Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1157

Gu Ming leaned his back against the wall and looked at the front empty eyed.

Lying on the ground, Ying Xuefei didn't know when to open her eyes, looked at him and said, "do you have the heart to treat such a child?"

"What child, no child, he's my chip now."

This is an opportunity given to him by God. Why doesn't he cherish it?

Isn't Ying Hannian fond of gambling?

If you have a bet, you can't lose. He hasn't lost completely.

"He's not your chip, he's just a baby."

Ying Xuefei sits up from the ground and looks at her cell phone. Gu Ming takes her cell phone, but he doesn't mean to sleep, which makes her helpless.

Gu Ming refused to communicate with her, only said, "there is no time on the ticket, what time is tomorrow?"

"At six in the morning, the ship will dock. It's a freighter."

She said.

"It's better to be early. With the efficiency of handling affairs in the cold year, we should be able to find out early tomorrow morning."

It would be better for them to get on the boat and leave during the most chaotic period.

Gu Ming's tone seemed to be suddenly interested in leaving.

Ying Xuefei looked at his eyebrows under the dim yellow light, and doubted his judgment again, "is it after two generations, you really are not that you."

In the last life, he still protected her.

In this life, he never let go of a child.

"Start talking nonsense again."

Gu Ming glances at her coldly, and then goes to see the mobile phone. The little guy sleeps against him. It's difficult for him to hold the mobile phone.

He picked it up. It was less than two hours since six.


"In my cognition, you are not a cold-blooded person. You will laugh, you will care about people, you will cook noodles for me, you will eat junk snacks with me, you will be red eyed because I sewed a button for you..."

Ying Xuefei leaned against the wall and looked up at the lamp overhead. Her voice was very sad, "I didn't know it before, but now I do, but I find it so difficult to go back."

In this life, things are different. Is human nature different?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Gu Ming said coldly. He didn't look at her, but he couldn't ignore the loneliness in her tone.

Ying Xuefei thought about her past life, laughed at herself and said to herself, "I remember you told me that you wanted me to accompany you all the time, because you don't need anything, so you need someone to accompany you wholeheartedly. Now I want to do it, but you don't want it."

How ironic.

Now he just want to fight, keep fighting with yinghannian.

Even if a person is beaten, as long as he has a rest, he still wants to fight. No longer is he the one who will tell her that he only needs to be with him wholeheartedly

"Wholeheartedly?" Gu Ming sneered, "except for my sister, no one is devoted to me."

"No, or didn't you see it?"

"You? You're the one who did this to me. "

Gu Ming said coldly.

Should Xuefei turn a Mou, the line of sight falls on the body when nestling in the small scene beside him, "that he? He didn't hurt you, did he? Is his mind pure enough for you? Can't you see his kindness to you? "


Gu Ming lowered his face and bit his teeth. "Is that enough?"


Should Xuefei no longer speak, back against the wall, listen to the sound of the sea breeze again vaguely.


Life and death Street time, six in the morning.

It was just dawn.

Mu Huahong, who stayed up all night, urged people to make interrogation medicine. Just as he was about to take it to the dock and force Gu Ming to take it, mu Xianxu found out that several people, the main core of a local Mafia, were missing for no reason, and his family's account received overseas money.

All of a sudden, it was linked with the calculation of yinghannian.

The interrogation medicine was not used in a hurry for a while. They thought that Gu Ming's chance of starting was too small.

New progress has also been made in Mulan. She visited several families, but did not stop at all in one night. She forced the decision-makers of several families to come out and talk with her, risking to offend everyone.

After a night's talk, she suspected that it was the Ye family.This answer is not surprising. From the beginning of the food competition, Gu Ming stirred up the troubles of the four families. The herdsmen and the Wangs were involved one after another, and the losses were not small.

The Ye family is stable behind, and the development momentum is quite good.

At this moment, I'm afraid it's the Ye family who doesn't want Ying Hannian to be the first of the four families. The more chaotic the other families are, the more chance the Ye family will continue to forge ahead and even become the new leader.

It's not surprising that the Ye family committed this.

But how could the Ye family admit it positively? So Mulan spent his time in the Ye family, constantly negotiating, and constantly using soft and hard means

Everyone is working for the child.

Looking at the outside of the day slowly light, should be cold years standing in the window looking at the outside of the sky, understand today can't hide.

He made the milk and added a certain amount of sleeping pills to it.

Lin Yi wakes up in a daze.

Before getting up to wash, Ying Hannian went over, sat in bed, put her in her arms and fed her milk to her lips.


Lin Yi half opened his bleary eyes and drank the milk drowsily. He muttered, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

"It's OK. It's the same with a glass of milk."

Ying Hannian was so deep that he coaxed her.

"But I'm still sleepy."

Lin Yi blinked vaguely and leaned to his arms, "what time is it? I'd like to have a video with my son later. "

"It's still early. I'll sleep with you for a while. My son didn't wake up so early."

In response to the cold year.


Lin Yi nodded, people should be cold years down in bed, in the role of drugs, she soon fell asleep.

Ying Hannian circles her and stares at her face with dark eyes. If Lin Yi is sober, he will find how ugly his face is. His lips are colorless and his eyes are crisscross with blood lines.

After watching for a while, he reached out and put aside the hair beside her ear. In a low voice, he said, "sleep a little longer. When you wake up, I'll bring my son back."

With that, he lowered his head, tightly hugged the people under him, buried them in her neck and forced to smell the breath of her body.

The next second, Ying Hannian took out his bed, took off his bathrobe, stretched out the black shirt on the hanger and put it on his body. He coldly buttoned the buttons one by one, straight to the highest one.

After wearing clothes, Ying Hannian put his watch on his hand, turned his eyes and glanced at the sleeping man on the bed. He moved his feet and strode out.

His eyes were red with a determination to kill. As soon as they got to the hotel downstairs, Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu came up and reported to him, "we have found the news of the kidnappers. The last place they haunted was in huahuadao, where they bought food. They bought five lunch boxes and then disappeared."