He still shook his head and closed his eyes more tightly.

The world is suddenly quiet.

Mom and Dad don't talk anymore.

He was a little strange from his initial fear. He leaned against his mother's arms and opened his eyes carefully.

Dad's big palm passed in front of his eyes and snapped his fingers in the air.

"Bang --"

A loud bang exploded in the air.

When Xiaojing was too scared to close his eyes, he saw a beautiful fireworks rising into the night sky and exploding.

His eyelashes quivered and he looked at them a little dully.

It's beautiful.

"Bang bang."

There was a lot of noise.

He leaned desperately to his mother's arms. After leaning for a while, he could not help but peep out quietly. He saw fireworks all over the sky, delicious strawberries and big biscuits

And little rabbit, little tiger.

There are all kinds of animals.

Take a good look.


Seeing the white goose shaped fireworks rising into the sky, he took off his mother's arms and pointed to the sky for his parents to see.

He was stunned.

He heard his parents' low laughter.

He turned his head and saw his mother looking at him with a smile. There seemed to be a flash of water in his eyes.

Seeing him looking over, his mother touched his head and said with a smile, "is it good-looking?""Good looking!"

Xiaojing nodded suddenly.

It turns out that these sounds will become such beautiful things.

"Are you still afraid?"

Dad looked at him.

"Not afraid!"

He shook his head hard.

Stick into cake, terrible sound into fireworks, everything can be changed.


"Where's uncle?"

He turned to his father and asked seriously.

What about the uncle kneeling on the ground and pulling the rope? What about the uncle all red in front of him? Will that uncle change, too?

He saw his father's eyes sink.

For a long time, Dad raised his hand on his head and looked at him deeply, "in fact, uncle is the fairy tale forest spirit, he is to test you, to see if you will be afraid, you do well, so he brought you here."

Sure enough.

Uncle has become an elf.

Everything will change.

That's great.

Xiaojing looked at his father and laughed happily. He turned his head and explained to his mother, "uncle, elf."

"Well, uncle and aunt are all Fairytale Forest Elves. They all praise your bravery." Mother said with a smile.

I don't know why, he saw more water in his mother's eyes.

"Did you cry?"

He was puzzled.

"No, mom is happy. Are you happy?" Asked his mother.


He felt so happy.

"Just be happy."

Mom's hand was on his head, too.

He turned his neck happily, bearing the palm power of two adults, raised his eyes and looked at the fireworks all over the sky, and changed into many, many balloons

It's beautiful.

Happily, he took another bite of the strawberry.

He sat in the pumpkin carriage, sitting in the middle of his parents, from the initial fear to acceptance, he looked at the fireworks all over the sky, the more happy he was.

Time goes by.

He yawned and his eyelids drooped heavily.

I'm sleepy.

He took a bite of the cake, bit people, fell on his father and went to sleep.

Lin Yi looked over and saw the little guy leaning against Ying Hannian with his mouth open and his mouth covered with cream.

I don't know how long later, the little guy suddenly giggled happily, "goose! Go


Lin Yi looked at it and couldn't help laughing.

"Your method is really useful. Look at him..."

She raised her eyes and looked at Ying Hannian sitting there. Her voice stopped suddenly.

Ying Hannian was seriously injured on the freighter and had not had a good rest at all. He was always on the road.

At this meeting, he leaned against the carriage. He had turned his head and closed his eyes. He was tired to sleep. His face was like a thin layer of wax under the decorative light, with warm light and sharp edges.

Xiaojing leaned on him when he was young. One big and the other small were sleeping soundly.

Lin Yi sat there, looking at the two of them, and the radian of his lips gradually deepened.

The night gradually quieted down.


The next morning.

Lin Yi was awakened by two calls.

First, Xiaojing gave a panic "ah" and then a painful "Er" in response to the cold year

When she opened her misty eyes, she saw Xiaojing jump up from the bed. Her little foot accidentally stepped on yinghannian's arm. Yinghannian lay there, pale with pain.


Lin Yi sat up in a hurry and took Xiaojing away. He looked at Ying Hannian sympathetically, "how are you?" There was a cold sweat on his forehead.