Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1156

More because of the similar experience, he wanted to prove that his way of killing everything was right, and Ying Hannian's way of revenge was wrong.

Otherwise, if Ying Hannian stands in this position, he will lose his son under his nose because of his negligence.

The harder your heart is, the more stable you stand.

If the heart is not enough, there will always be hidden dangers.

Like him.

He lost, should let him die, did not let him die, the child sent to his hand.

Gu Ming sat there thinking, full of injuries make him look very embarrassed, he looked up at Ying Xuefei, "don't you want me to start over? As long as I leave this child, I'll go out with you, and I'll start all over again. "

"What do you want to do?" Ying Xuefei frowned.

"While Ying Hannian is searching for kidnappers, I'll take this child abroad and play with Ying Hannian when I'm cured."

When Gu Ming looks at the little scene in front of him, he has a plan in his mind.

Hearing this, Ying Xuefei is shocked. He even wants to take the child out of the street of life and death. When she reaches out her hand to hold Xiaojing, she looks at him and says, "don't you like Lin Yi? If you tie her child, aren't you afraid of her suffering and collapse?"

Ask such words, her heart is painful.

Hearing this, Gu Ming lowered his eyes, his eyes darkened, reached out and took a drink from a glass of water on the side, "you said, I'm a bad man, where can a bad man have a real love heart."

"He's just a child..."

"Don't talk to me." Gu Ming raised his eyes to her, "either you kill me now and take the child away, or you shut up."


It is impossible for Xuefei to kill. When she holds Xiaojing, she looks pale at Gu Ming. She looks at that gloomy face for a long time and says, "I still don't think you are such a person."

In the last life, he used her at first, but later he did everything to protect her.

He can't be heartless.

"Then you call to see if I can shout." Gu Ming sneered, "the time when Ying Hannian came here is enough for the kidnappers to tear up their tickets."


Ying Xuefei holds the child in one hand and the mobile phone in the other, struggling for a long time without being able to press Lin Yi's phone.


A small voice suddenly sounded in the old warehouse.

Ying Xuefei looks at the child in front of her and says, "are you hungry? Wait, auntie, get you bread. "

She pulled out a new bag of bread from her bag, which she was going to eat on the boat tomorrow.

Should Xuefei open, tear a piece to Xiaojing.

"Thank you."

The little guy took it and said thank you weakly. He tore off the bread and handed it to Ying Xuefei.

"Aunt is not hungry, you eat." Ying Xuefei smiles and shakes her head.

The little guy insisted on looking at her and just fed her the bread in her hand. Ying Xuefei had to open her mouth and eat it.

When Xiaojing finished, he went to Gu Ming, tore a little and handed it to him, "uncle."

"I don't eat."

Gu Ming looks cold and doesn't turn his head.

Little thing thinks he's a good man.

Xiaojing stood there, stubbornly holding a small piece of bread, insisting on feeding him.

His little hand was shaking in front of him. Gu Ming stared at him with some annoyance. He saw a pair of very clear and tender eyes, which reflected his ugly face. It was a sharp contrast.

Gu Ming subconsciously turned away from his eyes.

It's too ugly.

So ugly that you can't look directly at yourself.

"Eat, uncle." Xiaojing still insists.

"Xiaojing, don't worry about him. He ate a lot before. You can eat by yourself. Do you want your aunt to help you?" Ying Xuefei said.

When Xiao Jing listened, he had to withdraw his hand and look left and right. He carefully sat down next to Gu Ming, put the bread in his mouth and chewed it hard.

Chew chew, the little guy's eyes red, raised his face to look at should Xuefei, "I... Want mom, want dad."

Ying Xuefei looks at the little face. Her heart seems to have been rubbed. She goes to sit down, holds Xiaojing in her lap and caresses his little face placidly. "It's too dark outside now, and tomorrow my aunt will take you to find your mother."When Gu Ming sleeps, she will contact Lin Yi as soon as he sleeps.


The little guy wants to cry. He covers his mouth with his little hand and forces himself not to cry. His face is wrinkled.

Gu Ming sits on one side and is so crowded that he can only keep leaning against the wall. As soon as he raises his eyes, he sees the little guy in Ying Xuefei's arms who wants to cry and doesn't dare to cry.

The little guy is very smart, and he has been holding his emotions and not crying loudly.

Ying Xuefei calmed him down for a long time.

Ying Xuefei turns out the quilt and spreads it on the ground. When she holds Xiaojing, she lies down. The little man stares at it with his eyes open, and can't sleep at all.

It's very quiet in the warehouse.

Gu Ming is still sitting. His injuries make him lie down in pain.

Ying Xuefei coaxed him to sleep when he was shooting Xiaojing. After a long time, the little guy finally closed his eyes and his long curly eyelashes vibrated gently.

Seeing the child asleep, Ying Xuefei takes a look at Gu Ming, who is sitting. He is worried and closes his eyes to find a way.

It's so quiet. It's so quiet that you can hear the sound of the sea breeze.

It's very clear.

Lying on the quilt, he suddenly opens his eyes and looks at everything in front of him. Suddenly, he turns his head and bumps into Gu Ming's eyes.

Gu Ming, don't overdo it.

When people move, their injuries are also involved.

The arm was broken, and it hurt so much that the elbow was red and swollen.

He took a breath of cold air silently and turned pale.

When Xiaojing looked at him, he suddenly got up from the quilt and walked up to him. He put his little mouth in front of him and breathed on his elbow. He breathed so hard that his whole face turned red.


Gu Ming stares at him speechless.

"No pain, no pain." Xiaojing's voice comforted him, and then he looked at Ying Xuefei, who had closed her eyes on the ground. She put up her hand in front of her mouth and said, "shh."

He motioned to him not to wake his aunt.

"Sleep in your sleep."

Gu Ming can't communicate with him.

The little guy didn't go away, but he still gathered in front of him and puffed his red and swollen part with his cheeks.

"You really don't know anything."

Gu Ming sneered coldly.

He was sold and counted the money for him.

Xiaojing looked at him, then sat down next to him, and patted him gently with his little hand, just like his mother coaxed him, just like his aunt coaxed him.


Gu Ming raised his hand and tried to push him. As soon as he lowered his eyes, he saw the child's half red and swollen face. It was obvious that he had been beaten.

Gu Ming's hand went up in the air, but he still put it down.

The little guy was worried about his pain. He sat beside him and yawned, but he still didn't forget to pat him with his little hand. Soon, the little guy patted himself and fell asleep. His head leaned against his arms and his mouth opened slightly. After a while, his saliva came down.