Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1161

"Don't hurt the children, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk! The consequences are at your own risk

"Don't hurt the children, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk! The consequences are at your own risk

The sound of the radio resounded over and over again.

Damn it, it's coming so soon. We can't spend it here.

The man was shooting, and the two crew members finally pulled the child out of Ying Xuefei's arms. The man didn't care to mend the gun and said, "hurry up, go to the boat and drive the boat to the middle of the sea! Come on

Several people quickly retreat back. Ying Xuefei falls to the ground and pours forward regardless of everything. He reaches for Xiaojing's foot and clenches his teeth. Blood seeps out of his lips.

may not.

You can't take it away.

"Damn it

The man covered the wound on his shoulder, raised his leg and kicked her.

Ying Xuefei can no longer hold up any strength. She falls to the ground like a rag, and a mouthful of blood comes out of her throat.

She watched the crew lift the child upside down, the little guy's head down, his hair up, a pair of dark eyes watching her closely, his hands clutching in the air, as if he could catch her.

A group of people crossed the stowaways and quickly went to the freighter.

There was a rope down on the helicopter, and the police began to make a sharp descent. The crew shot wildly, which forced the helicopter to retreat.

Ying Xuefei fell there, her red and congested eyes were covered with shadows.

Gu Ming squatted down beside her and looked at her with low eyes. Without the previous disgust and hatred, there was only silence.

His eyes fell on the wound in front of her. His colorless lips moved and his voice was dumb. "You are so stupid. You can do such things as death."

A woman nagging in his ear for a few days, so put himself on a dead end.

What do you say to accompany him to leave here, what do you say to accompany him to start over, what kind of store do you want to open

She didn't do it either.

Wen Yan, Ying Xuefei lies there, tears fall from the corner of her eyes. The next second, she reaches out her hand and hits him with all her strength.



She struggled all over, but she had no strength.

Her fist fell on him, and it fell again.

Gu Ming did not move, only looked at her with low eyes, looking at the face he had never really faced.

He raised his hand and stroked her face, trying to remove the blood stains, but he just spread the blood more widely, so that her face was covered with it, how to wipe it could not see the original appearance.

His breath began to sink.

His eyelashes quivered at the sound of the gunshot, and there was a complex inscription in his eyes.

At the end, she couldn't move. Her hand slipped down, along his arm, and finally on his hand.

She held him.

The blood blurred their hands.

For the first time, Gu Ming didn't push her away.

"Do you... Remember that I can tell exactly where your sister was killed?"

Ying Xuefei looks at him and suddenly asks.


Gu Ming's eyes were shocked.

"Because I died there in my previous life."


Gu Ming stares at her, unable to tell himself that she is a liar.

She's dying.

No one lies when they die.

"I was killed by someone who cared for my family. I thought... You don't love me, you don't want to save me, so I hate you..."

She seemed to feel better all of a sudden. She could speak such a long sentence, and even grasped his hand with a lot of force. "But no matter how I hate it, I still can't control myself to see you To follow your steps... "


Gu Ming squats there and stares at her.

The gunfire was in a mess. Ying Xuefei could only hear half of it.

"Believe it or not, I really love you." Ying Xuefei falls to the ground and grabs his hand. Tears are constantly pouring down. She can't see Gu Ming's face clearly, and even can't hear the sound of the gun. She just talks with blood by instinct, "I don't want to hurt you. I just feel that you have nothing

I want to see you really happy one day... "“……”

Gu Ming clenched his teeth and looked down at the hand they held together.

"But I can't see it." Her voice became weaker and weaker. She was like a mosquito in the sound of gunfire, but she was still unwilling and said, "in the future, don't hold so much hostility. Will you do something that suits your heart? I don't believe you hurt so much

People will be happy if they hurt a child. I only see you struggling. I only see you suffering more and more. "


Gu Ming looked at her. The light in her eyes was getting weaker and weaker, and it had come to an end.

"Promise me, will you?" Ying Xuefei held his hand, "from today on, everything you do comes from your heart, OK?"


He moved his mouth and for the first time told her the truth, "I don't know what I really want to do."

But she can't hear it.

She had lost her hearing. She looked at him vaguely, and his appearance became more and more unclear, and gradually turned into a black spot.

I won't agree.

She slowly closed her eyes in disappointment.

Looking at her like this, Gu Ming felt a kind of panic wandering all over him for no reason. All of a sudden, he remembered when he got the news of his sister's death

There was a voice in his body.

It's too late.

It's too late for her.

"I... I promise you."

He hesitated to say it.

He thought she would laugh.

But she couldn't hear it, and her eyes were still disappointed. Gu Ming suddenly got excited, leaned down and held her in his arms, leaned to her ear and yelled, "I said I promise you, Ying Xuefei, do you hear me?"


Her eyes closed gradually, and her voice was like a mosquito.

"What did you say?"

The gunfire was too loud for him to hear.

She pillowed on his arm, closed her eyes, could not feel his breath in front of her eyes, only murmured, "I'll meet you..."


I wish I had met you earlier.

I won't let you face so much malice in this world alone. I will let you know that there are people in this world who can be trusted.

I'll show you that doing things against your conscience is not the only way to vent.


Gu Ming looks at her stupidly. He just looks at her and closes his last emotion. He is disappointed.

Blood stained hands slipped from his hands and fell quietly to the ground at the sound of gunfire.

He suddenly wanted to shout. He didn't know what to shout.

As if there was something choking in his throat, so that he could not vent, and as if something was leaving his body, a little bit disappeared.

He didn't like the woman, even disgusted.

But she left in his arms, with a bone deep disappointment in his left, he suddenly felt pain.

The body is like being gouged out of a huge hole, very painful, very painful. A person's last words are not property, not nostalgia, but a request, a request to him.