Medical Master's World

Chapter 973

Director Sun was slapped and his face was extremely ugly.

"You are presumptuous! You dare to hit me, security guard, what are you doing in a daze! "

The security guard just recovered and quickly pulled out his stick to fight with Qin Jun.

However, the slap on Qin Jun's face just now was very impressive. In addition, Qin Jun was also a big man. The security guard stood there for a long time and did not dare to move.

Sun was very angry, "waste! What a waste

Scolded two, sun director walked directly into the building inside quickly.

Qin Jun looked at the security guard and said faintly.

"Call someone down to pick me up."

The security guard snorted coldly, "call someone down to pick you up? Who do you think you are? How about I ask the boss to come down and pick you up in person? "

Qin jundao, "yes."

"Ha ha ha!" The security guard laughed, "you are really funny. I haven't seen you pretend so much, and let the boss come down to pick you up. How big is your face?"

Seeing that the security guard didn't call, Qin Jun took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Qingqing's number.

Liu Qingqing is in a meeting at the company. His private mobile phone rings and should not answer it. However, seeing the caller ID above, Liu Qingqing is stunned and quickly picks up the phone to connect.

Whispered, "hello?"

All shareholders of the company are confused. Liu Qingqing's management is very strict on weekdays. No one is allowed to call during the meeting, even she is no exception. But today, Liu Qingqing made an exception. I don't know which important person called.

Qin jundao, "I'm downstairs. Can't I go up now? Would you like to meet me?"


With that, Liu Qingqing hung up and walked out quickly. After two steps, he remembered that he was still in a meeting and said to a vice president.

"Keep talking. I'll go out."

With that, Liu Qingqing opened the door and left.

We were all stunned. We had never seen Liu Qingqing so nervous and urgent. Even when he met with other leaders from all walks of life, or even with some provincial leaders, he did not exaggerate.

Is it difficult to be downstairs, the future "landlady"?

When the security guard saw Qin Jun's pretending manner on the phone, he immediately sneered.

"You can really pretend. Do you mean it was our boss who called you just now?"

Qin Jun sneered, "why, don't you believe it?"

"Ha ha, if our boss comes down to meet you personally, I will kneel down and kowtow to you!"

As soon as the security guard's voice fell, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes collapsing on the floor in the hall. The rapid sound of high-heeled shoes could tell that the people inside were walking in a hurry.

A few seconds later, a beautiful figure appeared at the door. Seeing Qin Jun at the door, Liu Qingqing showed a rare smile.

"What are you doing here?"

The security guard was silly.

"Liu How are you

Qin Jun light smile, and then looked at the security.

"Is it your boss? Why don't you get down on your knees? "

On hearing this, Liu Qingqing frowned and asked.

"Why, did you bump into Mr. Qin?"

The security guard was so scared that he knelt down on the ground.

"I, I didn't mean to. I was wrong. Mr. Liu, I was wrong."

Liu Qingqing frowned, "people like you don't deserve to be security guards here. Go and get paid. Go away."

The security guard's face was as pale as ashes, and his heart was filled with remorse.

Qin Jun ignored him and pointed to Bai Ya beside him.

"This is my friend's cousin. She used to work in your company, but she was fired later. I'll come to you through the back door."