Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1168

Should be difficult to breathe in cold years, people into the smoke, tall body is inclined.

In a short period of time, he seems to have walked for a century.

Until he saw the wooden box, he knew he was walking right, and the gunshot came from the front.

Ying Hannian's eyes were shocked. He tried his best to step forward quickly. He saw Mr. Ye standing there, their eyes gathered together.

Gu Ming kneels on his knees. His body is straight. There are blood holes in front of him. There is no sign of life. His eyes are open, and his mouth is still biting a piece of blood rope.

The child was still hanging in the air and didn't fall down.

Slowly, the blood rope fell from his teeth.

Ying Hannian was shocked and was about to move forward when he saw that Gu Ming's arm was lifted up with the force. It was erect, and the rope was tight around his arm, and the knot was tight.

With his weight under him, the child only sank and did not fall.


Ying Hannian stood there, looking at Gu Ming.

The next second, he raised his gun and shot at Mr. Ye. A bodyguard stopped him and fell to the ground.

"Go, old man."

The bodyguards are on their way.

Ying Hannian raises his double guns and shoots at him. Mr. Ye turns around and leaves with a sentence of "kill him".

hit the target every time without a miss.

When all the bodyguards left fell to the ground, Ying Hannian's hands were almost stiff in the air, too heavy to lift or put down.


The little guy yelled as loud as he could on it.

Ying Hannian looks up at him difficultly, throws a pistol, shakes his body forward to untie the knot on Gu Ming's hand.

It's a dead end.

After untiing it, Ying Hannian looses the rope from his arm. After loosening it, Gu Ming's arm hangs down, but he still kneels on the ground in that posture. The rope marks on his arm are especially clear

Should be cold years no strength, bite a piece of rope, slowly let go of the child down.

"Dad! Dad

Xiaojing cried excitedly.

When Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu smell the sound coming from the smoke, Ying Hannian kneels on the ground to solve the bomb for the child. His hands are full of blood and he can't use any strength.

Seeing that he was covered with filth, Mu Huahong was so surprised that he rushed to him and said, "I'll help your second brother out to find a doctor. Hurry up!"

"No way."

Ying Hannian spoke hoarsely. If he didn't listen carefully, he hardly knew what he was saying.

He knelt down on the ground, bit by bit to solve the bomb, biting his teeth, word by word, "my own son, I take it back."


Mu Huahong heard straight frown, and mu Xianxu squat down together to solve the bomb.

The bomb was wrapped around the child. It was easy to dismantle. The three men worked together to take the bomb off.

When Xiaojing is crying, he pours into yinghannian's arms. Yinghannian almost falls down, and his eyes are dark.

"Are you ok?" Mu Huahong looks at him anxiously.

"Don't let go of anyone in the Ye family." Ying Hannian holds his son tightly and looks at Mu Huahong with black eyes.

"The freighter has been stopped and can't enter the high seas. Don't run any of these people. Those who resist will be shot immediately."

Mu Huahong said, and mu Xianxu helped him stand up at the same time.

Ying Hannian held his son in one hand and picked up the bomb from the ground in the other. He didn't stand very steady.

"Father, please accompany second brother and Jingshi to see a doctor first. I'll give it to you here."

Mu Xianxu.

Mu Huahong took a look at him. He didn't think much about it and said, "OK."

Having said that, Mu Hua Hong didn't give a word of advice or attention to safety, so he helped Ying Hannian out.

Mu Xianxu stands at the back and looks at their figures. Mu Huahong's eyes are filled with worries about the cold years. He takes a step and wants to ask if it hurts

Mu Xianxu retreated and said to the police and his men, "the freighter is too big. Look for it and see if there are any hiding people. These are all vicious people. You can't let go of any of them."

"OK, let's go."

We all work separately.Out of the cabin, there was an endless blue sky and white clouds, clear blue and pure white. There was no trace of any evil in the sky.

The light is dazzling.

Xiaojing lies on yinghannian's shoulder and hugs his neck firmly.

"Let's go."

Mu Huahong helped him to the deck, surrounded by the controlled Ye family.

"Did ye Laozi and ye shaonan catch them?" Ying Hannian asked in a dumb voice.

"Mr. Ye is here, too?" Mu Huahong was shocked. "I didn't see it. When I rushed in, I only saw a group of men in crew uniform."

"Ye shaonan, a man with a broken arm." Should the brow of cold year a twist, "that person skill is good."


Mu Huahong's face suddenly sank.

He didn't see anyone with a broken arm.

So they're all catching a bunch of minions? Neither of the two leaders is still on this freighter?

That Xianxu

Mu Huahong subconsciously looked back, Ying Hannian looked at him, "take people."

Mu Huahong's eyes were shocked and he turned to look at him, "then you..."

"I'll get off the ship. There's no danger."

"Do you... Blame me?"

Mu Huahong looked at him, his voice was stiff.

Ying Hannian holds the child in his arms, a pair of black eyes looking at the distant sky, pale, dumb voice, "I don't have so many messy ideas, whose son who brings back."

Finish saying, should cold year embrace small scene when go forward.

Mu Huahong was escorted by the police.

In the cabin.

The smoke has gone, mu Xianxu searched, picked up a pistol, walked to the next corridor, people into the gray corridor, not long, then back out.

Ye shaonan holds a gun on his forehead and pushes forward step by step. Looking at mu Xianxu, ye shaonan smiles, "the fifth young master of the Mu family, right? It seems that I can live."

"Trying to hold me?"

Mu Xianxu gave a wry smile and hung his hand with a gun. "I'm afraid I let you down. I don't have the value of a little guy."

With that, mu Xianxu raised his gun and shot at him to fight for himself.

Ye shaonan surprised, aware of his intention, excellent skill to flash, flying to him is a shot.

Mu Xianxu didn't have his skill. He was shocked and couldn't dodge. His eyes were filled with black muzzle.

But not wait for the next second, mu Xianxu was severely knocked to the ground, with the gun, the top came a dull hum.

Mu Xianxu turns his head in amazement, and sees Mu Huahong fall on himself, with blood streaming on his shoulders.


Mu Xianxu's eyes widened.

Ye shaonan didn't give up and wanted to shoot. The police who came here shot his head from the back. He fell to the ground heavily and couldn't shoot again“ Father... "Mu Xianxu looked at the man who couldn't speak. Didn't he go with Ying Hannian?