Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1184

Xiaojing blinked, then looked down at the glittering medal on his chest. Well, he's a little warrior. He has to be brave.

He looked around and saw a long big knife in the car. He grabbed it and pointed it at the tiger. "Go away! Hit you

"Ah --"

The tiger screamed, released the rabbit and rolled away.


When Xiaojing was stunned, he looked at the big tiger and the knife in his hand. Is it so easy?

But he hasn't played yet.

The lovely white rabbit ran to his side, "Dear Jingshi little warrior, thank you for saving me. I can satisfy you with a wish. Do you have any wish?"


He stood in the sports car blinking, not quite understand.

White rabbit was embarrassed over there for a while, and finally changed to something easier to understand, "what do you want? Candy, milk, strawberries and toys are all OK. "

What do you want

Turn your head when you are in a small scene, and look at the road when you are always there. There are lights everywhere, trees will shine, candy will float, balloons are wandering

Beautiful, beautiful.

He looked at the white rabbit and said seriously, "I want my mother."

He really wants his parents to accompany him to see such a beautiful place. He wants his mother to see his medal.


The white rabbit stood there, stunned by the words, and then laughed, "OK, please get in the car and continue the fairy tale journey. As long as you are happy, we will invite your parents to play in the fairy tale forest."

Words fall, Xiaojing immediately give her a business smile, mouth hook, showing white teeth, face meat do not move.

He told the rabbit, look, how happy he was laughing.

"Poof - cough."

The white rabbit lost his smile and quickly coughed to hide it. He waved his hand to the distance.

The red sports car began to move slowly again.

He was enjoying the beautiful fairy tale forest along the road. He raised his little hand and clapped high five with big movements. He took the flowers and balloons in their hands, which could not be stuffed in the sports car.

The sports car ran to the light band in the dark.

Gradually, the strange animals disappeared.

The car is slowing down.

On both sides of the road, there are pictures of him and his parents. His mother kisses him on the forehead, his mother chases him in the garden, his father carries him in the air, and his father sleeps on his back

Xiaojing sat in the car and looked at the photos.

A feeling of missing wrapped around his body like a vine.

He put the trembling white goose on his leg, pointed to the picture and asked, "Mom, is it beautiful?"


The white goose is shivering.


Xiaojing asks and answers to himself, grabs the white goose's neck and forces it to nod. The white goose's eyes are full of lovelessness.

He missed his mother.

I miss Dad too.

He didn't know how to say it, but he missed them. Even if they couldn't see him together, he still missed them.

When Xiaojing looked at the photos and thought about it, tears fell down.

He cried and hugged the white goose more and more tightly. He didn't want any clown king or fairy tale forest. He just wanted his parents.


A familiar cry came suddenly. Xiaojing looked up with tears in her eyes, and saw a light floating in the distant sky, falling slowly like a leaf and falling on the ground. The light on the ground lit up slowly. It lit up a circle along the pumpkin wheel and a circle along the top of the vine editor's car

Circle, and finally fell on the high white horse, white horse looked up and yelled, raised two shining front hooves.

It's a beautiful pumpkin carriage.

Xiaojing's eyes widened in surprise and sighed, forgetting to cry for a moment.

All of a sudden, he saw someone waving to him in the carriage. There were two people sitting on it, wearing very beautiful dresses and masks.

It's mom!


Xiaojing shouts out excitedly, puts down the goose, wipes a handful of tears casually, pushes the door open, jumps down, and runs to the pumpkin carriage regardless of everything.Wherever he goes, the light under his feet goes on.

The trees around light up.

The pavilion lights up.

Everything is on.

It's like his feet have magic.

Xiaojing couldn't care so much. He ran to the pumpkin carriage desperately. He gasped and stopped there. Then he saw his father sitting in the car in a handsome dress, with a big Cape, which was more beautiful than his cape.

Dad was wearing a black mask, and he recognized it at a glance, "Dad!"

He was very excited.

Dad's side, wearing a feather mask of the mother stood up, body gold skirt floating in the light, big sleeves in the wind, like transparent golden butterfly wings, beautiful, more beautiful than just the spirit.


He jumped up happily.

Mother took off the feather mask on her face and looked at him with a smile, "Jingshi, I heard that you have finished the task of fairy tale forest, so they invited us to play together. I didn't know you were so good!"

Hearing the praise, he stood on the ground and raised his neck with some pride.

"Come up."

Dad sat in the carriage, picked up a black cane and handed it to him.

The smile on Xiaojing's face froze when he saw the walking stick. He suddenly thought that when he was hanging so high, there was an old villain with this thing in his hand. Those villains had been beating his father, beating him all the time

Seeing him like this, Dad took off his mask, shook his cane and said, "said the clown king of fairy tale forest, Because you drive away the bad guys, they reward you with their sticks. "


He shook his head violently.

He doesn't want it. He's scared.

"It's just a game. You've won." Dad said, let him up again.


Xiaojing still didn't want to, but in the eyes of his parents, he still plucked up the courage to climb onto the carriage with his cane. As soon as he got on the carriage, he quickly released his hand and never touched the cane again.

He climbed up and sat down between them, then pointed to the shining medal on his chest and showed off to his mother, "Mom, warrior!"

He's a little warrior!

The genie gave it to him.

"What a beautiful medal." Lin Yi looked down at him and touched his head with a smile. "I heard Joker Wang say that you are very outstanding in the game."

Dad crossed the cane again.

He pushed out defiantly.

Dad looked down at him with deep eyes.

He looked at his father and thought he was going to be angry. He gave a big smile and said, "Dad, I don't want to..."

"Are you still afraid of this?"

Dad asked He bowed his head weakly and touched the medal on his chest with his small hand. He was a little warrior, and he should not be afraid.