Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1167

"Yes, sir."

Ye shaonan lowered his hand and went out.

At the moment when people turn around, Ying Hannian sits on the sofa and lowers his eyes. Yu Guangzhong is a small remote controller, and many thoughts pass by in an instant.

He can wait for ye shaonan to go out. Ye shaonan may not find anything. Maybe Mu Huahong and others can hold ye shaonan immediately

But there are too many uncertain possibilities about where the remote controller will go.

Ying Hannian lowered his head and spread out his hand. The silver ring branded a deep mark on his palm. He put his hand on it and wiped off the blood, revealing the original color.

That time at the airport, Lin Yi gave him a clean ring.

Ying Hannian rubbed the ring on his clothes twice, wiped it completely, and then put it on his hand. His thin lips pursed, his long eyelashes lifted slightly, and his eyes were fierce!

His son's life cannot depend on any possibility.

It's up to him!

Mr. Ye is drinking tea. Suddenly he catches a glimpse of his eyes. He is just about to speak. Ying Hannian has stretched out his legs in front of Ye shaonan. Ye shaonan is tripped and subconsciously wants to stand up. His arm is suddenly caught.

With a click, Ying Hannian sat on the sofa and folded his arm abruptly.

The remote controller immediately fell into yinghannian's hands.

A set of actions, fast only in the blink of an eye.

"Lying trough!" Ye shaonan roared bitterly, raised his leg and kicked Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian leaned back, quickly rolled over, turned under the sofa, pulled down one of his hands, pressed him down with his weight, and grasped his hand

The gun shot wildly to the side.

"Bang bang"

The sound of gunfire was deafening.

"Kill him!"

Ye Laozi felt that the sign was wrong. He got up from the sofa and was stopped by Ye shaonan and his bodyguards.

As soon as the people waiting outside the business hall heard the voice, Mu Huahong yelled, "rush in!"

The hall of the business hall was broken in an instant, and several smoke bombs were thrown in at the same time.

At the same time, countless guns were fired at Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian's face was almost ferocious. He grabbed the man who was close to him and turned over. He lay down on the ground and the bullets fell on the man.

Blood splashed all over the floor.

Countless guns landed on the ground beside him, almost a point, almost a millionth, into his body.

The smoke spread and rolled all the way from the ground to everyone, turning the huge business hall into a vast expanse.

"Sweep up! Come on

Ye shaonan pulls out his gun and shoots frantically to the ground.

In the smoke, Ying Hannian pushes away the people on his body, turns over and rolls to one side. He still wants to roll, but he has no strength.

Pain, into his every bone.

He's exhausted. He's exhausted from the fight.

He lay there, locked, unable to move.

Looking at the smoke rising in front of his eyes, he immediately stepped back and said, "come on, take the children and get out of here first."


How can you attack so fast?

In order to solve the problem of yinghannian, he brought a lot of people up and occupied almost all the positions inside and outside of the freighter. There was no reason for yinghannian to attack so quickly, which seemed to spy all his deployment.

Gu Ming, who has seen the full picture of the freighter by himself, has been guarding behind the wooden box.

As soon as Ying Hannian seized the remote control of the bomb, he rushed out. He threw himself directly on the man who controlled the rope, pulled out his opponent's gun and ended his opponent's life.


The screams of the little scene came.

Losing control of one end of the rope, Xiaojing is descending rapidly.

Gu Ming looked up and lost his gun. He grabbed the rope and wrapped it around his arm for several times to hold it firmly. "Don't be afraid, I'll let you down slowly."


Xiao Jing cried when he was young.

Gu Ming looked at him sweating and said with a smile, "you're a man. What's the point of crying? It's a shame for Ying Hannian. "

After that, Gu Ming himself was stunned.He suddenly found that he was very happy, not very, never so happy.

It turned out that from the beginning, he didn't want to harm the child.

At this age, he always thought that what he was doing was what he wanted to do. Until Ying Xuefei died in front of him, and until he grasped the rope that could control the child's life, he realized what was really what he wanted to do

Xiaojing is still crying.

Gu Ming looked at the child in such a hurry. He put down the rope little by little. One of his arms was broken, and only one arm could move. It was very difficult to put it down.

Suddenly, a sound of footwork came.

He raises Mou, see ye Laozi to take a few bodyguards to come in a hurry, black muzzle all aimed at him.


Gu Ming looked at them with a low smile. A drop of sweat fell into his eyes. He unhurriedly pulled the rope down and wrapped it around his arm a few more times. Then he said, "little guy, go back and tell your mother, I'm back."

With that, he pulled down a piece of rope and bit it in his mouth to hang the child steadily in the air.


Ying Hannian fell to the ground, looking at the vast smoke, no one could see, only heard the sound of disordered footsteps, and the sound of bullets passing through his ears.


A bullet passed his right upper arm, splashing blood in the heat.

The pain spread.

He breathed with difficulty, his eyes redder and redder.


He can't just fall here. His son is still waiting for him.

In the chaos, the corpse of Ye's family fell beside him, and the handkerchief in his pocket fell out.

Ying Hannian took a look on his side. He raised his hand, grabbed the kerchief, spread it on the ground, and moved his arm up, trying to wrap his hand around the bloody wound.

no way.

Ying Hannian tries his best to sit up from the ground, lowers his head, grabs one end of the post with his left hand, opens his mouth and bites the end of the kerchief, and then the post is tied up.

Let go of your mouth. There's blood all over the kerchief.

He sat on the ground, his bloody teeth trembling unconsciously.

"Cold year!"

"Second brother?"

Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu come in with special glasses. They clean up some of their men and start to look for Ying Hannian in the smoke. But even if they wear glasses, they are not so easy to find in the thick smoke.

Ying Hannian heard the voice and couldn't answer it. After thinking for a few seconds, he stood up wobbly on the ground and touched his two pistols. He recognized their general position through Mu Huahong's voice, and then followed the opposite direction step by step

Let's go. Mu Huahong's voice is far away.