Medical Master's World

Chapter 154

Just when Zhu Linlin was in a good mood, suddenly the phone rang.

"Hello, Miss Hou?"

"Mr. Zhu, I'm sorry, I can't speak for you sugar God No. 2."

"Ah? Mr. Hou Yun, we are about to sign the contract. What's the matter with you? Isn't it good? "

Hou yundun, "Zhu Zong, Tangshen No.2 is very effective. I have recovered now. Thank you very much, but for some personal reasons, I can't speak for you any more. I'm really sorry."

Zhu Linlin was stunned. "Teacher Hou Yun, what can you say? Maybe I can..."

Before Zhu Linlin finished, Hou Yun had hung up.

Hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Zhu Linlin frowned.

Have already said good things, how things come to the end, but changed?

At this time, Qin Jun came in and heard that their sugar god 2 was going to be on the market soon, so he came to have a look.

"What happened to Linlin?"

Seeing Zhu Linlin's sad face, Qin Jun asked.

Zhu Linlin is still very puzzled, "Xiaojun brother came, we have a problem with this advertisement, the original spokesperson Hou Yun teacher, don't know why suddenly refused us, and put me on the phone."

No wonder Zhu Linlin doesn't understand.

It took Hou Yun a week to eat sugar God No. 2 before he decided to speak. He agreed very happily at that time and had a good attitude. He didn't expect that he would go back temporarily.

Qin Jun frowned. When things change, there must be demons. Hou Yun suddenly repents. It must be someone else who is interfering with it.

At this moment, the Secretary outside the door suddenly came in and said.

"Mr. Zhu, here comes Zhu Ming!"

Zhu Linlin frowned. What's uncle doing at this time?

"Let him in."

Zhu Ming and Zhu Sangu walk into the luxurious office together. Seeing that Wen and medicine are not what they used to be, they are very jealous.

"As expected, Linlin is different from before. The decoration of the company has been redecorated. Do you take money from Meng Wengang?"

Zhu Linlin is also too lazy to pay attention to their strange, holding her arms, leaning on the table, some impatient said.

"If you have anything to say, I'll see you off."

Zhu Ming's face showed a trace of banter, "of course, something's wrong. I heard that there's something wrong with your advertisement?"

Zhu Linlin frowned, "are you the one who made it?"

"Ha ha, don't talk nonsense. Teacher Hou Yun won't speak for you. It's his own choice. It has nothing to do with us."

Zhu Lin clenched her fist. "Are you mean? Can this kind of underhand method be used? "

Zhu Ming snorted coldly, "in terms of means, I can't compare with you Zhu Linlin. I can tell you clearly that all the famous stars in Donghai will not speak for you. No matter how good your Tangshen 2 is, there will be no good publicity. In my opinion, it's better to cooperate with me and sell me the formula of Tangshen 2, OK?"

"You dream!"

Zhu Ming sneered, "well, in that case, you can wait. I'll have a look. How can you sell a product without publicity? Can you rely on people's word of mouth? Ha ha

With that, they turned and left.

Before leaving, I saw Qin Jun sitting on the sofa, rolling his eyes and humming coldly.

Qin Jun's faint smile.

"Surnamed Zhu, I said at the beginning, if you want to let Linlin go back, you have to kneel and beg her."

"Now, that sentence has doubled. I want you to kneel for three days."