Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1186

She said, can't let Xiaojing sleep with him in the same bed, he doesn't believe evil.

I've been flying in the morning.

Ying Hannian said something in a low voice, covered his arms, curled up and turned to see her, "wife, I'm going to be disabled..."

Is it so miserable?

Lin Yi pursed his lips to see him.

Xiaojing suddenly jumped up from her arms, regardless of climbing out of bed, looking everywhere, but also lying under the bed to see, anxious to frown.

"What are you looking for?"

Lin Yi looked at his son strangely, ignoring Ying's cold years.

When Xiaojing didn't answer, he just looked everywhere. Finally, he saw the medal on the sofa next to him, still shining.


Xiaojing exclaimed in surprise, rushed over excitedly, grabbed the medal, ran barefoot to the bed, looked at Lin Yi and said with pride, "Mom! warrior! Warrior

I was looking for this. Looking at Xiaojing, Lin Yi was a little sour. He went to touch his head with a smile and said, "yes, dad and I can only go to the fairy tale forest with your blessing. If you want to be happy and brave all the time, we can go there again

Fairy tale forest


When Xiaojing nodded repeatedly, he was so happy that he held the medal and hopped around.

enjoy happy life.

Take those terrible memories as fireworks that can change, forget them all.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at yinghannian. When yinghannian also looked at the small scene in front of his bed, his eyes were deep and he had a faint smile.

Aware of her sight, Ying Hannian's eye color changed, and immediately leaned toward Lin Yi with a sigh and went to her arms, "wife, it hurts. I was trampled to death by your son. What should I do?"


Lin Yi sat on the bed, holding back his desire to smoke, "rest assured, the disaster will last for thousands of years."

"Pain, hug, kiss."

Ying Hannian didn't care what she said.

"..." Lin Yi wanted to roll his eyes, "lie down quickly, I'll call the doctor to come and see for you."

As soon as the voice fell, he saw that Xiaojing didn't know when he had climbed into bed. Looking at them, he said excitedly, "hug!"

Mom doesn't hold it, he does!

With that, when Xiaojing opened his small arm, he jumped out of thin air and rushed towards yinghannian.

Ying Hannian is following Lin yini. How can he hide.

Lin Yi quickly bent down to block for him, but did not block much.

This flutter, Ying Hannian could not even shout out, and stretched a pale Jun Pang on her leg, motionless.


Lin Yi looks at to pour to inhale a cool air, all for should cold year ache.

This time, it looks like it's going to be scrapped.


Three months later, the wedding was scheduled.

Previously, Ying Lin's wedding has been on the front page for nearly a week. Even if a friend goes to buy a gift, it can be photographed by reporters.

Since it is a wedding, Lin Yi naturally wants to get married from the Lin family.

A week before the wedding, she had returned to s city to prepare for the wedding.

Lin Guanting renovated the Lin family. The Lin family looks luxurious and new, but because of the fierce news, the bodyguards have to be on duty outside the Lin family day and night.

Time flies, tomorrow is the wedding.

"I don't know what's going on. After so long, I can't lift my right hand." Ying Hannian is sitting at the dining table of Lin's restaurant, eating the small round son of wine that Lin Yi has fed. His eyebrows are slightly frowning, and his dark eyes are painful and affectionate. He looks at Lin Yi in front of him. His magnetic voice is deeply moved, "hard work, wife.


Lin Guanting was standing in the dining room, with the newly mounted picture of the wedding knot, wondering where to hang it. When he heard this, he couldn't help glancing in.

If it wasn't for Ying Hannian's carefree and carefree legs, he would have believed in this pitiful spirit.

"Cough." Lin Guanting coughed lightly and walked into the restaurant, "cold year, your arm hasn't been well for three months?" Ying Hannian was leaning on Lin Yi's shoulder. He didn't mean to get up when he saw Lin Guanting. He just used a face full of energy to deduce the patient's posture. His voice became weaker and weaker. "Yes, Dad. Well, I don't know if my hand is really useless。”

"Didn't you just get wiped by a bullet?" Lin Guanting sat down at the dining table and looked at him. He said in a quiet way, "I heard that your father was really hit. It's almost as good as that."

Does his daughter feed her every day?

How tired his daughter is.

Ying Hannian sat up slowly and coughed weakly. "Maybe his health is better than mine."


How dare you say that!

Last night, he saw this man picking his window by hand. There is an old custom in s city that bridegroom and bride can't meet one week before marriage. It's a bit harsh. So he changed it and let them have different rooms for one week.

As a result, he was not only not grateful for the generosity of his father-in-law, but also picked up the window every night.

He changed his temper ten years ago. He had already called people down with a broom.

Lin Guanting looks at Ying Hannian. He doesn't know why. The closer the wedding day is, the worse he looks at Ying Hannian

For no reason.

He took the picture and said, "well, you've been in poor health. You can't afford to toss, or postpone the wedding..." "that's not good." Ying Hannian said weakly, "life is a good and auspicious day. The fortune teller said that as long as we get married tomorrow, we can keep Lin Yi happy and carefree all our life. Therefore, for Lin Yi's sake, I have to climb

Come and marry her. "

Finally, he added a few coughs.

sing wonderfully with a silver voice and deep feeling.



Is that what a cheeky person can say.

Lin Guanting didn't turn his face. He turned his eyes and said, "that's really hard for you."

The sour smell of this is coming out.

"It's not difficult. It's my blessing to marry a daughter my father has cared for, cultivated and loved for more than 20 years."

Ying Hannian sits upright with a serious face.


Lin Guanting was stunned at this, and then thought about it. The more he thought about it, the worse it was. His face turned blue.

This is clearly provocation!

Naked provocation!

It's shameless to take away the flowers he's been pampering for more than 20 years and say such a thing!


Lin Yi sat on one side, stirring the small round son of wine in the bowl, listening to their coming and going, almost laughing.

Lin Guanting glanced at her, his eyes were a little hard, as if to ask, can't you see that he was pretending?

I can't tell.

But it's been three months, and she seems to be getting used to it. Besides, this wedding was planned by Ying Hannian. She was very moved that he had to work and get busy with the wedding. What's more, she originally wanted to hold a banquet in s city and Imperial City, and invited both sides. Now many people do this.