Medical Master's World

Chapter 155

Zhu Ming sneered at the speech.

"What are you daydreaming about here? You're all on your own, and you're still talking here? "

"I beg her on my knees? Do your spring and autumn dream

With that, Zhu Ming left.

Zhu Linlin is very angry. This uncle is really shameless. Sugar friend was developed by his father and daughter, and he applied for a patent first.

Now, they still want the recipe of sugar God? They are the spring and autumn dream!

After they left, Zhu Linlin took out the phone and dialed the number of several people. They were all agents of famous stars in Donghai. As a result, they were all rejected.

Although there are many reasons to refuse, the final result is the same, that is, they all refuse to speak.

Zhu Linlin frowned, "it must be Zhu Ming's ghost!"

Qin Jun sneered, "he doesn't have so much ability. There must be other people's support behind him."

Zhu Linlin sighed. If such a good medicine can't match the publicity, I'm afraid it can't beat sugar friends. What can I do?

Seeing Zhu Linlin's sad face, Qin Jun asked, "shall I find you a star spokesperson?"

Zhu Linlin was stunned and then began to smile bitterly.

"Brother Jun, you don't know any stars. You can't help."

"Well, coincidentally, I do know one."

"Ah? You really know each other. But it's no use knowing each other. If you want to advertise on CCTV, those second - and third tier stars can't get on. At least you have to be such a household name as Hou Yun. "

Qin Jun pause, "I know Su Wenqi, don't know how?"

Zhu Linlin was stunned, then a bitter smile appeared on her face, "brother Jun, you must be joking with me, aren't you?"

Although Hou Yun is a first-class actor, he has faded out of the screen after all. Now he can only be regarded as a first-line actor.

And Su Wenqi, that's a super line!

Queen of heaven!

The influence in the entertainment industry is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

If you can invite such a big man as Su Wenqi, who will invite Hou Yun?

Qin Jun asked, "Er, it's not a joke. I'm just worried about whether Su Wenqi will be ungrounded."

Seeing Qin Jun's serious face, Zhu Linlin said.

"Brother Jun, are you kidding?"

"Of course not."

Zhu Linlin was suddenly excited.

"If you can invite Su Wenqi, the advertising effect will definitely explode!"

"Su Wenqi has strength and is also a queen. She can bring countless traffic. Her fans are all over all ages. She is absolutely good."

Diabetes patients are not only middle-aged and old people, young people, even pregnant women and children also have diabetes, so if you can invite Su Wenqi, it would be more appropriate.

Seeing Zhu Linlin's exaggeration, Qin Jun nodded.

"I'll try."

Took out the phone, dialed Su Wenqi's number, probably after dozens of seconds, just connected.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Su Wenqi's voice is very cold, with an impatient tone, as if she was doing the show that way.

"Is there someone around?"


Only when there are people around, Su Wenqi will appear so cold, in order to arrange for her that person.

"Well, to make a long story short, I have a spokesperson who wants to ask you for help."

"Say it later."

With that, Su Wenqi hung up directly.