Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1153

"Follow the schedule?"

Ying Hannian suddenly repeats these four words in a cold voice.


Mu Huahong looks at him.

Ying Hannian raised his eyes and looked coldly at the sea under the night. "Two days later, I will go back to China to attend the international financial summit."

"I've heard that. China attaches great importance to this summit." Mu Xianxu sat on a side road, "I listen to the third brother said, Mu group will take this opportunity to announce a few big moves."

"I see." Mu Huahong's eyebrows were tightly locked. "You suspect that someone in China wants to drag you down. Since the joint rescue, you have established a very good relationship with the government and foreign countries. You can say that you are the leader of the four families... Four families

There are people in the big family who don't agree! "

After analyzing these, mu Xianxu was shocked. "These people, when the financial storm came, they asked you to fight and put on a difficult posture. Now that you have succeeded, they are not satisfied?"

How could this happen. Mu Huahong stood up, took a long breath, and grinned his teeth. "The four families have always been at odds with each other since they existed. Each generation wants to be king and hegemony, and they have great ambitions. If they want to suppress them, they can only use absolute power

Tough means. Now they are afraid that the herdsman will become the head of the four families again, They just don't want the cold year to be "that's OK. I don't have many people here. You have to do it or not!"

Ying Hannian coldly said, turned and left.

Mu Xianxu stood there, reflecting on the cold words, but his lips raised.

It seems to be trusted.

In fact, Ying Hannian can do everything in life and death street. He can find as many people as he wants, but he can do it for him

He strode away, met Mu Huahong who had just called, and said that Ying Hannian had told him.

"OK, then you can do well."

Mu Hua left quickly with a calm face. He got on the bus and drove away.

Mu Xianxu looked at him and recalled that Mu Huahong had just embraced Ying Hannian's Shuo. He shrugged his shoulders and got on the bus to leave.


Lin Yi didn't read half of the monthly newspaper until two o'clock in the morning.

Dad, this is to show her the monthly reports of all the branches.

She went back to her bedroom a little tired. Ying Hannian was wearing a bathrobe and sitting by the head of the bed playing mobile games. Her short hair was wet, and the water dripping down her angular face. She was very handsome.

She smiles. "Are you done?"

Ying Hannian focused on playing games, smelling words, only slightly raised his eyelids, voice low, "well, you take a bath first, I'll make you milk."


Lin Yi is really tired. He hasn't done a lot of work for a long time.

She tapped her neck and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as the door of the bathroom was closed, Ying's action of playing games stopped. His face was calm and his fingertips moved. He crossed out the game and turned out the photo album.

Lin Yi holds his son, and they smile happily at the camera.

Enlarge the photo, his fingertips caress his son's curved eyes, caress the bright smile.

When Lin Yi came out of the bathroom, Ying Hannian was lying on the bed and asleep.

It seems that he is also very tired. Lin Yi went over and took a sip of the milk from the head cupboard. Standing by the bed, he looked at Ying Hannian with low eyes. He was sleeping on his side. The quilt only covered his waist, and his short hair was not dry enough, so it covered his forehead. His eyes were long and narrow, and his eyebrows were glaring

Li, the bridge of the nose is pretty, thin lips are sipping, without any radian.

Lin Yi looked at him and saw that he was still holding a mobile phone.

Play the game to sleep?

With a silent smile, she reaches for her mobile phone. Her fingerprints automatically unlock his screen and pop up photos of her and her son.

I was looking at the picture

It's a little sweet.

Lin Yi laughs and takes a look at the photo in his mobile phone. He thinks that he must have a video with his son tomorrow. Then he puts the mobile phone away and puts it on the bedside table.

After drinking the milk, Lin Yicai went to bed lightly, lifted the quilt and sat in. He bent down to kiss Ying Hannian's face.

After kissing, she cared and lowered herself to sleep.

She was tired after spending a long time in the daytime and reading the monthly newspaper for a long time in the evening, so she soon fell asleep.In the dark, Ying Hannian opened his eyes, turned over to face inside, and looked at the person sleeping in front of him. Suddenly, he reached out and put her in his arms, hugged her tightly, kissing her hair on his thin lips, and clasping her slender arm with his fingers.