Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1163

Hearing this, Mu Huahong grabbed Ying Hannian's arm and said, "do you know what the Ye family wants?"

It's not for negotiation.

That's for his life.

"If they want to live, they won't kill me the first time."

"At the speed of this freighter, it can sail into the high seas in 40 minutes at the latest. As soon as it enters the high seas, the government can no longer provide support, so they can get away smoothly."

Mu Huahong's face was pale.

Once you know you can get away, you will lose the meaning of hostages and lose your life.

"In other words, if you think about time, you must find a way to get on the freighter in 40 minutes and clear the obstacles outside. As for my son's side, I'll take the opportunity to act."

Ying Hannian lowered his hand and looked at Mu Huahong with black eyes. "After I leave, you have full command here, and the police will fully cooperate with your dispatch."

This is to hand over the lives of the big and the small to him.

Mu Huahong stood in front of him, his hand hanging on his side clenched and loosened.

He deeply looked at Ying's cold face. His throat seemed to be choked by something. A few seconds later, he raised his hand to Ying's shoulder and solemnly said, "father won't let you down."

He gambled on the weight of his father to show his determination.


Smell speech, Mu Hua Hong's long eyelashes moved, definitely looked at Mu Hua Hong one eye, and then looked to another approaching speedboat.

Mu Xianxu came forward and supported Mu Huahong on another speedboat.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, it should be a beautiful picture, but no one is relaxed.

Mu Huahong's step is hard.

Two people set foot on another speedboat, mu Xianxu looked back at Ying Hannian, "pay attention to your own safety, sister-in-law is still waiting for you."


Ying Hannian looked at them, closed his eyes, silent jaw head, and then a shake hands, mu Xianxu and Mu Huahong body under the speedboat will quickly leave.

He turned his eyes and looked at the sailor. His dark eyes were full of gloom and resolute, "go."


The speedboat stopped on the freighter as fast as it could.

A dozen long guns were aimed at him at the same time. Ying Hannian looked up at them coldly, raised his long legs and stepped on the freighter.

The helicopter kept circling, unable to find a suitable mobile phone.

Ying Hannian is carried by the muzzle of a gun all the way through the rows of containers. He glances around, just like Gu Ming.

Ying Hannian went into the business hall and completely disappeared under the muzzle of the sniper gun. All the windows around him were closed, and there was nothing to see from the outside.

In the huge and clean business hall, the first man in strong clothes is waiting there with a group of helpers. Even if only Ying Hannian is here, they dare not relax.

The atmosphere is tense.

Above, the little child was dangling under the large chandelier.


A young cry broke the dead silence.

Ying Hannian's steps froze, his slender fingers clenched, and his fingertips sank deeply into his palm.

He raised his face, looked at the children in the air, thin lips pursed, mouth is very relaxed tone, "king, dad and you play a game, OK?"

"I want Mom - wow..."

When I saw Ying Hannian hanging in the air, Xiaojing could not take care of anything and cried out, "I want my mother, I want my mother..."

He's looking for his mother. He's looking for his mother

He wants to be with his mother.

"OK, then you close your eyes. Dad says you can open it when he says you can, so you can see mom. Do you understand me?"

Ying Hannian looked at him at the bottom.

Xiaojing immediately obediently closed his eyes, empty closed, long and soft eyelashes trembled, people constantly sobbing.

"Yes, that's it. I can't open my eyes. It's a very interesting game. When I go back, you can tell my mother that you are amazing, you know?" He said.

"Woo woo."

Xiao Jing closed his eyes and sobbed.

The child was so temporarily pacified."Pa pa pa."

The man stood there and clapped his hands. "He went into the enemy camp alone and didn't change his face. It's really a cold year. Come on, please sit down with Mr. Ying."

If you say that, a gun will go to Ying Hannian's back.

Ying Hannian's eyes were awe inspiring, and his body flashed back. He snatched the gun with a quick almost dazzling movement, pointed the muzzle to the man, and said in a cold voice, "be polite to me."

For a time, everyone took out their guns and aimed at Ying Hannian.

"Mr. Ying, I admire your courage, but you have to distinguish the situation. Your son is still hanging on it."

Men despise tunnels. Hearing this, Ying Hannian looked back at him. His thin lips were full of sarcasm. His eyes were cold and piercing. "Ye shaonan, the second son of the third room of the Ye family, is 30 years old. He is a doctor studying in the United States. Everyone knows that there is such a person in the third room of the Ye family, but none of them has seen him

It's nice to meet you. "


The man, it should be said that it was ye shaonan. He stood there, his face suddenly changed, looking at Ying Hannian in disbelief, "how do you know?"

"You've done some extraordinary activities abroad and provoked many terrorist incidents. Why don't you play enough abroad and come to the four families?"

Ying Hannian stood there and asked, his voice low and cold.

It's a coincidence to recognize the identity of the man in front of you.

After yingmen was reorganized by Yingqing, Yingqing worried about his domestic situation, so he sent some forces to infiltrate into the country and began to investigate the secrets of various families.

The bottom of Ye shaonan was found at that time.

Moreover, when checking t's identity, in order to give t a blow, he also borrowed ye shaonan's identity from the Wangs and lians at that time, so that the Wangs and lians would be suspicious and no longer use t.

Unexpectedly, the real ye shaonan still has the opportunity to appear.

Hearing this, ye shaonan took a cold breath and then laughed, "no wonder our old man said that he would leave your life in the street of life and death. You are really not a simple person."

"Since that's the point, should you call Mr. Ye?"

Ying Hannian holds the pistol tightly.

Ye shaonan stood there, pondering for a moment, then raised his hand. He asked someone to take the gun in Ying Hannian's hand and then backed down. He politely said, "Mr. Ying, please sit down."

Ying Hannian looks at his son's direction, and then sits down on the sofa beside him. His face is angular and his eyes are cold. Ye shaonan sat down and asked people to pour tea again. He said with a smile, "Mr. Ying first established a far-reaching AI market, and then took the position of Mu's decision-maker. He took the shares of Lian's family and made Wang's family fall into a dilemma. Gu's family has become your favorite. Our old man is also taking precautions. In the final analysis, he is afraid, I'm afraid that one day I will become a family man. "