Medical Master's World

Chapter 690

Not only hospitals, but also major pharmacies, as well as some nursing homes and other places where medical equipment is needed, all call him to terminate the cooperation.

Master Qin's influence is already at the top of the industry.

Originally, he had great prestige in the major hospitals in the East China Sea. In addition, this time he was on CCTV. Master Qin was a lecturer, and his status was aloof. Few Chinese medical masters in the country admired him, not to mention other medical staff.

If you dare to threaten master Qin in this business, you are really looking for death!

Liang Yi faltered under his feet, almost lost his footing, and his brain was dizzy.

That's it. That's it?

Liang Yi suddenly lost all his customers. All the medical devices in his factory are going to be scrapped. If he can't sell them, it's equivalent to breaking his financial path.

On the surface, these bosses look very beautiful, and they are worth tens of millions, but in fact they are not the same as savings.

Liang Yi suddenly lost his customers, and all the goods could not be sold, which directly cut off his wealth. His golden rice bowl, which was originally a struggle for daily income, was gone.

Liang Yi's face was as pale as ashes. At this time, he felt extremely regret in his heart.

The headmaster frowned and said to the security guard.

"All right, get them out of here!"

The security guards pushed Liang Yi and his daughter out of the school.

Out of the school gate, suddenly a few people around, dyed yellow hair, wearing leather jacket, dawdle, a look of a gangster.

"You are Liang Yi, aren't you?"

Liang Yi looks nervous, "I am Liang Yi, who are you..."

The little gangster patted Liang Yi on the shoulder and said with a bad smile.

"We will deal with each other frequently in the future. Don't worry, we are all good people."

At the sight of these gangsters, Liang Yi was in a cold sweat all over his body and his face was as pale as ashes.

All this is because just now he was cheap and threatened master Qin, otherwise he would not have become like this.

Liang Yi is really green with regret.


The headmaster handled the admission procedures in person, and they went through the procedures very quickly. Without Hou Jia, Qin Yaya was in a better mood. Most of the children in the school were of high quality. Qin Jun was also very satisfied with the school.

After going through the formalities, Qin Jun and Yaya left first and sent them to school tomorrow.

"Brother, am I dreaming?"

Qin Jun took her to buy new clothes and went to the barber shop to make a haircut. She was dressed like a little princess.

Qin Yaya's liking for Qin Jun is on the rise. She has been bullied since she was a child, or she has been despised by others, and all the orphanages have pushed her around. Now someone is so kind to her, which makes Qin Yaya feel warm.

Just when Qin Yaya was doing her hair in the barber shop and the barber braided her hair, a man and a woman came in.

"Qin Mr. Qin

Qin Jun frowned, a little can not recognize these two people, "are you?"

"I'm Yu Qiang, our junior high school classmate. This is ailing. Do you have any impression?"

Qin Jun nodded and remembered.

Because Qin Jun's academic career is relatively short, his junior high school family had an accident, so his classmates are relatively few, basically can remember.

And the students can remember him, mainly because of the special status of Qin Jun, the eldest young master of Qin family. At that time, the students all vied to flatter Qin Jun.

Although many people in junior high school did not understand the sophistication of the world, but parents are so charged, tell them to have a good relationship with Qin Jun.

But after all, Qin Jun's energy is limited, and he can't have a good relationship with everyone, so those who want to curry favor with others but don't do so naturally bear a grudge.

For example, Yu Qiang.