Medical Master's World

Chapter 260

At this time, Qin Jun is wondering in the living room. He turns over his clothes several times, but he doesn't find the pendant sent by Wang Dongxue's mother.

It's a family heirloom. No matter what the price is, it's very valuable.

I'm at home. How can I lose it?

"Aunt Feng, help me to find it again."

"Good young master, don't worry. If you leave it at home, you will find it."

Qin Jun sat on the sofa, some speechless, a total of two people at home, Zhu Linlin, Wang Yun, plus aunt Feng, a total of three people.

Zhu Linlin and aunt Feng certainly won't steal his things. As for Wang Yun.

Wang Yun is also a rich lady, so she should not do this kind of thing. If the jade Guanyin is lost, it is estimated that Wang Dongxue will be angry.

Just when Qin Jun was upset, Wang Rui came in from the outside.

"President Qin!"

Qin Jun was a little puzzled, "what's the matter? Why are you here?"

Wang Rui said, "it's the same Wang Yun who asked me to give you a gift last time."

Qin Jun frowned, "how is she again? Next time she comes to you, you can ignore her."

Wang Rui nodded quickly, "yes, this time I see that the things she sent are good. You should like them, so I took them over. If you don't like them, I will return them to her."

Wang Rui put the red sandalwood box on the table and opened it.

Looking at the jade Guanyin inside, she thought, this time Qin always should like it, this Wang Yun seems to have a lot of thought.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jun saw the familiar jade Guanyin in the box, and his face suddenly changed.

Beat the table hard!


The solid wood tea table in front of him was snapped off by Qin Jun. with a loud bang, Wang Rui was startled.

Wang Yun is really sick!

Steal his things, wrap them up, give gifts?

Wang Rui's face was also pale. Unexpectedly, President Qin was so angry that she broke the table.

"Mr. Qin, what's the matter? Don't you like this gift?"

Even if you don't like it, you won't be so angry, right?

Qin Jun pointed to the door and said.

"Let her go. Don't give me anything in the future. You can go too!"

Wang Rui shivered and nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes."

With that, he ran out nonstop, and his heart was about to jump out. It was the first time that he saw Mr. Qin in such a rage.

Wang Rui drives the car, is also full of anger, back to the company, at the door saw Wang Yun.

Wang Yun is a face anxious, waiting for her results, this gift is so good, there should be no problem, right?

Unexpectedly, after Wang Rui got off the bus, her face was gloomy and didn't look good.

"Mr. Wang, what's up? What's your boss saying?"

Wang Rui calm face, straight to the company building inside, did not look at her.

Wang Yun was confused and asked after him.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter, please tell me?"

Wang Rui walks too fast. Wang Yun grabs her arm.

This Wang Rui fire, turn around a slap in Wang Yun's face.


A crisp sound, Wang Yun half face directly appear a clear five fingerprints.

"Mr. Wang, this is..."

Wang Rui flushed and pointed at her.

"Go away! Don't ask me to do anything in the future, our boss said. Don't send anything to her in the future, go away! "

With that, Wang Rui went directly into the building.

Standing at the door, Wang Yun's face is muddled.

What's the matter? How can we get so angry?

Is there a problem with Yu Guanyin?