Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1155

Dad, Dad, woo

Gu Ming is aware that the child is a little familiar, xiaojingshi suddenly ran towards him, straight into his arms, "wow" out of a howl, crying loud.

Gu Ming was beaten by Ying Hannian. He would be hit by a little guy, and he almost fainted.

He pulled away the child in front of him. Xiaojing looked at him with tears and ashes on his face. He couldn't cry, and he was wronged.

Gu Ming wiped two handfuls on his face. "Are you Ying Hannian's son?"

This is not fate.

Ying Hannian tried to find someone to death and beat him up, so the little thing bumped into him.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

When Xiaojing was crying, he went to his arms again.


Gu Ming pulls him apart in disgust. Suddenly, he hears a cursing voice coming from far away. He listens to the outside, looks at the child in front of him, and holds his finger to his lips. "Don't cry. If you cry, you will be arrested."

The little guy stood in front of him. He was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth with his little hand and widened his watery eyes. He did not dare to move.

Gu Ming pushed him behind him, picked up a coat, put it on difficultly, put the little guy under his coat, and let him stand in the corner. He sat back like this. The child was completely invisible behind him.

"You can't make a sound, understand?"

He whispered.

The little guy didn't move.

Gu Ming laughs a little mockingly. He's really the kind of person who should be born in cold years. Such a small brain can understand it. Just thinking about it, there were two men walking out there, cursing, "what is it? I can't even see such a small child. I want to die! Look for it! The child can't run far. He must still be at the dock. Let's stare at the seaside. Don't bump into the sea

He drowned in the water

"I know, I know."

As soon as Hu Jianan raised his eyes, he saw the warehouse with the light on. He strode in and saw that it was a bit of a mess. Then he saw a man with an oriental face sitting in the corner, looking very pale and dying.

"What are you doing here?"

The fat man asked in a less authentic Mandarin, with a ferocious posture.

Sitting there, Gu Ming could feel the child behind him as stiff as a stone. He picked up the ticket that should be put down by Xuefei from the ground and said, "go to sea tomorrow."

"It turned out to be a stowaway."

The fat man suddenly looked at Gu Ming and said, "no, there are no foreigners here."

It's all local people.

"I know him." Hu stubble man bit the flue. "I've seen a picture of him from Dr. Sam before. It seems that he ordered all the doctors in life and death street not to treat him in cold year."

"It turned out that he was also cured in the cold year."

The fat man felt relieved, patted his pistol at Gu Ming's waist and asked in Mandarin, "Hey, I ask you, have you seen a child? We've lost our first child. "


Gu Ming shakes his head.

They stood there and looked around. The warehouse was too simple and clear. They didn't even have to turn it.

"All right, don't talk too much, or be careful with the gun."

After they looked at each other and gave a warning, they turned and went out to continue looking for the child.

At this time, it is most important to find out the children, and there is no time to pay attention to idle people.

Moreover, this man offended Ying Hannian. Even if he felt something, there was no reason to tell him.

As soon as they went out, they met Ying Xuefei, who came back. They met each other. Ying Xuefei took a look at them and saw the gun flying by their waist. They went back to the warehouse without a word.

Seeing that she was with Gu Ming, the fat man turned back and asked her, "Hey, have you seen a child?"


Ying Xuefei stood at the door and shook her head.

The fat man pointed to the gun at his waist, warned her and left with Hu Jiannan.

Ying Xuefei looks at their back, reaches out and pulls down the rolling shutter door of the warehouse, rushes into the warehouse and turns over her mobile phone.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Ming looks at her coldly“ I went out to look for a circle, but I couldn't find Xiaojing. However, there must be something wrong with those two people just now! " Ying Xuefei squatted on the ground and turned on her mobile phone excitedly. "Life and death street is the implementation of gun control. Where did the two people get their gunsI don't see any children... I'll call Lin Yi now! "

"No more."

Gu Ming cold voice way, pull open clothes, put small scene when come out.

The little guy stooped out from under his clothes, his wrinkled clothes and dirty face. When he saw Ying Xuefei, he rushed over immediately, and he didn't dare to cry. He sobbed, "aunt."


Ying Xuefei opens her eyes wide in shock, and then holds the little guy tightly. She looks up at Gu Ming and understands everything. She is overjoyed. "Did you save Jingshi? That's great. "


Gu Ming has a cold face and doesn't speak.

"I'll call Lin Yi now. She must be mad." When Xuefei holds Xiaojing in one hand, she goes to get her mobile phone in the other.

"No fighting."

Gu Ming looks at her coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Ying Xuefei looks at him inexplicably“ Since Ying Hannian believes that I have bound his son, I will bear the charge Gu Ming coldly opened his collar. There was a rash scald on his skin, which was caused by the spark of the stick when he was hit in the cold year

In the body.

It hurts.

Life is more painful than death.

"Are you crazy? Do you still want to fight with Ying Hannian with a child?" Ying Xuefei didn't agree with him and looked at him.

"It's called stepping on iron shoes and finding nowhere. It's easy to get them."

Gu Ming sat there, looking at the little guy with a sad look.

Xiaojing leans against Ying Xuefei's arms, uneasy and helpless. She grabs her clothes with her hands.

"It's OK, it's OK." Ying Xuefei rubs his little head. He doesn't listen to Gu Ming. He picks up his cell phone and dials it.

"If you dare to fight, I'll make a sound immediately. They are looking for it along the old wharf. Do you think it's them who come fast, or should they come fast in the cold years?" Gu Ming sneered without expression. "You're so good at Kung Fu. How many bullets can you block?"

"You --"

When Ying Xuefei holds Xiaojing in her arms, she looks at Gu Ming's cold face and says, "I know you've hurt a lot of people, but I believe you're not the kind of person who plays with children's lives."

"If you don't believe it, try it."

Gu Mingdao's eyes were full of bitterness. "Do you know what it's called? It's called that God doesn't want to kill me. He gives me hope in the end."

"When on earth will you stop?"

Ying Xuefei looks at him and can't help asking, "why do you have to fight with Ying Hannian? Why can't you think about living your own life? Who are you tormenting and who are you tormenting? "

Why? Lin Yi is right. He has been fighting with Ying Hannian for too long. Since the food competition, he has not only regarded Ying Hannian as a stumbling block to the top of the four families.