Medical Master's World

Chapter 947

Although these people are bodyguards, they can't die in vain.

If it's worthwhile to sacrifice for the sake of protecting the employer, now it's just for the sake of the last woman. They won't be stupid enough to go all out.

Jinshan Maple gas enough choking, sitting on the sofa scolded two, "loser!"

A few minutes later, a bodyguard came into the door and said.

"Mr. king, I've got a tear gas!"

Seeing the tear gas, Jinshan Maple's eyes lit up.

"Good thing!"

With this, we are not afraid that they will not come out!

One of the bodyguards took the tear gas, opened the pull ring, and suddenly kicked to the bedroom door. The bedroom door was the ordinary wooden door. A big hole appeared when he kicked it down!

Inside, Shen Zilong's face changed greatly. He quickly flanked Su Wenqi behind him, holding a gun in his hand and preparing to start.

As a result, a smoke bomb came in from the outside!

Shen Zilong's face changed greatly. He quickly picked up the tear gas and prepared to throw it back.

It's a pity that we had made preparations outside. The hole in the door just now was directly blocked up with a pillow to break Shen Zilong's idea.

Tear gas is so powerful that it can't open your eyes in a moment. Even Shen Zilong, a well prepared special forces soldier, was choked by tear gas and began to cough.

A few seconds later, bang, the door was directly kicked open. The four bodyguards outside were also specially trained and vigorous. In this case, they directly subdued Shen Zilong.

There's no chance to raise your hand and shoot.

As soon as Su Wenqi was a girl, she had no room to fight back.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they were taken out.

Seeing Su Wenqi caught, Jin Shanfeng showed a sneer on his face.

"Su Wenqi, why don't you do this for a long time? Why do you have to fight me? "

Su Wenqi raised her head and said coldly.

"Jinshanfeng, dare you touch me?"

After all, Su Wenqi is a big sister in the singing world. Although she is now subdued, she is still very tough.

Moreover, Su Wenqi does have the strength. How many can be more influential than Su Wenqi in the Chinese singing world?

Jin Shanfeng sneered, "you threaten me? Do you think I'm afraid of you? When I come to China for development, it's just icing on the cake. If it develops well, I'll stay here. If it doesn't develop well, I'll go back to h country. Do you want to threaten me? "

Jin Shanfeng's words make su Wenqi's face even more ugly. What he said is reasonable. If he is a Chinese singer, he may have to be afraid of Su Wenqi. After all, she is a powerful singer.

But Jin Shanfeng, a singer of H country, really doesn't like this.

Su Wenqi clenched her teeth, "jinshanfeng, you will be ruined if you do this!"

Jin Shanfeng sneered, "ruined? After tonight, you are the one who has been ruined! "

Finish saying, Golden Mountain Maple directly rushed up, tear Su Wenqi's clothes.

Several bodyguards next to Shen Zilong, let him move.

Su Wenqi desperately struggle, fingernails in jinshanfeng's neck scratched out a few bloodstains.

Golden Mountain Maple retreated a few steps, touched a neck, unexpectedly all is blood, suddenly angry.

"Bitch, you want to die!"


Jin Shanfeng slaps Su Wenqi in the face!