Medical Master's World

Chapter 949

Su Wenqi ran downstairs and ran to a private hospital called Limin hospital.

This Limin hospital is a private hospital. Miao Miao is a leukemia patient and has been on CCTV news.

After being on the news, it has received a lot of media attention, and some people just take this opportunity to sponsor Miao Miao.

This Limin hospital is one of them. All the expenses of Miao Miao's operation are borne by them, and they don't need to spend a cent.

It is also because of this program that Su Wenqi successfully matches xiaomiaomiao by chance.

At this time, at the door of the operating room, a pair of men and women stood, hugging and weeping.

There are a lot of reporters in the interview, with a camera shooting, a man wearing glasses came to their husband and wife said.

"I'm sorry, I apologize to you on behalf of our star entertainment company. We didn't expect that Su Wenqi should be such a person and use the way of fraudulent donation to hype. It's our company's fault. We will bear your economic losses!"

This is Zhao Rong, one of Su Wenqi's agents.

Because this is not the responsibility of Tian Jie, Zhao Rong spoke to the media on behalf of their film and television company on behalf of Su Wenqi.

After su Wenqi's accident, Zhao Rong apologized everywhere. He said it was all his fault, but actually he was pointing at Su Wenqi.

He is innocent of all the responsibilities.

The couple's faces were full of tears, and they were still reluctant to believe the news.

"No way, Miss Su has told us many times, many times in private! She can't cheat! Contact her again, please

"Yes, Su Wenqi's character is well-known. She has sponsored many poor people before. It's not our turn. She deliberately deceives people!"

The couple contacted Su Wenqi in private. I believe Su Wenqi is not such a person.

Zhao Rong sighed, "we always thought Su Wenqi was a kind person, but we didn't expect that..."

"Before those public welfare just need to take money, and it's not su Wenqi who takes money from her own pocket. Of course, she doesn't object."

"But this bone marrow transplant is a bit harmful to her health. She thinks it's bad for her health, so she's cheating on her donation. It's all our management mistakes. I'm really sorry. "

Zhao Rong is also bribed by jinshanfeng. Now that he knows that Su Wenqi is going to be ruined, he doesn't need to leave a good impression on her. Let's talk about it.

Zhao Rong takes out his mobile phone, dials Su Wenqi's number again, and presses the hands-free key to listen to the media.

"Hello, the subscriber you dialed has been turned off..."

Everyone looked disappointed. Zhao Rong shook his head and sighed.

"As you can see, Su Wenqi has lost her mind. The phone has been turned off all the time. I guess where she should spend her time now."

On the surface, Zhao Rong is distressed, but on the inside, he sneers.

Su Wenqi is really amusing, but should be amused.

Over the years, they have also made a lot of money. Now Su Wenqi is a big brand. It's too difficult for these agents to squeeze some oil from her.

Simply, it's better to let her down.