Medical Master's World

Chapter 261

Wang Yun's face was livid. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

There must be no problem with the quality of yuguanyin. Why is the boss so angry?

The boss must be angry, it is estimated that Wang Rui was scolded, otherwise Wang vice president would not be angry and slapped her in the face.

Is it difficult to What is the saying of heresy?

This kind of jade is not all good. If this kind of jade was unearthed from an ancient tomb, it would be very unlucky. I'm afraid it would offend people to give gifts.

Wang Yun stamped his feet and scolded himself for being careless. He was too anxious to give gifts, but he was self defeating.

There must be something wrong with the origin of that jade!

The more Wang Yun thinks about it, the more angry he is. He drives directly to Qin's house and is ready to scold Qin Jun. what broken jade is still there!

She did not think that she did not ask to take her own jade. She had stolen it, and she had no reason to blame other people's jade.

To the Qin family, Wang Yun yelled.

"Qin, come out for me!"

Aunt Feng quickly came out, "Mrs. Wang, the young master has gone to the hospital."

Wang Yun hummed coldly, turned his head and drove to Qin Jun's hospital.

At the door of the hospital, just get off the car, Wang Yun scold.

"Qin! You're sick, aren't you? You've got such an unlucky broken jade belt by your side. Don't you mean to pit me? "

All of a sudden push open the door, Wang Yun see Qin Jun sitting inside, angry gnash teeth.

"Qin! Explain to me clearly where your jade pendant comes from

Qin Jun looked at her coldly, "what's the relationship with you? You steal from me, and you're right? "

Wang Yun snorted coldly, "steal? How much did you take from my family and how much did you spend on my daughter? What's wrong with me taking something from you? Why didn't you say there was something wrong with that jade? Do you know that when I took it out to give gifts, I not only failed to please others, but also got a slap in the face! "

The burning pain on her face makes Wang Yun more and more angry. Looking at Qin Jun's indifferent appearance, she gets angry.

"Now there's no one in your family, no one to educate you, right? If I don't smoke you today, you'll really treat yourself as a young master! "

Wang Yun is very angry. Although it's clearly her fault, she still wants to find someone to vent her anger. Qin Jun is the culprit. It's hard to get rid of him if she doesn't smoke him.

Wang Yun came forward and slapped him.

However, as soon as Wang Yungang raised his hand, Zheng pinglong, who was standing beside him, did.

Zheng pinglong was the bodyguard of Qi family at the beginning. He was extremely strong. In terms of speed, a woman could not match him.


Zheng pinglong slapped Wang Yun in the face.

Wang Yun's other side of the face also appeared five fingerprints, clear and bright red.

Wang Yun was slapped back several steps, covering her face with an incredible expression.

"Hit me? How dare you hit me! Qin, are you so bold that you dare to be beaten? "

Zheng pinglong came step by step and said coldly.

"I'm the security guard of the hospital. Don't blame me for not being angry with you."

Zheng pinglong with that kind of dignified momentum, let Wang Yun can't help but back a few steps, eyes show a trace of panic.

"Yes, you can. I remember you!"

With that, Wang Yun covered his face and left the hospital in a panic.