Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1164

Hearing this, Ying Hannian can't help but sneer, "even if Mr. Ye is afraid that even when the four big families are in turmoil, Mr. Lian and Mr. Wang are in his hands one after another. Only the Ye family doesn't move. It's not that he doesn't start, but that Mr. Ye is cunning enough

He's sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight. "


Ye shaonan listened with a deep smile.

"Waiting for the most fierce tiger to emerge, the Ye family only needs to solve one mountain blocking tiger. It's easy and doesn't take much effort." Ying Hannian glared at him and said word by word.

"Since Mr. Ying has seen so thoroughly, he should understand my father's determination. It's meaningless whether to talk on the phone or not."

Ye shaonan shows his hand.

The most fierce tiger has come out. The Ye family can solve it.

Smell speech, should cold year hook lips, "ye old son and I should cold year is not can't coexist, and you ye shaonan dare to do this kind of hard work for old son, must have a plan, then we also have the space to talk about."

"It sounds like Mr. Ying is trying to plot against me?"

Ye shaonan smiles.

"I should be a businessman in Hannian. There is no absolute enemy in the business field. There is only room for negotiation." Ying Hannian leaned back lazily. Instead of entering the enemy camp, he seemed to have come to talk business.

"Oh?" Ye shaonan nodded, "all ears."

"I know something about the environment of the Ye family. It seems that you can't get the upper position in terms of seniority." Ying Hannian said, "your value can only be reflected when you need to fight and kill. It's just that the four families are shouting loudly. In fact, they are just doing business. There is always a gap between those who work hard and those who do business. How many times do you work hard

No matter how many, I'm afraid Mr. Ye won't consider you. "

"What Mr. Ying means is that he can help me climb up to the position of decision maker of the Ye family?"

Ye shaonan pressed the injury on the shoulder and asked.

"You don't think I can do it?"

Ying Hannian's face is full of conceit.

"I'm afraid you can do it too well. I'm afraid I'll end up like Gu Jin." Gu Jin said that he was the head of the family, but he still had to be led by the nose by Ying Hannian.

"Today, if you let my father and son leave safely, I will remember your kindness. I will only provide assistance and never interfere in the internal affairs of the Ye family."

Ying Hannian's black eyes looked at him fiercely. His fingers crossed the surface of his watch and the second hand was walking under his finger.

Hanging in the air, the child closes his eyes and looks at Ying Hannian's figure in a hazy way


Ye shaonan reached out to his chin and seemed to be pondering over his words. Ying Hannian continued to say, "according to my analysis, there are three successors of your generation in Ye's mind, and you can count one, but you can only use them in extraordinary times, such as when ye's family is seriously hit or civil strife is serious, and your means are poisonous and spicy enough to punish. When the Ye family is in a period of peaceful development, the young master of the second room of the Ye family is more suitable. He is more proficient in business than you; The eldest daughter of the Ye family is the most popular one in the Ye family. Her marriage with a foreign family is more conducive to opening up the sea

It's not a market


Ye shaonan looked at him in silence.

"Killing me is not a good thing for you. The Ye family has entered a period of unprecedented development. Do you think ye still needs a successor who can only play terrorism abroad?" Should cold year ask.

Hearing this, ye shaonan is not as casual as he was just now. His face is frozen. He looks at Ying Hannian steadily, full of shock, and then his eyes begin to loosen.

He moved his lips to say something.

"Kowtow, kowtow."

There was a knock on the ground.

Hearing the voice, ye shaonan's face changed and he stood up and waited respectfully.

Ying Hannian raised his eyes, stroked the surface, and his eyes sank.

The dark cane struck the floor, making a dull sound, and the gems inlaid on the surface of the cane emitted a sharp light.

The hand holding the staff is old, but the nails are clean, and the fingers are very tight. Looking up from that hand, it is Ye Laozi, the decision-maker of the Ye family. His face is a little gloomy, and his clothes are straight.

Ye Laozi gives his walking stick to his subordinates and walks towards yinghannian step by step.

Shoes on the ground, issued a touching suffocating low sound.

Ying Hannian sneered at this time, and moved his neck in an evil way. "The old man really looks up to me. He came here from a thousand miles to kill people."This is beyond his expectation.

If ye shaonan is the only one, he is sure to turn this crisis into an opportunity.

But he... Belittled Mr. Ye.

Face has been torn, ye master son obviously also did not hide behind the scenes of the mind, light smile, "no way, you but should cold years, I am watching you step by step climb to today's position, have to be careful."

Finish saying, ye Laozi turns Mou to see to ye shaonan, "was said to move a heart?"


Ye shaonan bowed his head.

"Pa --"

Ye Laozi raised his hand and slapped it.

Ye shaonan touched his face and said nothing.

"I've told you many times that the herdsmen will split up and the family will lose because of their selfishness. The reason why our Ye family can survive today is because we are united enough."

Ye Laozi almost grins his teeth and stares at ye shaonan, "do you know why I have to follow now? It's not that I don't trust you, but that I see through that the Ye family can't have a person who can fight with Ying Hannian. "

Knowing that he was still behind, ye shaonan was able to move his mind on the spot.

"I see, old man."

Ye shaonan lowered his head even more.

"Do you know? You almost dragged the Ye family into the land of doom! You are looking for the skin of a tiger Master Ye patted him on the face, angry.

Ying Hannian sat there, thin lips hooked, low eyes looked at the time on the watch, "does the old man look up to me too much? In fact, our two families may not be able to win. "

I want to talk business with his old man. Mr. Ye stood there in a hale and hearty manner. He looked at Ying Hannian with a smile. "In the past two years, I have seen the five families fighting with each other, including the family. I have come to a conclusion that if you want to win, you should win

In the cold year, there is no other way but to take your life. "


Ying Hannian's face sank down, and his eyes were dark.

Ye Laozi makes a corner of his eye at ye shaonan. Ye shaonan rushes over immediately and kicks yinghannian.

Ying Hannian quickly turns around on the sofa and starts to move with ye shaonan.

It's been a long time.

As time went by, the freighter had been sailing on the sea. Ye shaonan is faintly defeated. He is unwilling to fail again and again in front of the old man. He takes out his pistol and aims at Ying Hannian.