Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1158

"Have you ever launched a carpet search centering on Chinese humanity?"

Should cold year cold voice asks a way.

What can buy food is that it's not too far away from the place where the meat ticket is stored“ It's already started. The police here are almost out to help us, but there is no result yet. " Mu Huahong picked up a map and drew a circle on the ground. "At present, we have found this area. The local people are very cooperative with the investigation, and they are all open

Let's search all the places where we can find Tibetans. "

Ying Hannian took the map and looked at it coldly. Suddenly, a chill came from his eyes. "The old dock is not far from China."

It's fast to ride a motorcycle.

"Do you still doubt Gu Ming?"

Mu Huahong thinks of Gu Ming who was beaten to death by Ying Hannian for the first time. He can't help but say, "it's basically certain that the Ye family hired the local underworld forces to kidnap Jing. I've pulled back the bodyguards staring at Gu Ming to search."

"Yes, and the docks, stations and airports are all the places we checked for the first time. They have been checked twice, and there is no abnormality."

Mu Xianxu is also a Taoist.

Ying Hannian stood there, staring at the map, raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

"Is there a boat coming in these two days?" He asked suddenly.

"Go and find out! Come on

Mu Huahong immediately gave orders.

"Why did you ask if there was a boat coming in? I was worried that the kidnappers would take the children and stop a lot of traffic. " Mu Xianxu said, "but I didn't stop people coming in from outside."

Now the overall situation of life and death street is only allowed to enter, not to leave. Before Ying Hannian could answer, a bodyguard rushed over and breathlessly said, "yes, today there will be a large domestic freighter stopping at the new wharf to unload the cargo, and then loading and leaving, but the police said, no entry and no exit, the freighter is not allowed

It's supposed to stop here. "

"What time does it dock? Has it landed? "

Should cold year cold voice asks a way.

"It's seven o'clock at the new dock. It should still be floating on the sea now." The bodyguard looked at the time.

Smell speech, should cold year eye color ruthlessly a fierce, a throw in the hand of the newspaper, "call all available hands, inform the police, all go to the old dock! Don't let the freighter land! "

With that, he strode out in a hurry, breathing a little unsteady.

Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu hurried to catch up. They got into the same car with Ying Hannian. The driver immediately started the car and drove to the direction of the old wharf.

Behind the bodyguard quickly get on the car, one after another, driving away from the hotel. In the car, Ying Hannian made a phone call to the man who was nearest to the old wharf. As soon as he hung up, Mu Huahong sat beside him and asked, "what do you think? Since it's the Ye family, they must want your life. Take Jingshi away

There's no need. It's better to stay in life and death street to solve everything... Besides, it doesn't mean to stop the new wharf. Why do you stop the freighter at the old wharf? "

It's a little hard to say.

But Hannian must have his reason for saying that. Ying Hannian sat there, holding his cell phone with one hand, his face gloomy, his black eyes staring coldly in front of him, opening his thin lips and saying, "I was surprised. Fang Ming knew that sooner or later my influence in the street of life and death could find them out, but they were not the first

He spoke to me all night

Mu Xianxu sat in the co pilot, looking back at him, "yes, I'm also strange about that."


Mu Huahong patted his thigh hard and said, "five lunch boxes! How can I understand! Damn it

He's really old.

It's just a reaction.

"What happened to five lunch boxes?" Mu Xianxu is still puzzled.

"Five lunch boxes means that there are only five kidnappers. The sophisticated Ye family doesn't know that five will not be the opponents of the cold year?" Mu Huahong angrily smashed the window again.

Smell speech, mu Xianxu's eyes a coagulate, immediately respond to come over, "so, the kidnapper don't speak at the first time, because want to wait for support to come over... Freighter! The people on the freighter are support

The Ye family put their real strength on the freighter.

Ye family doesn't want money, what they want is the life of Ying Hannian, so they must be safe.

"The cargo ship's unloading plan was prepared two days earlier. Before it started with the children, the cargo ship was at sea. That is to say, since the Ye family knew that the cold year had come to Shengsheng street, they began to have such a plan." Mu Huahong said, "it's hard for every move on the street of life and death to escape our eyes, but the freighter is different. When the freighter goes to the middle of the sea, no matter how many people you have, they can't do anything. As long as they have children in their hands, they are not afraid to give up in cold years。”

It's a more thoughtful plan than they thought.

Use freighters to create a closed dead space, so that there is no possibility of returning after the cold years.

"So what we have to do now is not to let Jingshi get on the freighter." Mu Xianxu nodded, "then why go to the old dock instead of the new dock?"

Ying Hannian sat there, his black eyes cold. "Is it such a coincidence that the freighters coming from China to Shengsheng Street must go through the old dock and then to the new dock, which is not far from the Chinese road?"

"There are many people in the new dock, and it's obviously much easier to take children to the freighter from the old dock."

Mu Huahong understood Ying Hannian's idea.


Ying Hannian looked down at his watch and scratched his finger on the surface.

He went to the old wharf last night, beat Gu Ming and left. As a result, the child stayed there.

A few steps away from him!

He could have brought the baby back last night

But it was a night, a whole night.

His hands were eager to scratch the surface.

Mu Huahong clapped his hand on Ying Hannian's shoulder and said, "now I just hope the freighter hasn't landed."

If the freighter doesn't dock, the kidnappers can only stay in the old dock honestly, and their people can circle around and dig three feet to find out.

As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone began to vibrate.

Mu Xianxu quickly picked up the phone. Without amplifying, the assistant's voice rang excitedly in the whole car, "Wu Shao, there's something wrong with the old wharf!"


Ying Hannian lowered his head and his eyelashes trembled fiercely.


Ten minutes ago.

The huge freighter left a long white wave on the sea. It gradually stopped and stopped at the old wharf less than six o'clock.

Ying Xuefei opens the rolling shutter door of the warehouse and looks up to see the numerous containers loaded on the giant freighter. On the wharf, dozens of local people waiting for illegal immigration have already stood there looking forward to it.

The freighter will carry stowaways from the old wharf to the new wharf for unloading and loading, and then leave.

As long as you sit on it, you will really leave life and death street.

"You can go." Gu Ming stood behind her and said, "when Xiaojing, who just woke up, was standing beside him, rubbing his eyes with his little hands and looking at them blankly.".