Medical Master's World

Chapter 156

Qin Jun Leng for a while, helplessly shook his head.

Zhu Linzhi frowned, "brother Jun, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's hard to say. She said wait a minute."

"All right."

Zhu Linlin is a little disappointed. It seems that brother Jun's relationship with big stars is just ordinary. Otherwise, people will hang up if they don't speak.

After a while, Su Wenqi called back.

"Hello, I escaped. I was holding a press conference just now. Many reporters were asking questions. I'm bored to death!"

Su Wenqi resumed that playful tone again. Although she was complaining between her words and manners, her tone was still very happy.

"You just said endorsement, what do you want to endorsement?"

Qin Jun simply said the situation of Zhu Linlin, hoping that Su Wenqi can take the endorsement of sugar god 2.

After hearing this, Su Wenqi laughed.

"It's OK to ask me to speak for you. How can you repay me?" If someone hears empress Su's coquettish tone, she will be surprised. Is this still the cool empress Su?

"Well, you can say anything."

"Well, you're going to treat me to a snack stand for a month. Don't go back!"

Qin Jun smiles, "yes."

This Su Wenqi, how can she look like a queen?

"Well, I'll ask my agent to contact Wenhe medicine. I'm going to see a reporter again. Bye

Hang up the phone, Zhu Linlin stare, some surprised, just on the phone jiaodidi voice she also heard.

"Brother Jun, it's su Wenqi who just called you, isn't it?"

Although she doesn't pursue stars, she also knows that Su Wenqi is a famous cold beauty. Even with her fans, reporters and even other famous stars, she looks like a stranger.

Can she talk to brother Jun in that coquettish tone?

Before Qin Jun could answer, Zhu Linlin's landline rang.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhu from Wenhe medicine?"

"It's me, you are?"

"I'm from Yuexing entertainment. You can call me Tian Jie. I'm Su Wenqi's agent. I heard that your company needs endorsement, right?"

Zhu Linlin was very surprised. She widened her eyes and looked at Qin Jun with surprise.

Brother Jun is so awesome. Is he really Su Wenqi's agent?

After a simple communication on the phone and a certain time, they were ready to sign the contract. They didn't even ask about the endorsement fee. It's hard to imagine that they were so happy.

Hang up the phone, Zhu Linlin surging, "Su Wenqi endorsement, this is absolutely no problem!"


Su Wenqi's cooperation was very good. In two days, she finished recording the advertisement directly. Although she never talked about money, Zhu Linlin was generous enough to give her an annual endorsement fee of five million yuan.

This price is also in line with Su Wenqi's popularity. After all, Zhu Linlin is not short of money now, and she believes that after the sugar god 2 goes on the market, it will definitely be a big sensation, and she will wait to count the money.

In the evening, Zhu Ming's family was still eating leisurely at home. The table was full of delicacies and delicacies, which made the family happy.

All of a sudden, the picture on TV switched to an advertisement.

Tangshen 2, diabetes terminator.

Zhu Ming sneered, "this Zhu Linlin is really not give up, no one to speak for her, actually still in CCTV advertising, money no place to spend it?"

After such an obvious opening sentence, Su Wenqi's cool face appeared.