Medical Master's World

Chapter 990

Liu Qingqing is stunned for a moment, embraces Qin Jun's waist and sticks the tip of his nose to the tip of his nose.

Gently said, "you gave me a second life, I am willing to repay you with my life, do you want to?"

Qin Jun picked up Liu Qingqing's chin, looked at her eyes and said.

"I hope your heart is like mine. I'd rather bear heaven than Qing."

With that, Qin Jun kisses Liu Qingqing's lips.

Time seems to be fixed in this moment.


Even Qin Jun did not expect that he would come together with Liu Qingqing.

They didn't meet many times, and it was still a doctor-patient relationship. At the beginning, Liu Qingqing's beautiful appearance and skin were all made by Qin Jun.

But the feeling of this kind of thing, it is difficult to say, may be so a moment of emotion, decided that they become lovers.

Qin Jun also thought it was wonderful. Maybe he had made some decisions when he arranged today's betrothal gifts.

After three rounds of wine, Qiu Yuanhua began to introduce Qin Jun with a smile on his face.

"My son-in-law, I'd like to introduce you. This is Qingqing's uncle and this is Qingqing's uncle. In the future, we will all be a family and you will know each other."

Qiu Yuanhua also completely changed his words, and his attitude was totally different from before. He called Qin Jun with enthusiasm and called him a virtuous son-in-law.

After a while, Qiu Yuanhua looked at his watch and suddenly said.

"Qingqing, why hasn't your brother come back?"

Liu Qingqing also looked at his watch and frowned.

"I should have come back long ago. Is the flight delayed?"

Liu Qingqing takes out the phone and dials the number of the airline.

"I'm Liu Qingqing. Check my brother's flight."

Liu Qingqing has a special identity. Naturally, the airline gives her a lot of preferential treatment. It's no problem to check her brother's flight.

A few minutes later, the call came back.

After listening for a while, Liu Qingqing's face changed slightly.

"Mom, my brother's flight is normal, but he didn't get on the plane!"

"Ah? What's the matter? Why didn't Xiaoqiang get on the plane? Why didn't his sister come back for such a big thing? "

Liu Qingqing is also worried. Liu Xiaoqiang, her younger brother, has just graduated from university. Now she has nothing to do. She wants to travel south and north to see what she wants to do.

As a result, I didn't come back after I went to Australia. I said I found a job.

Liu Qingqing met with her husband's family today, but it's their top priority. Of course, Liu Xiaoqiang has to appear. Moreover, Liu Xiaoqiang, who is out of tune, may still be looking forward to this opportunity to ask her new brother-in-law to blackmail some red envelopes.

As a result, Liu Xiaoqiang didn't even get on the plane. It must have been an accident.

Liu Qingqing made several phone calls, but he couldn't get in touch with Liu Xiaoqiang, so he was in a bit of a hurry.

"Xiaoqiang should have an accident. Let's go to Australia!"

Qin Jun frowned, "don't worry, find someone to check, Wang Jinhai."

Wang Jinhai happened to be at the scene. After listening, he left and asked someone to inquire.

Although Liu Xiaoqiang's mobile phone is turned off, the military positioning is very accurate, which can be located within five meters.

If it were not for the relationship between Qin and Jun, even if Liu Qingqing was the richest man, he would not have used such high technology.

After about ten minutes, we located Liu Xiaoqiang's mobile phone.

"The location is in a casino in Australia. In my opinion, Liu Xiaoqiang should have been detained in the casino."