Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1166

"The big screen only gives the shot of the scene, but it's also shaken twice in the foreground. It's estimated that the second elder brother and the Ye family can't get along with each other, and they are making an article with their children."

Mu Xianxu squats beside Mu Huahong with his back against the container.

"We have to make sure that there is no one in winter and children before we can rush in."

Mu Huahong is not a man who is tied up in doing things, but one of them is his son and the other is his grandson. He does not dare to act rashly without 100% assurance.

Ying Hannian didn't say how to prompt the external signal before he went on the freighter, because he knew that he was inside and there was any prompt outside. He understood it and the people of the Ye family would understand it.

With this in mind, Mu Huahong made up his mind, "all hold their positions, stand by and wait for the cold year to give us a signal."

Only when Ying Hannian thinks he can attack, can they attack.

"Waiting for the second brother?" Mu Xianxu was stunned, "what if..."

They can wait, but they are afraid that people may not be able to give them out.

"You have to trust your second brother." Mu Huahong stood on the freighter and looked up at the direction of the business hall. His eyes were heavy and his words were firm. "When a man becomes a father, he can do anything."


Mu Xianxu stood aside, looking at Mu Huahong steadily. He lowered his head and didn't speak.


"All right, stop for a second."

In the business hall, Mr. Ye sits on the sofa and looks at Ying Hannian, who falls on the ground and can't get up.


Ye shaonan bowed his head. Then he retreated with a group of helpers. He was secretly relieved.

He was just stunned by Ying Hannian. Before he really rebelled, the old man slapped him so hard. How could he show his loyalty if he didn't beat Ying Hannian a little harder.

Smell speech, has been curling up to bear the cold years, turned over, people lying on their backs, in a big shape. He holds the silver ring with one hand, and his clothes and trousers are torn out dozens of holes. Blood stains are all over his body. He is in a mess. His face is very bad. The corners of his mouth are torn open. The bruises on his face are gradually showing up, and his hair is short

wet through.

His chest was undulating and his breathing was uneven.

On the wooden floor, there are many marks thrown out by the belt, accompanied by bloodstains, incomparably clear.

Ying Hannian lies in the middle, looking at his son above his head. His eyes are opposite, and Xiaojing struggles constantly on it.

Ying Hannian looked at her, pulled the corners of his mouth, and showed a smile.

The child's tears fell down and fell into his eyes, making his eyes blurred.

"Wait a minute, dad will take you to mom in a minute."

He spoke in a hoarse voice, not loud enough to be sure the child could hear him.

By this time, the outside should be almost cleaned up.

If it's not finished, there's no hope for him and his son.

He's going to have to make the last move.

"Come, Mr. Fuying, come and have a seat." Master Ye takes a look at the time and opens his mouth lightly.

Then, Ying Hannian's whole body was put up and dragged forward. The place where he lay was more bloodstained.

He clenched his teeth in pain. He looked over the people nearby and saw Gu Ming peering out at him behind several stacked wooden boxes in the distance.

Gu Ming is not far from the man who controls the child's rope.

Gu Ming looked at him, pointed to it and made a gesture to describe the bomb.

Should cold year take back line of sight, the person is thrown to sofa heavily.

The smell of blood was so heavy that Mr. Ye stretched out his hand to cover his nose. He looked at Ying Hannian with a smile. He took a teapot and poured a glass of water on it. "In Hannian, the freighter still has ten minutes to go into the open sea. Here, I'll give you a toast."


Ying Hannian struggled to sit up from the sofa. His breath was trembling and his hands were powerless. How could he have the calmness of negotiation with ye shaonan when he first came here.

He raised his eyes, red eyes to see ye Laozi. Mr. Ye laughed. "In the cold years, you don't have to look at me like this. There is no blood feud between us. But the situation is like this. Don't blame me. Your father spent half his life trying to stabilize the situation of the four families, and no one dares to agree

He came against the trend. When he died, everyone was ready to move, I can't let the herdsmen have another one to hold down the four families, can I“……”

Ying Hannian raised his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth with his fingers trembling.

"You know, you're too young. Being young represents infinite energy, infinite desire and ability. You make me feel oppressed and scared."

Ye took a cup of tea and said calmly, "I'm too old for you. I'm afraid I can't catch up with you. When you make a decision, my descendants can't catch up with you."

When Ying Hannian pressed his heart, he leaned forward feebly. He laughed sarcastically, and his voice was hoarse. "I really want to thank the old man for raising me."

"This is the situation. Please understand."

Mr. Ye held up his tea cup to him.

Ying Hannian stretched out his hand to hold the cup in front of him. His bloody hand swayed several times in the air, but he could not hold the cup tightly. The sweat on his forehead seeped more and more. Finally, he gave up and hung down, his eyes were gloomy.

Seeing this, ye shook his head helplessly and put down the cup in his hand.

"How many minutes are left?" Should cold year ask, the lip is full of blood, transparent sweat dripping from the lower jaw, demonic as kill.

"Seven minutes."

One of the men replied.

"Put my son down and take the bomb." Ying Hannian said slowly, "leave a whole body of our father and son. My wife will recognize it when she comes to collect it."

When he said this, the blood in his mouth dyed his teeth red, and every word was more difficult.

Seeing him like this, he just let out his last breath. Master ye could not help sighing.

What a pity.

If only it were his descendants.

Ye Laozi looked at the time, glanced at ye shaonan, "OK, put it down, come on, let them talk for a few minutes."

Into the open sea, that is a second can not delay.


Ye shaonan said, waving his hand to the man who controls the rope, and then taking out the remote controller from his pocket near his body, ready to remotely remove the sensor of the bomb.

Ying Hannian sat there and coughed bitterly, his mouth full of blood.


Eyelashes such as the curtain hanging, covering his eyes of Yin Li, can let people see only pale face.

Ye Laozi looked at it and sipped a sip of tea. Suddenly his eyes stagnated and he said, "wait a minute!"


Should cold year's Mou son one coagulate.

Ye shaonan quickly stops and looks at Ye Laozi in amazement. Ye took a look at yinghannian, "I understand you are eager to save your son, but I don't believe that yinghannian will be unprepared for anything. Shaonan, go outside and have a look. Is there anything unusual?"