Medical Master's World

Chapter 157

Seeing Su Wenqi appear, Zhu Ming and Zhu Sangu's face changed greatly.

Su Wenqi!

Even if they don't know about the entertainment industry, they also know Su Wenqi's name, a well-known big star and a singer queen!

Although Hou Yun is very old, he can't compare with Su Wenqi in terms of popularity and influence.

Two people are not at the same level at all. Unexpectedly, Zhu Linlin invited Su Wenqi!

In the advertisement, Su Wenqi plays a reporter.

Follow the camera and walk into a common people's home.

A diabetic at home is lying in bed, injecting insulin into his belly to lower blood sugar and prepare for meals.

At this time, Su Wenqi sent sugar god 2.

The patient took it, and then measured the blood sugar. After the results were given, the whole family was surprised.

Then, the patient excitedly ate a bowl of rice that he hadn't eaten for a long time and drank a drink that he hadn't drunk for a long time.

The advertising time is not long, more than 30 seconds. There is no dialogue in the whole process, only music. During this period, Tangshen 2 was given a close-up and several slow actions. At first glance, this kind of advertising is not very creative, just ordinary.

However, for publicity, it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

You know, Zhu Linlin has two billion yuan in advertising expenses, so she will not save money in advertising production.

This kind of advertisement has a wonderful effect on propaganda, and Su Wenqi's reputation is absolutely powerful.

After the advertisement, Zhu Ming's family fell into silence, and their faces were very gloomy.

I'm afraid the market of Tangshen 2 can't be stopped. It has efficacy, publicity and endorsement. Once it goes on the market, it will cause a sensation immediately.

"How much do they charge for this medicine?"

"Brother, it seems to be more than 800."

More than 800

Zhu Ming is jealous and gnashing his teeth. He knows that the effect of this medicine, let alone more than 800, is that 8000 people also buy it.

If Zhu Linlin's price is a little higher, Zhu Ming can continue to stay in the low-end market and provide services to people who can't afford expensive drugs.

But now, the 800 plus Tangshen 2 is not particularly expensive. Patients who can buy two bottles of Tangshen 2 a month can certainly afford it.

Now they're finished.

After a while, Zhu Ming's phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Xu? what! You want to stop working with us? But we still have half a year left in our contract. You are breaking the contract... "

A few seconds later, Zhu Ming's face was cloudy and sunny, and changed several times.

Frowning, a face of gloomy hang up the phone.

"President Xu would rather break the contract than terminate the cooperation with us. They want to take the agency right of sugar god 2."

Zhu Sangu immediately clapped her hands and said, "what! That girl actually obstructs? Use this rule to coerce other people? She's not wishing her family any more. She's going to be shameless! "

Zhu Sangu is such a selfish person. When she criticizes others, she is very positive, but she never thinks about those things.

They had forgotten what Zhu Linlin had done before.

Zhu Ming sighed, "it's over. Zhu Linlin is going to put us to death!"

Zhu Sangu thought about it and said suddenly.

"Brother, I have another way!"

"What can I do?"

"I heard that the boss of Xuanyuan group is not Meng Wengang, but someone else!"