Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1154

Fingertips rub her arms back and forth over and over again, and people cling to her dependently.

The temperature on her made him feel a little relieved.


The night is as long as there is no end. The wind blows through the old wharf, and there is no fluctuation. A figure enters a warehouse full of salted fish smell, opens a board in the dark, and goes down the stairs, swearing in a local accent, "Damn, there are many policemen out there, and many people are looking for them, house to house

Searching door to door, I almost couldn't come here. "

A rough man puts several lunch boxes on the wooden table next to him. Several men with long guns and short guns immediately jump up and compete to eat.

A fatter man said vaguely while eating, "it's OK. The old wharf has been searched. Who would have thought there was a basement in the salted fish warehouse."

"You'd better be careful. After such a large sum of money, we have to get things done." The stubble faced man pulled a chair to sit down, lit a cigarette, turned his head and looked into the corner. The beautiful little boy sat there with his little hand on his knee and looked at them. His face was white

It's clean.

He immediately frowned, "how do you do it? Didn't you let him sleep? "

"It's all right, chief." The fat man bit the meat and said, "the child didn't cry since he woke up. He has been silly. I don't know if it was the previous overpowering drug or if he was born a fool in yinghannian!"


Hu stubble man stepped out the smoke, walked up to the little boy, and asked in the unorthodox Mandarin, "Hey, do you know who I am?"


Xiaojing, who was less than two years old, looked at him without crying. He couldn't see laughter or crying in his eyes. He was numb.

"It's like a fool."

Hu stubble man sneered, raised his hand on the boy's face and wrung the ashes on his face. "Damn, Ying Hannian's son is really clean and beautiful!"

When Xiaojing sat there, his eyes were angry with the pain, and he put out his hand to push him.

"Pa --"

As soon as his face sank, he slapped him in the face.

When it was dark in front of my eyes, my little body fell to one side and fainted.

"Grandma, dare to push me, Ying Hannian is not a thing, and his son is not a thing!" Hu Nan scolded.

"Chief, the child is small. Don't be killed."

The others came quickly.

"It's not so easy to die!" Hu Qinan snorted, "at the beginning, my group of people arrested an old man named mu, and finally they were beaten by Ying Hannian and almost disabled. Later, he was engaged in the construction of life and death street, and half of Laozi's people were put into prison! And me

Be merciful to his son? Pooh! If it hadn't been for such a large sum of money, I would have killed the little rabbit! "

They are the local underworld forces. They boasted a lot in those years, but they have been trapped by Ying Hannian in the past two years.

They also want to find a chance to make Ying Hannian unhappy, but they can't do anything with their bare hands. All of a sudden, a big business comes to them, and they also provide guns and weapons. It's strange that they don't do it.

"Well, chief, who do you think gave us the money to do such a thing?" Asked the fat man, eating his meal.

"Whatever! We take the money to do business! " Hu Jiannan kicked the child on the ground. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a helicopter flying by. There was an air broadcast playing over and over again, indicating that the kidnapper should release the child quickly. But let bygones be bygones and the price is easy to talk about, but if the child is short of a hair

We will definitely pursue it to the end

It was so loud that they could hear it in the basement.

"For the sake of this son, Ying Hannian has really lost money. The helicopters are out." Fat man in a bypass, make other ideas, "boss, it seems that we and should cold year to talk about the deal is also good..."

"I will never talk to Ying Hannian!"

Hu Chi man hated the way, glared at them and said, "don't worry, I will get back the money from the employer, but in the cold years, I must make him pay the price!"


A few people dare not speak again.

"Come on, fat man, come up with me and see how much strength Ying Hannian has deployed. The rest of us stay here."

Hu Nan grabs the fat man up.

As the night grew deeper and deeper, and it was almost dawn, the two kidnappers sat in the basement, listening to the fading radio outside, and leaned against the wall to sleep in a daze.Time is running out.

When Xiaojing falls on the ground, he slowly opens his eyes and looks at the strange environment around him vaguely. As soon as he turns his head, he sees two ferocious kidnappers. His eyes suddenly show fear. The fingerprints on his dirty little face are still clear.

He missed his mother, he missed his father.

I can't cry.

Don't cry.

He sat on the ground and put his little hand over his mouth.

When adults have business to do, he can't disturb them. He wants to play by himself. When Dad talks to many adults, he does the same.


I'm still scared.

Xiaojing tenses his emotions when he is young. His face is wrinkled into a bun. He wants to go to his mother. He wants to go to his mother

He stood up from the ground and left from the two kidnappers like a little old man with a bow. He crept quietly, with big black eyes full of tears. He didn't dare to cry or say anything.

He went up the narrow stairs, not very well.

That's how he saw the adults go.

Xiaojing climbs up and walks out of the warehouse in the dark. As soon as he goes out, he sees Hu Jiannan and fat man standing outside, two tall figures standing on the beach with their backs to him.

As soon as he saw them, Xiaojing's fear deepened and he didn't dare to cry. He walked to the side of the warehouse.

Where's mom?

Where's dad?

Xiaojing looked at the dark world and the dim light. The unknown made him confused and scared. He twisted his little hand and walked forward. He fell twice and bleeding from his knees. He still didn't dare to cry. He got up and went on walking.

I don't know how long he walked. He saw a light coming out of a door.

He came and walked uneasily, not ready to pause, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw an adult sitting against the wall, one hand on his shoulder, with a painful expression.


Xiaojing stops and looks at him.

Gu Ming is sitting there, the pain is severe, suddenly feel what a lift eyes, and Xiaojing's eyes collided with a positive.

A large and a small two people, you look at me, I look at you, the air is quiet.

Xiaojing stares at him and tilts his head.

I think I have. In that big and beautiful hotel before, uncle bodyguard came in with this uncle, and his father talked to him