Medical Master's World

Chapter 971

Bai Ya sighed and said.

"I used to be a warehouse keeper, keeping the warehouse, but today I happened to meet our supervisor who was stealing..."

"Our company produces cosmetics. The director took a lot of cosmetics and didn't take the list. When I found out, he told me to keep quiet."

"The cosmetics she stole were worth at least 50000 yuan. She wanted to give me half of them, but I didn't agree. Then she put them down and left."

Everyone nodded in approval.

"Xiaoya is right. Since she is a warehouse keeper, she should take care of them. She can't let people steal things from the company, especially the salary of internal staff."

Bai Ya sighed and said, "ah, but in the afternoon, the company's senior executives suddenly came to the warehouse to work on the warehouse. As a result, the warehouse lost a lot of products, and they couldn't check the accounts. Several colleagues reported me and said that I stole it, so I was fired..."

The village head and others were furious.

"How can this happen? They stole it. Why did they frame you up?"

Bai Ya sighed, "I can't help it. They are powerful. If I offend them, they will wrongly me."

Everyone laments that it's hard to survive without power and power. It's hard to be framed in a big city if you do your job well in the company.

Qin Jun also felt that the little girl was a little wronged.

But the workplace is like this, many times you clearly did not do wrong, but offended the leadership, even if you do well, I'm afraid you can't get a good result.

"What company are you?"

Qin Jun casually asked a mouth, maybe he has a relationship, can help say.

The little girl said, "stratiform cloud make-up."

Qin Jun Leng for a moment, "stratus beauty? Liu Qingqing, the beauty of stratus cloud

Bai Ya nodded, "yes, brother-in-law, do you know the beauty of stration cloud? Oh, yes, our boss is now the richest man in the country, a household name

Since Liu Qingqing regained her appearance, with the prescription Qin Jun gave her to remove the scar, she has directly become the richest man in the country, ranking first. Now she is approaching the richest man in the world, and has become one of the top five in the world.

This layer of cloud beauty is naturally rising. The scale of the company is expanding, and many companies are recruiting, so a little girl like Bai Ya can have the opportunity to be a warehouse keeper.

Qin jundao, "this layer of cloud beauty I really know, well, I'll help you to say it tomorrow."

White Ya Dun eyes show surprise color, "really ah, thank you so much brother-in-law!"

Other villagers are also surprised, "this Xiaoqin is really powerful, everyone knows it, you can know stratus beauty, it's really impressive."

"Ha ha, as I said earlier, Lao Wang's family picked up a golden turtle son-in-law. Let's be jealous."

Wang Dongxue's father couldn't close his mouth with a smile. Qin Jun really gave him a long face today.

Only Wang Dongxue is a little worried and says to Qin Jun quietly.

"Brother Qin, will it be too much trouble? If you take too many human relationships, forget it..."

Qin Jun smiles, "it's all right. I'll help you."