Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1171

The outer room of the bedroom.

Lin Yi listened to the report of several bodyguards, and a glass of water poured all over.

Several people talked in detail about the children's distress and the danger of the freighter.

"But Mrs. Ying can rest assured that Mr. Ying has a good foundation and is not in danger of life. That is to say, he does not listen to the doctor's advice and refuses to lie down and hang up the water. He has to come back to tell you that he is safe. Only in this way can he get worse and faint again."

A bodyguard said, "well now, with you here, I'm not afraid that Mr. Ying will not take good care of his wounds."

"Well, I'll take good care of him."

Lin Yi turned around and bowed to the bodyguard in shame and gratitude. He bent down for a long time without straightening up.

"What are you doing, Mrs. Ying?"

The bodyguards were stunned.

"As Jingshi's mother, I didn't do anything, even now I know everything. I really appreciate you. Thank you for all you have done for Jingshi."

She said, with a sore nose.

These people are working for her children.

"Mrs. Ying, that's what we should do."

"That's to say, you and Mr. Ying are so kind to us. There's no reason for us to do nothing when we watch Xiaojing being kidnapped."

"That ye family is also crazy. It's really cheap for him to tie a bomb to such a small child, and then the old man was killed."

"Mrs. Ying, please don't be too sad. Everyone will never look back."

The bodyguards said quickly.

Lin Yi straightened up and, comforted by them, reluctantly laughed, "have all the injured been arranged?"

"They're all in the hospital. The injured police, our people, and a few stowaways are all in the hospital for treatment." Said the bodyguard.

Lin Yi nodded, "I'll give you a compensation as soon as possible. I'll also give you subsidies for the troubles caused by the people. There are also sacrificial policemen. You go to two people first to help me pacify my family. When I wake up in the cold year, I'll go again."

"Mrs. Ying, please don't do that. We all know that. Take care of Mr. Ying first."

"Yes, secretary he and brother Xing's plane are coming soon. They will deal with it."

The bodyguards comforted her.


With He Yao and Jiang Qixing, she can concentrate on taking care of Ying Hannian.

She stood there, thinking, and asked in a heavy voice, "where are the remains of Gu Ming and Ying Xuefei now?"

"In the hospital morgue."

The bodyguard replied.

"Well, I see."

Lin Yi answered, then asked them to leave, raised their legs and went into the bedroom.

Ying Hannian is lying on the bed to receive infusion. Xiaojing refuses to leave them. He sits on the ground at the end of the bed playing with toys.

Lin Yi sat down on the chair beside the bed and looked at the man on the bed. His face was pale, his eyes were closed, and his thin lips were dry and peeling.

When the doctor came over, Lin Yi saw his injuries, all over his body, as if there was no good meat from top to bottom. In this way, he dared to dress neatly and walk up to her as if nothing had happened

People are in vain, where can I get the strength

Lin Yi suddenly remembered that she was going to pour water to wipe his lips. She stood up in confusion, Went outside again and poured water back.

I forgot to take the swab again.

So she went out to look for the swab.

After looking for the cotton swab, I found that I was receiving a cup of cold water, so I went out again.

Xiaojing was sitting on the ground playing with the train, looking at her figure in and out at a loss.

Lin Yi sat down to the bed, picked up a cotton swab, dipped it in water, and gently wiped it on his lips.

The lips are less dry and look much better.

Lin Yi watched him, his lips suddenly moved, his brows wrinkled into Sichuan words, "Tuan Tuan... Bring back..."

A low voice came from his lips.

His voice was in his throat.

But she knew what he wanted to say was - Tuan Tuan, I brought my son back.

She left her face, tears swirling in her eyes, her lips pressed tightly, but she couldn't help shivering.

Xiaojing suddenly "Deng Deng Deng" ran to her, ran to her, blinked a pair of big eyes to see her, left the train to touch her face, "don't cry, mom, pain?"He thought she was in pain.


Looking at Xiaojing, Lin Yi couldn't help it any longer. He bent down and hugged him tightly. "Jingshi, you are very powerful and brave. Thank you for being so brave."

Thank you so many people for protecting you.

Thank you for being so brave.

She didn't lose it.

"Well, you're welcome."

When Xiaojing was a little confused, she didn't understand what she was thanking, but she said obediently, raised her hand, patted her like an adult and coaxed her, "don't cry, don't cry ha."


Lin Yi closed his eyes, tears fell silently, and hugged the little guy who had been lost and recovered more tightly.


Ying Hannian didn't wake up until night. Two doctors outside were waiting and came in to check the situation from time to time.

Lin Yi sat beside him and absentmindedly played with his son for a while. The apple was cut in half and thrown there. After a few mouthfuls, he stopped and forgot what he wanted to do. His brain was very confused.

At this moment, just as she was going to coax her son to sleep, Ying Hannian woke up.

Lin Yi quickly put down Xiaojing, went to the bed, surprised to see yinghannian, "wake up?"

When Ying Hannian opened his eyes, he saw a pair of red rabbit like eyes. He was not in a good mood. "Cry?"

I'm so hoarse.

"How are you feeling now?" Lin Yi asked, "where does it hurt?"

At the end of the question, Lin Yi lowered his eyes, his eyes dim.

What she asked was nonsense. Where does it hurt? It hurts everywhere.

At the beginning, she was beaten by the herdsmen and almost didn't shake over. Ying Hannian was no less injured than her. If she didn't have a good foundation, she would have been on the freighter.

"No pain."

Ying Hannian lay there, some weak mouth, black eyes staring at her, see she don't believe, Ying Hannian pulled the corner of the mouth, "well, in fact, the pain is dead."


Smell speech, Lin Yi's face is more white some, "I take painkiller for you."

"It's no good eating that kind of food." Ying Hannian said solemnly, "if you kiss me, I'll recover a little faster."

Lin Yi sat by the bed, listening to some laughing and crying, "still have the strength to joke?"

"No Ying Hannian took a deep breath and stared at her. "It's really useful. You can try it."


Lin Yi looked at him like this. She felt even worse after she couldn't laugh or cry. She lowered her body, put her hands on his face and kissed him on the lips.

A dry kiss.

I don't feel much.

She even smelt the smell of his medicine, which made her heart ache.

Her lips trembled slightly.

She saw that his eyes were dark and deep.

After kissing, Ying Hannian struggled to get up. His voice was a little louder. "Come on, I can still get up and do a hundred push ups."... "