Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1162

Holding the lifeless woman in his arms, he slowly turned around. The men shot at the helicopter in the air and retreated to the freighter.

The little child was so carried upside down, and his clear eyes reflected the ugliest evil in the world.

In that second, Gu Ming suddenly understood Lin Yi's words.

People can't turn back, but the heart can.

i see.

He watched the crew begin to take down the ladder, grinned his teeth, and yelled out loudly at the gunfire, "the government army is going to kill the stowaways! All aboard! Get on the boat

The situation is already chaotic.

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, all those who understood and didn't understand were scared to rush up the freighter, making it impossible to put the ladder away.

Gu Ming puts down Ying Xuefei, stands up and follows chaos to the freighter.

The crew were dealing with the helicopter in the air when they suddenly saw all the stowaways coming up. They were so frightened that they waved their guns and shot, "get out of here! Go down! Get down here

Gu Ming rushes into the crowd, pulls away a stowaway and empties the bullet on the ladder.


As soon as the crew looked up, they saw the helicopter in the air dangling in the air while the crew was being confused by the stowaways, and the police came down quickly.

"Leave it alone. Let's go

The man at the head kicked a stowaways into the sea, and ordered them to set sail without taking up the ladder.

The huge freighter started slowly, the ladder was confiscated, some people fell into the sea, some people were kicked out of the sea.

The scene was chaotic to the extreme.

Gu Ming finds the right opportunity, gets on the freighter by the crowd, and sits down next to a container when people are unprepared. Just a little way, he exhausts his strength.

He poked his head out from behind the container. Xiaojing was carried backwards and walked in. The child looked straight at his direction.

It's still like that, no crying, no noise.

The little guy always believed that if he didn't cry, he could see his parents.

Gu Ming looked at him, put his index finger to his lips, and made a shush gesture. Then he began to observe the terrain and the power distribution on the freighter. He took out his mobile phone from his body and wrote it down.


The freighter sped to the middle of the sea, leaving the police who landed from the helicopter empty.

In the business hall, the leading man sat on the sofa and let the medical staff on one side dress the wound on his shoulder. He was so angry that he said, "it's just binding a child. It can make such a big noise."

He looked at the little boy who had been put on the ground and said, "hurry up and deploy according to the original plan, so as to cope with the cold year."


A group of subordinates said that they were retreating. Someone rushed in from the outside in a hurry. "No, outside, outside..."

Smelling speech, the man's face changed. Ignoring the wound being bandaged, he stood up and went to the window. He saw a speedboat. He didn't know when it got into the water. Now he was circling around the freighter.

The warning broadcast came over and over again.

"So fast?"

After a lot of tossing, they haven't had time to rest.


There are men pointing in one direction.

The man fixed his eyes on the past, and it was Ying Hannian who was standing on the first speedboat.

The endless sea was full of white waves. Ying stood on the speedboat in the cold year, his black shirt was blown floating, and his black eyes were looking at the direction of the freighter coldly.

The eyes, as if through a small window into a man's eyes, full of blood to be hanged.


The man subconsciously stepped back and touched his chin. His face was a little pale. He sped up and said, "hurry up, tie the child to the bomb. It depends on the child if you can help the master to keep his life here."


When a group of people rushed to Xiaojing in a panic.

Xiaojing stood there stiffly and looked at them with fear. He was still stiff and couldn't shed a tear. He let them rush up and pull their arms and legs back

"Give me the walkie talkie."

The man took the walkie talkie from his hands. He walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck full of containers, shouting, "Ying Hannian, your son is in my hand. If you don't want him to die, drive away the helicopter and speedboat at once."During the conversation, the speedboat revolved around the sea again and again, and the helicopter circled overhead, with black sniper guns aimed at them. On the speedboat, Ying Hannian stood on it with a cold face, listening to the voice of the freighter. He took the walkie talkie from mu Xianxu's hand, and his thin lips opened to the walkie talkie. "Listen to the people on the boat, I should put my words here and hand in my son

I will spare all your lives and let bygones be bygones; But Li, my son is short of a hair. I not only want you all to die here, but I also want your family to be buried one by one, no matter old or young! "


A group of men on the ship could not help but take a breath.

The man kicked one of his men and said to the walkie talkie, "Ying Hannian, you don't have to scare me. Now your son is in my hand. Look at the big screen."

A huge screen was set up high on the freighter.

On the screen is playing a little child is hanging in the air, half lying posture hanging in the air, he hung his head, can not see the state.

But look carefully, the child's chest clearly tied with a new bomb.


On the speedboat, Mu Huahong saw this scene and almost rushed out excitedly. Mu Xianxu stood aside and quickly grabbed him.


Ying Hannian looks at the big screen, his face is so heavy that he can't wait to break the walkie talkie in his hand, and his eyes burst out with determination.

It took him a long time to find his voice. "What do you want?"

"The helicopter, the speedboat, stand back, you, come up alone."

Conditions are given on the freighter.


Ying Hannian looked at the big screen and almost held his breath.

"Don't think of any other tricks. If you don't come up in five minutes, you won't see your child."

The voice on the freighter was very loud.

The walkie talkie should be turned off in the cold year and thrown aside. The speedboat has been driving around the freighter, and its body is inclined. Ying Hannian takes out his mobile phone and hands it to Mu Huahong. "This is the distribution map of manpower on the ship sent by Gu Ming. It's not 100%, but it's 70 or 80. After I go up, you try to get on the ship secretly,

As it says, we should solve people quickly and quietly. "

"Do you really want to go up alone?"

Mu Huahong looked at him in shock.

"Can you believe Gu Ming's words?" Mu Xianxu asked anxiously.

The news of Xuefei's being shot immediately reached their ears.

Although it's from Ying Xuefei's mobile phone, they all know it's from Gu Mingfa“ If he dares to get on board, there is no reason to send false news. " Yinghannian said coldly, "you go to another speedboat. Leave this one to me. I'll board."