Medical Master's World

Chapter 262

Back home, Wang Yun was furious and smashed things at home, leaving bottles and cans all over the floor.

Zhu Linlin came out and saw that Wang Yun's faces were swollen on both sides. She was a little puzzled.

"What's the matter with you, Ma?"

Wang Yun's face was livid and said all the things just now.

Zhu Linlin's face was a little ugly. "Mom, how can you do this? How can you steal brother Jun's things?"

Wang Yun snorted coldly, "what is stealing! That broken pendant, even if it's an antique, is only tens of thousands of pieces. Is it still a little from our house! What happened when I took him a pendant? "

Zhu Linlin is a little speechless, "Mom, are you too straightforward?"

Stealing other people's things, but also to the door to question others, beaten is also deserved, even his mother, Zhu Linlin can't favor her.

Wang Yun is angry and points at Zhu Linlin.

"You smelly girl with your elbow turning out, don't think you'll have a good life in a few days. I'm afraid our family won't have a good life when your grandmother comes back from abroad in a few days."

I wish the older generation of the family strong women and weak men.

At that time, Zhu Sandao and his wife Ouyang Yanyan started a business together. Although Zhu is already very powerful, his wife Ouyang is more resourceful.

At most, Zhushi group is famous in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, but Ouyang's industry is very influential in the world.

is actually wishing family, Ouyang old lady has the final say.

And her uncle Zhu Ming's family is also waiting for the old lady to come back. The old lady is most partial to them. As long as the old lady comes back to preside over the overall situation, they will be able to take back their original position!

Zhu Linlin frowned, "grandma is also a reasonable person. Now this situation in our family is Zhu Ming's fault. I don't think it's too hard for me. OK, mom, I'm leaving now."

Zhu Linlin received a party notice. A few days ago, she was pulled into a group named Donghai Fushao.

They are all the rich children of Donghai in those years. They played together occasionally when they were teenagers, and some family in the group may have been married.

However, over the years, we have grown up and developed independently. We haven't had a party for a long time, so this time someone organized a party.

Zhu Linlin didn't want to attend this kind of meeting, but because there are several real estate developers in the group, Zhu Linlin is going to buy a building as a new office building for Wenhe medicine recently, so this party can talk about business.

Zhu Linlin took a look at the group, it seems that there is no Qin Jun, so Qin Jun also pulled in.

"Zhu Linlin invited Qin Jun to join the group"

as soon as this reminder came out, many people immediately spoke in the group.

"Oh, isn't that Qin Shao? We haven't seen each other for two or three years at most. Isn't Qin Shao ten years old? "

"Qin Shao? Can we still call him that now? The Qin family is gone. He's just an ordinary man. "

"I heard a while ago that Qin Jun should be a doctor, right? Ha ha, I've become a common people from a young age. Are you still qualified to be in our group? "

"I don't think we should take him to the party. He is not qualified to attend."

"Well, kick it."

The administrator directly kicked Qin Jun out of the rich and the poor.

Zhu Linlin didn't see this. She was informed later, so after contacting several people, she drove to the suburbs.

The place they ordered was a farmyard in the suburb. The rich and the poor liked this kind of rural things.