Medical Master's World

Chapter 692

To tell you the truth, for these people's careful thinking, Qin Jun is very thorough, but did not care with them.

It's like a rich prince who doesn't care about the intrigue between the common people.

If a common man shows off his new clothes to you, will you, a powerful prince, still care? He will only smile and no one will take it seriously.

Aileen finished her hair and the three went out of the barber shop.

As soon as he went out, Yu Qiang took out the key to his BMW and pressed it.

A white BMW seven series Didi, very conspicuous, attracted the attention of many people.

"It's a good BMW. It's four or five hundred thousand, isn't it?"

"More than that, it's a seven series, not a five series. It's worth eight or nine million. If it's a high-quality one, it's going to cost millions!"

"It's really a seven series. It's more handsome than the five series. It's definitely a luxury car!"

"Those who can drive this car are basically winners in life. I will be satisfied to buy a five series in my life!"


Seeing that many people are commenting, Yu Qiang's sense of superiority is even better. When he goes to the back of the car, he deliberately touches the number at the beginning of 7.

"The seven series is much longer than the five series. It's too much trouble to park."

Yu Qiang deliberately recites such a sentence to show off his car, and then says to Qin Jun.

"Get on the bus, too. You're about to meet me, or you'll have to take the subway."

With that, Yu Qiang and Ai Ling get on the bus. Qin Jun doesn't care about him either. If you want to show off, just show off and get on the bus directly.

"Well, Qin Jun, my car is spacious."

The space of the seven series is much larger than that of the five series. After all, it's a million class car, and the back row is very spacious.

Qin Jun nodded, "yes, much more spacious than mine."

Qin Jun's words come from his heart. His Bugatti sports car has a very narrow space. Although it's very fashionable and fast, its practicability is not very high. Qin Jun has been preparing to change a car, but he has no time to see it.

After listening to Qin Jun, Yu Qiang and Ai Ling look at each other.

"Do you have a car, too?"

Qin Jun said that it was more spacious than him. It was obvious that Qin Jun also had a car, otherwise it was impossible to say that.

I'm very puzzled. He doesn't look like he can afford a car.

Although cars are very cheap now, they are not affordable for the working class. After all, cars are not just needed. Many people with money consider buying a house first.

Qin Jun nodded, "there's a car, I didn't drive."

With classmates, he doesn't have to lie, and he doesn't want to pretend to be realistic.

Yu Qiang turns his mouth and looks at Aileen. He thinks that Qin Jun is bragging.

You don't drive a car?

And a taxi?

It is estimated that Yu Qiang has a car, so he is a little envious. He deliberately said that to save face.

Yu Qiang and Eileen didn't make it clear.

Soon, to a very luxurious hotel, taste see Japanese material, is the highest specification of Donghai Japanese material.

After getting off, the bad students were waiting at the door.

At the sight of Yu Qiang, everyone was surprised.

"Damn it, Yu Qiang is driving a BMW now?"

"It's not an ordinary BMW, it's a seven series?"

"What a local tyrant! You'll have to call Mr. Yu in the future?"

"How did Mr. Yu come! Aileen is becoming more and more beautiful, too. She's talented and beautiful! "


As soon as I saw that Yu Qiang was doing so well, everyone came to praise him.