Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1152

Ying Xuefei protects Gu Ming. She turns her head and explains to Ying Hannian excitedly, with blood in her mouth.

"Get out of the way!"

Ying Hannian raised his hand again.

Ying Xuefei lowers her head to Gu Ming's heart and guards him with her own head. Gu Ming fell to the ground. Looking at the people in his chest, he could still smell the blood in the air. His eyes flashed. He looked up at the angry Ying Hannian, laughed and said weakly, "Ying Hannian, is it such a big mess after losing a son? Do you?

I'm Gu Ming the only one who wants to target you? "


Ying Hannian gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"The higher you climb, the more hostile you will be. No matter how gentle you are, most of you are jealous. Er..."

Gu Ming had a terrible pain. When he spoke, his throat was full of blood. "When you sit here today, you should have such awareness."


The consciousness of a bound child?

Ying Hannian's face is more gloomy. There are disorderly footsteps outside. Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu come here in a hurry. They see a land of chaos, smoke and blood mixed together.

Gu Ming was beaten badly.

Both were shocked.

Mu Huahong quickly went up to hold Ying Hannian, "Hannian, it's useless for you to kill him. If you want to try him, you have to try him in a certain way. I have the prescription of interrogation medicine, which has been made by people. It can be done soon."

The interrogation medicine of the herdsmen can make people speak.

"Yes." Mu Xianxu looked at Ying Hannian's face and said, "now everyone is pointing at you, you can't mess."

Ying Hannian stood there, staring at Gu Ming fiercely. After a long time, he threw the stick in his hand and walked out.


The sea was calm at night.

Ying Hannian sat on the side of the dock with his legs down and his toes almost touching the sea.

The boundless sea, yellow light fell on him, lonely and small figure.

Mu Huahong and mu Xianxu looked at each other, sighed and walked towards yinghannian“ It's almost over. " Mu Xianxu stood on the side and said, "those two staff members were paid to stop your subordinates. They didn't have any words to find. They took the opportunity to stop them; It was also the staff in the garden who were paid when they were confused. He

After the scene was dazed, he quickly handed the child out from a corner of the park and let people take him away. "

Therefore, it is useless to broadcast in the zoo many times. Xiaojing has been taken away.

But the three staff members have no more clues to provide. Now they can only wait for the kidnappers to take the initiative to contact them.

"In terms of means, it's not the ordinary kidnappers who are making trouble. It's premeditated and well planned. In just a few minutes, the children were transported out." Mu Huahong stood aside and looked at the sea water way. "You suspect that Gu Ming is normal, but if he still has hands, why don't he treat his own injury first? Moreover, now that the children have arrived, they can ask for help, but they are beaten by you

I didn't say that

"That's to keep fighting!"

Ying Hannian's voice is full of bitterness.

Mu Huahong frowned, "cold year, you can't be so anxious."

He's in such a mess that he's not calm at all.

"That's my son!" Ying Hannian suddenly raised his eyes and stared at him with red eyes.

That's the son of him and Lin Yi.

That is the son who dances in front of him every day. Suddenly, he disappeared. From the day to now, he got nothing!

Mu Huahong squatted down and put his hand on his shoulder. His eyes were deep and his voice was deep. "I understand how you feel as a father, but the more so, the less flustered you are. Do you understand?"

"What's the use of understanding?"

Ying Hannian stares at him and asks. He raises his hand, but he doesn't move. He has no place to put it. Every finger is telling the story that he doesn't know what to do. "He has something wrong. How can I explain it to Lin Yi? How can I tell Lin Yi? "

He is a man. He asked Lin Yi to give him a baby. He took the baby with him

The baby's gone.

Just lost it! It's lost under his nose!

How did he tell Lin Yi? How to face Lin Yi?

Mu Huahong looks at Ying Hannian with heavy eyes.

He can see what yinghannian looked like as a child from yinghannian. The child is helpless and not omnipotent.Mu Huahong clenched his shoulder and squatted on the ground. He suddenly hugged Ying Hannian and patted him with his palm on his back. "Don't worry, I'm here. Even if I fight for my life, I will save xiaojingshi."


Smell speech, should cold year body stiff stiff, but did not push away him.

Under the dim light, the sea was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Mu Xianxu stood aside and watched them huddle together. He lowered his eyes and stepped back quietly.

It took a long time for Ying to calm down“ The words have been put out. This is the street of life and death. If you say so, the kidnappers will not escape. " Mu Hua Hong said, "but I told them to be gentle when they were looking for people. They must pass it on, no matter how much money they have

The child is OK

It's not difficult to find someone. I'm afraid I'll be too hard. The kidnappers will not do anything but tear up the tickets.

Ying Hannian didn't say anything, only his head.

Mu Xianxu walked to one side and sat down like Ying Hannian. "The kidnappers have such a detailed plan that they should know that they can't hide in the life and death street for long. How can they not ask for ransom now?"

"Envy the sun."

Next year, Mu Huahong takes a warning look at mu Xianxu.

Mu Xianxu is stunned for a moment, some inexplicable, when he sees Ying Hannian's gloomy face, he suddenly reacts.

If the kidnappers are not for money, they are only for revenge.

In fact, we can also analyze who did it. From this point of view, we can find out one by one. During my stay in life and death street, I found that the situation in life and death street is really getting better because of your investment, but it is also a challenge

To the benefit of a group of people. "

"The local underworld forces have been sent to check in the cold year."

Mu Huahong took the words.

Life and death street was dominated and developed by some disorderly black forces. When these black forces were suppressed again and again, they would naturally transfer this hatred to Ying Hannian.

"So you've all considered it."

Mu Xianxu's eyes darkened. It turned out that he was just doing too much.

"It's also my fault. If you don't want to accompany me for a few more days, you won't show off, so that people can follow the itinerary." Mu Huahong regretted it. He only wanted to stay with them for a few more days, but he didn't think of the hidden danger. Ying Hannian is not an ordinary person after all. Even in the land of life and death street, there are too many eyes staring at him.