Medical Master's World

Chapter 991

Wang Jinhai frowned, "Australia is special there. Even if I go to save people, it's troublesome."

Liu Qingqing's face is a little ugly. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. Liu Xiaoqiang often gambles on weekdays. I didn't expect that this time something happened.

It is reasonable to say that Liu Xiaoqiang should not make a big deal. Even if he loses, he can afford to lose.

Liu Qingqing is the richest man in China. In addition, the Liu family has a lot of businesses, so their assets are OK. Even if Liu Xiaoqiang squanders and loses miserably, he should not be detained.

Unless you win too much.

As we all know, gambling in the casino, lose casually, win too much, not so easy to take away.

Liu Qingqing plans to go in person, but he is stopped by Qin Jun.

"Let me go. Australia is more complicated. Even if you go, it's useless. Let me try."

Liu Qingqing's worried face said, "be careful."

Wang Jinhai heard the speech and laughed a few times.

"I'm afraid it's difficult for Mr. Qin to have an accident."

Even five-star general Wang Jinhai said that, Liu Qingqing was at ease.

Just before the military order went far away, Liu Qingqing called a helicopter directly back and set off with Qin Jun.

On the way, Wang Jinhai sent Qin Jun some information about casinos.

This casino is not very formal. It's all about fooling people from other places. Local gamblers in Australia usually don't play here.

It's easy to win money, but it's not so easy to take it away.

So the reputation of this casino is very general, old players are not playing here.

But there is also one advantage, that is, the probability of winning is relatively large.

Generally speaking, casinos rarely allow you to win money. In fact, they can control both the dealer's licensing and the machine. Casinos allow a small number of people to win money. Moreover, they are in a very conspicuous place to let everyone see and let people know that their casinos can win money.

When other people rush in, they lose more and more.

A small number of people win and most lose. That's why casinos win.

Even though they know that casinos are sure to make a profit, there are still many people flocking to them, because they think they can be called the small group of people who win money.

Soon, Qin Jun arrived at the casino and was stopped at the gate.

Because this casino is quite special, you must have acquaintances to introduce you.

"Sir, we don't know."

Qin Jun frowned and said.

"I'm a relative of Liu Xiaoqiang."

Two security guards at the door were stunned. Liu Xiaoqiang was their big client. They knew each other. When they heard that they were Liu Xiaoqiang's relatives, they looked at each other.

Quickly took out the walkie talkie and asked again.

After inquiring, he said to Qin Jun.

"You can go in."

There is a manager who takes Qin Jun into the casino. The decoration inside is very luxurious. From time to time, some beautiful girls in Bunny clothes walk around, giving people a pleasant feeling.

The manager took Qin Jun to a VIP lounge, where a young man was lying on the sofa, bored. There were two bodyguards around, looking at him. It seemed that he was afraid that he would run away.

"Liu Xiaoqiang, your relatives are here!"