Medical Master's World

Chapter 989

The car came in again, and Meng Wengang got off.

"Mr. Liu, long time no see."

They still shake hands and exchange greetings. Both of them are entrepreneurs from Donghai. Naturally, there are some contacts between them.

Meng Wengang said, "on behalf of Mr. Qin's family, I send the bride price."

Similarly, all kinds of precious calligraphy and paintings, precious watches, gold, silver and jadeite are a lot of betrothal gifts.

After the delivery, Meng Wengang quickly asked the driver to drive away. Don't get in the way here.

Then, sun, Tian Jiayin, Wang Jinhai, Lei Hong, Duan Baodong, Pei Liang.

All the people from all walks of life came to present their betrothal gifts. The whole yard was full, like a precious jewelry exhibition.

Qiu Yuanhua is stupid. What kind of lineup is this? Is it too luxurious?

He Nianying, Meng Wengang, Tian Jiayin, such a big entrepreneur is on the same level with Liu Qingqing.

Almost every few years, they will change to be the richest man. If any industry has a popular product, it will be the richest man. So they are basically at the same level.

Leader Sun and Wang Jinhai, not to mention, are not at the same level as them at all. They only have to please.

At present this lineup, really completely crushed Liu family.

Qiu Yuanhua's only sense of superiority was scattered.

Everyone was confused. I didn't expect that Qin Jun's background was so strong!

Liu Qingqing did not expect that, standing beside Qin Jun, he grabbed him by the waist quietly.

"How many secrets do you have that I don't know?"

Qin Jun light smile, "you know me?"

Liu Qingqing looks into Qin Jun's eyes, with a trace of autumn water in his eyes.

"I need to get to know you slowly."

Qin Jun a Leng, "slowly? How slow is it? "

All of a sudden, Liu Qingqing grabbed Qin Jun's hand. His cheeks were ruddy, but he didn't bow his head to meet his eyes. They looked at each other.

"It will take a lifetime."


Today's meeting with the in laws is quite grand. So many big men gathered together, which is enough to stir the whole country.

Liu Qingqing is busy with entertaining. Originally, these people are entrepreneurs of the same level who have the opportunity to cooperate. Now they are Qin Jun's family. Naturally, she dare not neglect them.

He Nianying and his family are very relaxed and have no airs, just like their normal family members would be in laws. They drink with Liu Qingqing's father and uncles cup by cup and enjoy themselves very much.

It's a wonderful scene.

Qin Jun thought, if only the Qin family could live.

Qin Jun took a glass of wine, looked up at the moon and drank it down.

This cup of wine, jingchanjuan, I wish everyone of Qin family rest in the distance.

After a drink, suddenly a soft body came over.

Liu Qingqing said in a soft voice with three points of flattery in her eyes.

"You're here alone to watch the moon, not to mention helping me entertain guests. I'm so busy."

Liu Qingqing's tone with a hint of coquetry, I'm afraid no one has seen the country's richest man coquetry look.

Qin Jun said with a smile, "those people don't need to be entertained, just let them drink by themselves."

Liu Qingqing gave him a look and said without good spirit.

"That's your friend. Of course, I'll treat you well. I'm polite. That's for your face."

Qin Jun looked at Liu Qingqing's serious appearance and said with a smile.

"Let's just Did you really do it? "