Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1165

When Ying Hannian's eyes were cold, he raised his leg and kicked away. With a backhand move, he threw ye shaonan to the ground and stepped on his head.

The scene was once embarrassing.

Ye shaonan's face was gray and lying on the ground, and his face was almost deformed by Ying Hannian.

Next to a group of people nervously holding guns.

Ye Laozi is slow, "Ying Hannian, in fact, I like you very much. If you are my descendants, I will spare no effort to cultivate you. Unfortunately, you are not."


Ying Hannian stepped on ye shaonan and looked coldly at Ye Laozi, "there is no room to talk about it at all?"

"If you don't say that to shaonan, I can buy you a pot of good tea and have a good chat before the freighter sails into the high seas." Mr. Ye looked at the watch on his wrist with a smile, "it's a pity..."

It's a pity that he should be the enemy in winter.

It's a pity that when he spoke in the cold year, he was destroyed.

This tea is not worth drinking.

With that, Mr. Ye looked up.

Ying Hannian looked along his line of sight and saw one of his men untie one end of the rope from the wall and hold it in his hand. When it loosened, the young child would sink like an object.


Xiao Jing screamed with fright.

The man immediately recovered the rope and hung the child back. The next second, he would let go.


Ying Hannian roared out with a cold face, immediately pulled back his feet, raised his hands and made a surrender.

See, someone from behind to his back is a foot.

Ying Hannian threw himself out and fell heavily on the floor in the center of the business hall. The sharp pain made his throat dry.


When Xiaojing was hanging in the air, he couldn't help but open his eyes. When he saw Ying Hannian knocked down, he cried out excitedly. His feet kicked, "don't fight, don't fight Dad! No, no

There was a cry in the cry.

"Damn it, you can fight!"

Ye shaonan got up from the ground, regardless of the injury on his face, took a long gun from other people's hands, and smashed it on Ying Hannian's chest with the handle of the gun.

Ying Hannian raised his head in pain, and the veins on his forehead almost burst.

"Didn't you have a good time just now, eh?"

Ye shaonan just kicks at his head. Ying Hannian sees that the child in the air doesn't fight back, so he is thrown out and his mouth is full of blood

Ye Laozi glanced and sat down calmly on the sofa. "Don't play people to death before entering the high seas."

In order to let the outside group have fear, dare not mess, they also specially give the picture of the child hanging in the air, now there is still a big screen outside.

If a big one and a small one die, people outside will start to attack madly.


Ye shaonan stood up straight, some tired to move a hand joint, people back, think of what, glanced at the side of the men, tone cruel and venomous, "all the belt to me, smoke! Don't get to the point


At the same time, several men took away the gun, untied the belt around their waist, and went forward to draw to Ying Hannian.

Ying Hannian fell there. Before he recovered from the pain, several belts fell into his sight.

"Pa --"

The sound of the belt hitting the flesh was creepy.

"No! no way! Don't hit Dad! no way! No way

Xiaojing cried in the air, tears fell to the ground one by one, legs have been kicking in the air, as if to save his father.

The child's voice pierced everyone's eardrum.

Ying Hannian raised his hand and grabbed a man who was blocking his sight. He fell to the side, lying on the ground and looking at the child above his head, he lifted his lips and laughed, "this is a fight game, don't be afraid."

"No! Don't play! Don't play

Xiaojing shook his head excitedly.

Unable to wait for any more comfort, a belt came up again. He bit his bloody teeth in pain and curled up unconsciously.

He looked at Mr. Ye sitting there drinking tea, as if he was far away from him.

It suddenly occurred to him that when Lin Yi was beaten in the herdsman's house, he sat in the position of Ye Laozi and watched her being beaten on the ground.Originally, it is so painful.

Fortunately, the Ye family has to deal with him, not her.

Fortunately, she was still sleeping and couldn't see anything.

"Pa --"

Another belt fell down, the sleeve was torn, and the blood mark immediately appeared.

Ying Hannian has more than ten minutes to look at the time on his watch.

In front of the time, he depends on a mouth to muddle through, in the back of the time, he can only hold on.

He looked, his eyes suddenly changed.

The silver ring is gone.

He raised his head, a little silver behind his legs.

He stood on tiptoe and jumped up from the ground. As soon as he got up, ye shaonan went over and gave him another kick.


Should be cold years spit bleeding, people fell on the floor.

Take a note of the belt.

The surface of the watch broke in response to the sound, and small pieces splashed all over the ground.

Ying Hannian glances at the silver ring lying on the ground not far away. His eyes are red. He suddenly turns over and lies on the ground. He blocks all the beating with his back. His hands become fists and moves forward a little bit.

Pain, jumping on his back.

Blood spilled from the clenched teeth and dropped on the floor.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the ring. A strap came off and fell on his arm.

Ying Hannian didn't even hide. Instead, he held a small ring in his hand and protected it in front of his chest.


In the hotel in the distance.

Lin Yi was still sleeping under the action of the medicine, but he was sleeping more and more uneasily. He was sweating on his forehead and his long hair was wet.

Hold the ring on your ring finger with one hand.

The silver ring is clean with mild luster.

At the same time, Mu Huahong has sent people to sneak in from the bottom of the water and quietly go up from the unattended position of the freighter. There are many containers on the freighter, which just gives them convenient space.

According to Gu Ming's manpower distribution, they solved the problem one by one, then put on the crew's clothes and stood on duty at the original position.

In the business hall, because the focus of a group of people was on Ying Hannian, from the beginning of the negotiation to the back of the beating, no one found that the outside world had changed.

"It's reported that all external staff have been removed, leaving the Department of Commerce."

Someone whispered. Hearing this, Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu secretly touched the freighter together, looked at the crew who had been tied up all over the place, then looked in the direction of the business department, frowned and asked, "do you know the specific situation inside? How can we let Hannian know that we have already taken the outside world

Threat clearance? " The child has a bomb tied to him. He can't attack by force. It's useless to put a smoke bomb on him. In case the other party breaks the net and presses the bomb directly, the consequences will be unimaginable