Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1172

Lin Yi looked at him speechless and pressed him back carefully, "OK, OK, you just lie down for me, can't you?"

"Then stop crying."

Ying Hannian was really not able to get up. As soon as he moved, he took off his strength badly. Then he didn't mess around any more. He just stared at her.

"I didn't cry."

Lin Yi lowered his eyes and held his hand in the quilt for Ying Hannian.

She should be cold years on the dark eyes, should be cold years eyes deep staring at her, "as long as I can't die, I can be good, so, really don't worry."

"... well."

Lin Yi nodded, but her nose was more acerbic, and her eyes were even more acerbic. She blinked to avoid being too fragile, so she changed the topic and said, "Jiang Qixing and he Yao are here. Do you want to see them?"

"See what they do."

Ying Hannian didn't care, glanced at her, "I don't know how long I slept, but I think you should deal with everything."

She's not going to worry him.

"All right." Lin Yi thought about it and said, "besides, the third master's injury is not particularly serious. He just doesn't want to stay in the hospital. He has gone back to the hut. Mu Xianxu and the doctor are taking care of him."


Should cold year should be a, and then look straight at her, thin lips hook up a radian, slender fingers firmly clasp her hand.

Lin Yi was barely in the mood.

"Come on, lie down with me for a while."

In response to the cold year.

When it comes to lying down, Lin Yi immediately regained his mind, quickly took out his hand and said, "I almost forgot that Xiaojing was sleepy just now. I haven't made him sleep yet."

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Xiaojing sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, looking at her innocently.

"Why don't you let the baby sitter take you to bed?"

Should cold year ask.

She has to take care of a little one?

"When he comes back, he won't let anyone hold him. He just sticks to me." When Lin Yi goes to Xiaojing, he hugs him horizontally from the ground, sits on the sofa, taps him on the back and coaxes him to sleep.

Smell speech, should cold year wrung eyebrow.

Looks like a shock.

"It's OK. He's too young to forget after a while." He spoke hoarsely.

He was worried that she would think.

"I think so, too." Lin Yi reluctantly smiles and pats Xiaojing.


The little guy whispered, drilled into her arms, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Take the bed and go to sleep."

Ying Hannian lies on the bed and looks at them“ No, I don't sleep well. I don't know how many turns I can make in bed in one night. He will kick you. " Lin Yi refused and said softly, "I'll sleep next door with my son in a moment. The doctor is guarding outside the door in shifts. What do you need

Just press the bedside bell. "


Ying Hannian's voice was shrill and full of unhappiness. "What do you mean, I'm so seriously injured that I'm left alone?"

I was just crying, but I lost it so simply?


Lin Yi felt guilty and ashamed by his sharp voice. He held his son in his arms and said, "no, you've been hurt so badly. I'll accidentally press you when I sleep next to you."


Should cold year cool smile, "confirm this is a reason?"

Lin Yi was more guilty and looked at him weakly. "The doctor said that the child was frightened and was afraid that he would not sleep at night. He must be accompanied. You see, you are awake now, so you should..."

"Did the doctor say that, and I was frightened?" Should cold year immediately ask a way, aggressive mutually force.


Lin Yi pursed her mouth, and the little guy had gone to sleep in her arms.

She was in a bit of a dilemma and didn't know how to split herself in half.

It's not that she doesn't want to take care of yinghannian, just for the sake of sleeping better in every year

"Forget it, I love you. If I don't care with you, you can go."

As she hesitated, Ying Hannian suddenly opened her mouth with a kind heart.

"..." as soon as Lin Yi's eyes brightened, he looked at him by accident and heard him sigh. His voice was hoarse and sighed, "it's OK. As an adult, no matter how badly hurt or frightened you are, you can carry it on your own. It's just a painful night and no one says it.”


"It's OK. Go ahead and go to bed early. Don't worry about me."


"Well, my hands hurt, my legs hurt, my whole body hurts."


"You go, go."


Where can Lin Yi go? After thinking about it, she asked someone to make a crib into the room and put the sleeping scene in.

Xiaojing's hand held her clothes tightly. As soon as she put them down, he twisted his hand excitedly. His eyelashes kept flashing, "Mom... Mom... Villain!"

Looking at him like this, Lin Yi's tears almost fell.

She held the little guy and walked back and forth in the room for several times. Until he fell asleep, she finally put him into the crib.

Cover him with a small quilt. Lin Yi stands by the crib with his head down. He lowers it for a long time before lifting it up. His eyes are red.

Ying Hannian was lying on the bed with black eyes staring at her, and her face was slightly heavy.

"Tuan Tuan."

He spoke out and stopped disturbing her.

"What's the matter? If you're a little hungry, I'll cook you porridge and warm it up. I'll bring it to you. "

Lin Yi is in a good mood.

"Come here." Ying Hannian raised his hand to hook her.

Lin Yi walked towards him. Ying Hannian looked at her deeply and said with a smile, "come on, give me a hug."

"No way."

She shook her head. He was so hurt that there was no place she could touch.

"Then I'll get up and hold you!"

Ying Hannian is about to get up. Lin Yi has nothing to do with him. He quickly stops him. Then he sits down by the bed, leans down slowly, and leans against his chest. He doesn't dare to stick it up completely.

The tip of her nose is full of medicine.

Ying Hannian raised his hand and pressed her in his heart. He was so excited that his eyes were all black.


that 's monkey business.

Lin Yi wanted to scold him, reliable in his chest, listening to his not weak heartbeat, her confused heart suddenly settled down.

He's right. He's still alive.

My son is fine, too.

The big one and the small one are all around her. Leaning on him, Lin Yi's tight body suddenly softened, and some of the words he wanted to keep from saying came to his mouth. "Do you know how scared I was when you were in a coma? I was thinking, if I woke up, would you

I can't think about it if I can come back. "

Some if, she can't think about it. Ying Hannian was lying on the bed and raised her hand to her head. Her voice was hoarse and laborious. "No if, the son you gave birth to and the husband you racked your brains to get, how can you get rid of it overnight?"