Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1170

"Bang bang"

The tap on the door suddenly rang out.

She was startled and turned her eyes to the door. The uneasiness reached its peak until she heard a young cry.

"Mom! Mother

Familiar with the small milk sound with urgency.

Hearing this, Lin Yi felt relieved. He bent down to pick up the ring and put it on his hand. As soon as he put it on, the door was pushed open from the outside. A big one and a small one stood at the door.

Xiaojing stood there in clean clothes, with big eyes staring at her.

Ying Hannian wore a black shirt, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and leaned against the door. His angular face was a bit evil. His black eyes were shining, his thin lips were curving, and his voice was a little hoarse. "We're back."

Seeing them, Lin Yi's heart relaxed completely.

She is really

Dream too much, people are suspicious.

The next second, Xiaojing burst out crying and rushed at Lin Yi, "Mom --"


Ying Hannian leaned against the door and twisted his eyebrows with a headache.

Small things, said not to cry, seconds show.


Lin Yi sat by the bed and bent down in amazement to pick up Xiaojing, "what's the matter? Miss Mom? "

She thought that the little guy and Mu Huahong stayed all night, and they missed her very much.

"Miss my mother... Woo woo."

Xiaojing hugs Lin Yi's neck in tears, but she doesn't let go. Her tears flow out.

It's like I've been greatly wronged.

Lin Yi is a little strange. Mu Huahong can't be wronged by him. She pulls down Xiaojing's arm. As soon as she pulls it, the little guy suddenly cries badly.


Lin Yi was shocked and realized that there was a problem. He quickly took the child and put it on the bed.

Just now, she stood at the door and didn't find that half of the child's face was swollen. Her heart tightened and she quickly reached out to pull his sleeve. There were several abrasions and redness on her thin arm, and she wiped the medicine.

"How could that be?"

Lin Yi opened his eyes wide in shock and went to pull his clothes. There were traces of varying degrees on the child's stomach and back, including several bruises and bruises.

Xiaojing sat on the bed, very aggrieved, and looked at Lin Yi with tears, "pain..."

With that, Xiaojing suddenly thought of Ying Hannian's explanation, and quickly shook his head, "no pain, no pain."

"In the cold year, how about the scenery..."

Lin Yi nervously raised her head and asked. Ying Hannian stood straight at the door and walked towards her with a smile. However, her steps faltered and her straight trouser lines were shaking.

Her voice was suddenly hoarse in her throat.

She looked up along his legs. After a careful look, she found out how pale Ying Hannian's face was, the corners of her eyes were black, and the corners of her lips were clotted with blood.

He was just at the door, but she didn't see clearly.

Lin Yi looked at him blankly. Something flashed in his head and his eyes were wet.

Ying Hannian walked up to her with some difficulty, half squatted down, put his hand on her leg, raised his face and gave her a smile. He said in a relaxed tone, "something happened, but it's solved."

"Yesterday, the third master didn't want to go back with the scenery?"

Lin Yi's voice was trembling.

So, since yesterday when she left the zoo, something happened.

And she didn't know anything and had such a long sleep.


Ying Hannian laughs at the head of his jaw, with two thin blood marks on his chin.


Lin Yi looked at him in disbelief, raised his hand and stroked his face. His eyes were stained with blood, and the corners of his mouth were swollen. She felt his ears and hurt them.

Her eyes fell on his back neck, only a few bloodstains from the neck has been into the collar, do not know how deep, do not know how long.

What did he go through?

Lin Yi sat by the bed, holding his face in both hands. His fingertips trembled. Tears came out of his eyes and ran down his cheeks. His breath was uneven because of fear.

"What are you crying for? I'm not good?" Ying Hannian raised her hand with a smile and wiped away the tears on her face. "I'm here, and my son is here. What are you afraid of?"If he didn't reach out, it was OK. As soon as he reached out, he was held by Lin Yi.

She lowered her eyes. His hands were tied with gauze. There were signs of skin and flesh turning out on the edge of the gauze, and the cuffs even smelled of smoke


Lin Yi looked at it blankly and covered his lips. He couldn't make a sound and was very dumb.

Heart, pain, she wanted to shrink up.

She did not dare to pull his sleeve, did not dare to pull his clothes, because she knew that it would be more terrible than she imagined.

She just had a sleep. Why

How could

She held Ying Hannian's hand lightly, and the chill quickly swam all over her body, and the whole person began to tremble.

"Don't do that. How can I talk to you like this?" Ying Hannian saw that her face was as white as paper, and her eyebrows were twisted up. Regardless of the injury, she held her hand tightly.

"Why hide it from me? I don't know, I don't know anything... "

She didn't know about the child.

She didn't know how he fell asleep last night.

She didn't know how he and the child got through this time.

She doesn't know anything.

She only saw two scarred people coming back to her.

Sadness, fear, trembling... All of a sudden, all the emotions surge up, trying to devour her.

"All you know is that your son is back, I'm back, and the rest doesn't matter." Ying Hannian squatted in front of her with some difficulty, raised his hand and plucked the hair beside her ears, with deep black eyes.

Looking at his eyes and listening to his words, Lin Yi's undulate mood was gradually calmed down.

She sniffed and looked at him with red eyes. Her voice choked. "I, I'll see your injury."

"It's just a small injury. Who can bully your man?"

Ying Hannian doesn't care about the tunnel.


Lin Yi insisted.

Xiaojing sits on the bed, her head is close to Lin Yi, and her hands are holding her clothes tightly.

"Yes, I'll show you."

Ying Hannian got up with a smile and was ready to let her see. She was so vain that she was in a flash.

Lin Yi's eyes immediately became tense. He was just about to say that it was ok, but it was dark. Then he fell down, his palm slipped from her hand, fell on the bed and fainted.

"In the cold year!"

Lin Yi cried out bitterly.


In a short time, Lin Yi Digested everything.

The Ye family tried their best to seize Ying's life.

Gu Ming and Ying Xuefei died to save Jing.

Mu Huahong was shot and mu Xianxu was wounded.

In the process of rescuing the children, the local people spontaneously searched for people and stayed up all night. Many people were injured by the police. Two policemen died and more than half of their bodyguards were injured“ In order to protect his children and fight for time for rescue, Mr. Ying got on the freighter alone, was beaten severely, and was wiped off by bullets. Later, because he held a gun in both hands, the recoil force made his hands hurt to varying degrees, and his left hand festered a little more seriously. "