Medical Master's World

Chapter 972

The next morning, Qin Jun took Bai Ya to the door of stratus beauty.

Now Liu Qingqing has become the richest man in China, and stratus beauty has become a leading enterprise in Handong province and even in the whole country. It's very powerful to work in this company.

Even the security guards at the gate are in a higher position, and their wages are much higher than those of other security guards.

Qin Jun and Bai Ya get out of the taxi. They go to the door, and a security guard immediately stops them.

"What's the matter? This is stratus beauty. No appointment is allowed."

To be a security guard in Stratiform Cloud beauty has created a great sense of superiority for them.

Often watching these senior white-collar workers in and out, they feel that they are also a high-grade character.

Seeing Qin Jun and Bai Ya coming by taxi, their attitude became colder.

Bai Ya took out her work permit and said, "I just left yesterday. I have something to go back to today."

The security guard didn't even look at Bai Ya's work permit, "quit? Are you fired? "

In Stratiform Cloud beauty work, actually still leave?

A lot of people want to squeeze inside, and it is almost impossible for them to change jobs outside. If they leave, they will be fired.

Bai Ya lowered her head, a little ashamed.

"I, I was really fired, but I have something to look for the supervisor today!"

The security guard sneered, "if you are fired, do you still have the face to come back? Let's go now. No appointment, no reception. "

Qin Jun frowned. The security guard's speech was a little ugly, and his attitude was so bad that he was a little upset.

"No appointment, no reception? What about customers who come here for the first time? Call a steward down

Hearing Qin Jun's words, the security guard sneered, "call a steward down? You are the old man. Play while you are. Don't stand here and delay our company's image. "

With impatience on his face, the security guard sorted out his clothes and stood straight to meet a woman coming in front of him.

"Director Sun!"

The security guard respectfully saluted the middle-aged woman.

Director Sun nodded slightly, looked at Bai Ya, and suddenly showed a sneer.

"Bai Ya? Why are you here again? The company has fired you. Don't cling to it. You've left your job, and now you can't get in. "

Bai Ya was in a hurry and said.

"Director Sun, you all know that I have never stolen anything. Why do you want to wrongly me?"

Director Sun sneered, "I haven't stolen anything. Why is that less?"? Ha ha. "

"It's you..." Bai Yagang is about to blurt out that the lost things are clearly stolen by director Sun himself. She steals 30000 or 50000 products from the warehouse every month.

Sun shouts as soon as he stares.

"Shut up! What nonsense

Director Sun quickly interrupts her, so as not to let the smelly girl talk nonsense. If the security guard hears her, she has to find a way to deal with the security guard.

Sun shouts, steps forward and slaps in the face.


However, this slap did not hit Bai Ya's face, but was caught by Qin Jun.

"Can the supervisor hit people at will? That's what the boss of your company taught you? "

Mr. Sun was seized by Qin Jun's wrist and couldn't move. He tried twice and didn't break away. He was a little agitated.

"You let go of me, where's the loser, silly, you let go of me!"

Qin Jun frowned and slapped him.

With a slap, a five finger mark suddenly appeared on sun's face.

Qin Jun said coldly.

"The mouth stinks. It's a bad lesson."