Medical Master's World

Chapter 691

At that time, he wanted to be a dog for Qin Jun, but he failed. Later, after the Qin family was down, he congratulated him more than once. Fortunately, he didn't flatter Qin Jun, otherwise their family would be involved.

It's a great time to see Qin Jun again.

"Qin Jun, haven't seen you for such a long time. Have you had children?"

They were a little surprised to see Qin Jun leading such a big little girl.

Qin jundao, "no, this is my sister."

"Oh, to my surprise, I thought you would get married and have children after you dropped out of school."

"Ha ha, a lot of people who didn't go to college did get married earlier. It may be more popular in the countryside, but now aspiring men are still career oriented. It's early to get married at the age of 27 or 28."

Yu Qiang is very polite, but in fact, his words are full of irony and he puts gold on his face.

Recently, he has done a good job in his career, so he has the courage to say this.

"By the way, Qin Jun, we just had a classmate party today. No one can contact you. We just met today. How about you join us?"

Qin Jun frowned, "many years do not contact, I am not familiar, or you get together."

Qin Jun declined. They are all junior high school students. They have no impression. It's embarrassing to meet them. It's better not to see them.

Yu Qiang is very enthusiastic, "go for a while. They are all old friends. By the way, your former friend Ren Lu seems to be here today."


Qin Jun hesitated a little, junior high school students are worth remembering, there is only one Ren Lu.

At that time, when he was in school, Ren Lu's family conditions were also good. There was no need to curry favor with other rich and poor people, so he was also a close friend with Qin Jun. only after ten years of no contact, he broke up with Qin Jun.

Yu Qiang was very enthusiastic and put his arms around Qin Jun's shoulder. "Go, it's not easy for our junior high school students to get together. It's not good to be less than one of you."

Qin Jun nodded, "OK."

It's good to see Ren Lu. It's been more than ten years. I don't know how he's been.

After finishing his hair, Qin Jun called aunt Feng and asked her to pick up Yaya.

After seeing aunt Feng and Yaya go out, Yu Qiang laughs.

"I saw a joke yesterday, which was very interesting. It said it was a classmate party. If you don't mix well, you must wear a helmet when riding an electric car. Guess why?"

Aileen was stunned and shook her head. "I don't know. Why?"

Yu Qiang said with a smile, "because I'm afraid of meeting my classmates who drive a BMW. How embarrassing it is!"

"Ha ha ha, husband, you are so humorous."

The couple sing a song and make the Qin Jun is very speechless.

When Yu Qiang said this, he was just satirizing Qin Jun. now he is driving a BMW, and there is only one car parked at the door. It is obvious that Qin Jun does not have a car.

That's why Yu Qiang told such a joke to show his superiority.

Eileen also found it interesting. It's the same with the reunion.

In the past, we all started from the same starting line. Now, a few years later, the gap between people is reflected.

Some people become bosses, while others still work. This sense of vicissitudes is the core of the reunion.