Medical Master's World

Chapter 948

Jinshanfeng has completely lost patience, and his face shows a ferocious expression.

"Bitch, dare to resist again, I'll kill you!"

Finish saying, Golden Mountain Maple once again pounced on to come over, also have no what pity the appearance of jade, prepare to use rough.

Su Wenqi's face is as pale as ashes. It's too difficult for her to resist an adult man. The resistance just now has made her powerless.

If she continues, she may not even have the chance to commit suicide.

In the corner of Su Wenqi's eyes shed tears, full of despair, suddenly a whoosh!

A burst of wind came from my ears.

Then, jinshanfeng body suddenly flew out, arm drive the whole body, was nailed to the wall.

By the light, we seem to see a silver flash.

Su Wenqi is also a flower eyes, to see the body of Jinshan Maple fly out.

Take a close look, at this time of Jinshan Maple whole dead close to the wall, elbow has a small silver needle, through his arm, nailed on the wall!

Jin Shanfeng's face was full of pain, and his arm didn't dare move. The whole person was close to the wall, like he was pointed.

Silver needle!

Su Wenqi's face was full of surprise. Looking in the direction of the silver light just now, she saw a tall man coming out of the smoky bedroom, just like a savior, the God of heaven.

It's Mr. Qin!

Su Wenqi widened her eyes. Unexpectedly, Qin Jun would appear!

Where did he get in?

It's thirty-three floors outside!

Crawling in unarmed?

Su Wenqi can't imagine!

Several bodyguards were stunned for a moment, and they didn't expect to rush out from outside.

Four bodyguards, two holding Shen Zilong, the other two rushed to Qin Jun.

A person a punch, blunt Qin Jun's key to greet past.

Hoo Hoo!

However, after two punches, Qin Jun's figure directly disappeared in situ!

Two people immediately froze, so many years also can be regarded as knowledgeable, have seen the skill fast, but have not seen so fast!

When they reacted, Qin Jun had already stood behind them, holding the back necks of both of them in his two hands and squeezing them hard.

With a click, they died on the spot!

Subsequently, the remaining two Shen Zilong pressure also quickly up.

Two against one is no match, two against two is even worse.

Shen Zilong also quickly took advantage of the opportunity to hand, one by one, instantly subdued all the people.

Shen Zilong was lying on the ground just now, but he could see it clearly. Qin Jun's skill was so fast that he could not catch up with him.

After the four bodyguards are all subdued, Su Wenqi nose acid, directly into Qin Jun's arms.

He would not let go with his arms around his neck.

Qin Jun feel a hot mind, this girl should also be scared, cry.

Even the strong women in the singing world are unavoidably scared to death in this situation.

"Nothing. I'm here. Don't be afraid."

Su Wenqi raised her head, looked at Qin Jun, eyes autumn water, suddenly around his neck, directly kiss his lips.

The sweet and mellow taste came, which caught Qin Jun off guard.

Next to Shen Zilong quickly turned embarrassed, pretending to clean the scene as if nothing had happened.

"Well, hurry to the hospital. It's too late now."

Su Wenqi also recovered, nodded and said solemnly.

"Yes, I want to donate bone marrow to xiaomiaomiao, quick!"